
The age was 0018 AE, 19 years after the fall of the Earth Republic and the destuction of Earth. 18 years of humans being on the extinct list, however humans have found a new home. The world of Acainan was 'ripe for the picking'. They send a team to the planet, which lasted 50 years before the Colony Ship Pioneer settled down upon the planet. A main colony was constructed, however 3 years later, the scientists noticed that the animals within the ecosystem had undergone a mutation. They were able to gain one of the mutated animals, and studied it. They called the mutation Monster Mutosis, and anything that had undergone it was deemed a 'monster'. At first monsters were no problem, however as they evolved, their strength increased tenfold. Luckily, A scientist named Endo Akasuma was able to find a way to fuse a monster onto a card. People who matched the bio feedback of the monsters were designated Card Bearers. Card Bearers fought back against the monsters while scientists at the Magitech Research Academy attempted to find out the reason of the mutation of not only animal life, but in other parts of the world, the ecosystem as well. It is now AE 0169, 98 years after the Card Bearer system was initiated. The Card Bearers are now organized into guilds.


Defenders - One of the three main Card Bearer guilds, Defenders are much like a Card Bearer police force, in fact, any matching member of the police force have joined Defender. Defenders have access to all the stuff no other Card Breeder would.

Scolars - The second of the three main Card Bearer guilds, Scolars is a group of card bearers who have been focused on learning about monsters. If any new breeds are discovered, it is due to the scholars, and most monster research come from scholar members.

Osafune - The last of the three main Card Bearer guilds, Osafune is lead by Shinji Akasuma. While it is unclear what their motivations are, they have supported the defenders in some of the more hopeless scenarios.

:::::Chara Sheet:::::

Appearance: (Bodily Description)
Guild: (You can make one, but not too many or I'll close some)
Monster Card: (Be Creative; Divide 1500 into your card's stats)
Bio: (A short history)

:::::Shinji's Sheet:::::

Name: Shinji Akasuma
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Appearance: Image
Guild: Osafune; Guildmaster
Monster Card: Remiel(Seraphim Species) - Remiel was once an Archangel in the service of God, known for feats such as slaying fallen angels and twisted machinations of Lucifer, and due to this was reborn as a Seraphim with greater powers. His life, however, was changed when his brother Sachiel sent him onto the surface world. He now seeks revenge on Sachiel. Str: 900 Def: 600

Bio: Shinji, grandson to the great hero who changed life on Acainan, Endo Akasuma, was born in the middle of the destruction of Mining Colony 3, one of the Sub-Colonies of the Arcturus Main Colony. His mother was killed by the raiding monsters in their sweep of the town, however Shinji escape unscathed. The other survivors of the incident at Mining Colony 3 called him 'The Saviour', though he truly did not understand why until later when he started remembering things about the events of the calamity. He came to the conclusion that an angel had saved him.

Shinji wasn't far from the truth, for he found outafter a long journey that the Seraphim Remiel had saved him and ever since that moment when he met Remiel once more, has had Remiel's card. Ever since his 18th birthday he has lead the third of the three legendary guilds, Osafune in the footsteps of his father who founded Osafune, Seiji Akasuma. Even though his father was killed in a duel after his dragon Hylia was defeated, he still served as a beacon of inspiration to Shinji.

:::::Duelica Card Information:::::

((I'll create a full rule set later when I get that far, but for now think Phantasy Star Online V.3))

Monsters Using Magitech, Monsters are fused to cards, and can be released at any time to battle by those who's bio feedback match the monsters, these are called 'Card Bearers'. Now due to the abundance of Magitech, Duelica cards are sold in stores, however the knowledge of Magitech is limited, and therefore only one monster may be held. Each monster holds 1500 Hit Points, and a Strength and Defense score which are determined by taking 1500 stat points and plitting them.

The Deck A Duelica Deck holds 40-60 cards, and utilizes Upgrade Cards(Equip Cards), which equip monsters with armor and weapons and such; Activation Cards(Trap Cards), which can either trap an opponent, or aid your monster; and finally Mana Cards(Magic Cards), which can do one of two things, cause direct damage to the monster, or heal your monster's HP.

Duel Armlet A Card Bearer's Duel Armlet holds his deck, utilizes Activation, Upgrade, and Mana cards, and acts as your graveyard all in one. Duel Armlets are upgradable and can be customized by Guild Shops.

Phases There are four phases, which come in order, first is the Draw Phase, then the Main Phase, then the Battle Phase, and finally Cleanup. Draw Phase is the phase in which you draw a card. If it is your first turn, you draw a five-card hand. Main Phase is the phase when you use Activation, Upgrade, and Mana cards, and play any set cards you wish to. Battle Phase is the phase in which your monster attacks the opponent. Cleanup is simply when any non-continuous cards are sent to the graveyard.