eh... I was giddy from teh sparkling lights in the sky. It turned out cute, but not Yaoi.. blaugh
(Lynx isn’t in this one for once!!! OMFG!)
It was July the third, nightime, and Axel was so freaking bored he didn’t know what to do. He was staring at the large moon-heart thing when Roxas ran up to him.
“Axel! Axel Axel Axel Axel Axel Axel Axel Axel!!!!!!!” he yelled jumping up and down.
“What!?” Axel put his hands on Roxas’s shoulders and held the blonde down to see that the blonde wasn’t blonde. “What the hell did you do to your hair?”
Roxas had a huge goofy grin. “Guess what tomorrow is!? Come on guess!”
Axel blinked. “I have no clue. Spit it out.”
“It’s the Fourth Of July!”
“Yeah. So?”
Roxas made a face and punched him in the shoulder. “It’s a holiday stupid!”
“On what planet?” Uranus?”
“In America! You just blow stuff up, eat greasy fattening food, put out flags, and deck out in red white and blue! See?” He pointed to his hair.
The once golden locks were dyed , one third was its usual golden blonde, next to that was a streak of red, then blue. It looked very weird on the Japanese boy. He continued to ramble on about the rest of the Organization’s joint effort.
“You had me on ‘blowing stuff up’ so you can stop now. Got it memorized?”
“Okay! But we have to do something about your hair!”
“No. Your not touching my hair. No way in hell Roxy boy.”
“But Axxxxxeeeeelllll!” the key blade wielder whined. “It won’t be permanent!”
“You said that about the sharpie we put on Xemnas’s face. It took him two weeks to get it all off. NO WAY. Not the hair.”
“Axel. It’s either you hair or your masculinity. Not that you have any.”
Axel looked down on his friend, and sighed. “What do you mean?”
“We’ll force you into a dress and you have to serve drinks. Just like at the Christmas Party.”
The flash back hit Axel hard. He remember the green and white lace dress with red trim. He remembered the antlers with ornaments hanging off the plastic he was forced to wear, the high-heels, belled collar, and the candy cane striped stockings. And worse of all, he remembered the makeup. It had taken him nearly a month to get all the blush and lipstick off. He shuddered.
“We agreed never to speak of that again.”
“Just reminding you. Anyway, it’s either THAT,” he watched Axel’s skin crawl. “Or we spray paint your hair.”
Axel shuddered at both thoughts. Both options sucked. BIG TIME. But rather than wear three tons of badly applied makeup and a frilly dress, he agreed to have his hair done. He could live with odd colored hair. He only needed blue and white after all.
Roxas jumped up and down clapping again, and then ran off. Axel feared for the worst. He walked into the castle to get some sleep. Then Roxas ran back up.
“Oh yeah. Don’t wear you uniform. Wear something patriotic! You know. Red white and blue!” He pointed to his hair but got the order of where he was pointing backwards from what he was saying. That’s when Axel got a good look at what Roxas was wearing. The boy was in a white jacket, underneath that was a red T-shirt, and a pair of blue pants. The shirt had a striped and starred flag, the pants had a red and white stripe on the outside seam of each leg. The jacekt had a large blue star on the back with odd looking sequin patterns on it. It looked like something had exploded with out the clouds, or destroyed object.
Axel sighed again and went to his room. He’d worry about the clothing this in the morning.
He fell asleep after tripping and falling on his bed face first.
The pyromaniac woke up to a ruckus outside. It sounded like cheering, and a bird dieing. He Didn’t want to ask. He pushed himself up and fell off the bed. He got back up, rubbed his neck, and rolled his shoulders. He remember the hair deal, and shuddered. If what the group had in store for him was anything like Roxas’s hair, he feared for the life of his long red spikes. He realized the sound of a dieing bird was actually a desperate attempt to sing. What they were singing was beyond recognition. Axel shook his head and opened his closet.
He put on a pair of blue jeans and a white shirt. His hair was red so that would suffice. He went downstairs to see the thirteen nobodies either, eating, drinking, singing, or waving little flags around.
“It’s about time!”
Axel spun around to see Roxas. Axel went a shade lighter as he saw annoyed Saix and grinning Demyx behind him, both had hair supplies. The shy Namine’, in the farthest back, had spray paint, two cans.
“Oh god,” Axel whispered to himself. “I’m gonna die.”
Roxas grabbed his friend and drug him into the bathroom.
An hour and a half later, the trio had finished their damage. Roxas walked in to check on the progress, and squealed at the sight of Axel. The three stepped back to admire their work. Axel knew they didn’t just do his hair either, they had drawn a shape on his right cheek. Namine’ handed Axel a mirror so he could see the style they had done.
Axel looked into the glass, and to his surprise actually like what they had done. His layered spikes had been strategically colored so the three colors were not side by side, but each spike was one of the three colors. The spike on his forehead was blue, and had a little white star on it. He cheek had another explosion pattern. He tried not show the fact he liked the new look, when Roxas threw his arms around his neck,
“AXEL YOU LOOK GREAT!” he exclaimed happily.
Axel hugged his little friend back gently, more of trying to get the boy off of him. He left the room and saw the rest had switched places. He tried not to laugh as Xemnas walked up in an Uncle Sam getup. He looked ridiculous, the hat made him look like a freak. Axel was glad the superior didn’t have on the fake beard or he thought he would have died laughing then and there.
He nodded to Roxas, who nodded back. Then he left. Axel blinked a few times as he watched the usually uptight Organization have the beginning stages of getting drunk or just plain crazy. The only time Axel could barley hold back his laughter is when he saw Xigbar. He had on a pair of sparkly antenna, a blue shirt that read “INDEPENDANCE” in white bold letters, and pair of red shorts. Two of his streaks were dyed. He looked even dumber than Zexion. And his whole head was covered in stars and shiny, metallic strands of paper where lined into his silver hair. Xigbar took the prize when it came to looking down right idiotic, he even had a star with USA 4EV written across it on his left cheek. Axel knew he had to watch himself or he’d wind up Swiss Cheese.
Somehow, the organization managed not to get drunk, or cause the apocalypse in the hours of the day. Then the almighty ‘Uncle Sam’ announced that Axel would be performing fireworks in a few minutes. Axel, of course not knowing this, sprayed Coke all over Vexen, who had unfortunately been standing there. Axel half apologized for messing up the academic’s bright blue hair and red stars on his face. Then went off to kill Roxas.
Roxas grinned as Axel shook him. “It’s easy! All you have to do is light them after all!”
Roxas showed Axel the lined up fire works on the tower roof, and explained all he had to do was light the little strings on them. Axel tried one out and nearly blew off parts of him when he held it in his hands. Thankfully the Nobodies ability to resist fire prevented damage.
“You have to let go it retard”
“You should tell me these things BEFORE I nearly blow off my face! Got it Memorized?” Axel barked at the younger.
Roxas gave a light laugh. “Cool, ne?”
Axel grumbled as the other’s poured onto the roof top after hearing the large firecracker go off. They encouraged Axel to get started. He rolled his eyes, and lit one of the fireworks on the ledge of the building. It whirled around the Kingdom Hearts and exploded. Axel then realized what the weird patterns were. He lit a few more, and got giddy as they blew up. Roxas smiled as Eight was obviously enjoying himself. He did a few weird dance moves as her lit the fireworks. Then he ran over to Roxas’s side.
“Hey Roxas?”
He snapped lighting a few behind him as the last died out.
“Why in the name of Kingdom Hearts are we celebrating an American holiday? We’re Japanese.”
Roxas beamed. “ I have no ******** clue.”
Axel laughed, turned around and lit all of the remaining fireworks at once. The lights made a formation in the dark sky, it formed a large Nobody symbol within a crown. Roxas smiled as the lights faded into the night sky.
“What ever the reason,” Axel said, “It was fun.”
“Does that mean I can mess with your hair again?”
Axel laughed then abruptly stopped. “No.”