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Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:27 pm
Forbidden Dreams


Don't like reading long posts, then off you go out of this thread.

Right now i have that out of the way i have been struggling with some problems recently and only a few people know about it here Chur and Dana i think know everything... i have been talking to even less people on msn i am so sorry if you have pmed me and i have no responded this is not because i am being a b***h but i really do not feel like talking to people at the moment i post when the mood takes me but lately i have wanted to just hide. To be honest chur and dana are the only two people i have had a actual conversation with and i thank you both. Chur expecially you have took my mind off thing's so much which has stopped me crying as much as i have been. A lot has happened to me recently and i have seriously been wondering when is it going to end, when is everything going to get better, i was told when i had kaitlyn things will be better, you wont be so ill, everything will be great and carefree. Well where is the greatness where is this carefreeness i have not come across it yet. The only good thing in my life is mike and the baby and even now everything is putting a strain on me and mike he is trying so hard but everything is getting him down and were trying so hard to keep ourselves together. Getting out of this house we must do if we even want our relationship to survive this house is breaking us both down so much...

since i had kaitlyn i have had nothing but problems the same as i had when i was carrying her. a mini stroke, i went senile for three days, still am in pain, the wound got infected, healed and then it happened again, kait has not been well, mike has been put on anti depressents as he shouts at me and loses his temper over the smallest things it took great courage for him to speak out like he did and ask for help i am so proud of him for what he has done but even now he realises how much he is hurting me and is trying so hard to make things easy for me he is topping 60 hours this week alone without overtime as he knows i need to get to cornwall asap. then he comes home at 7am on the weekends and he made me four bottles up and all the huge boxs so i had not so much to do when i got up in the morning and he then woke me up to do my wound which was brilliant so you can see he is trying so hard to show how much i mean to him and he shows me all the time how much kait means to him but then with lack of sleep he loses his temper and screams at me for something like can you do the washing up please and i end up in tears because he can be nasty sometimes and what with everything else going on it is not good to be in and then he goes to work knowing he has hurt me again and it hurts him and he gets upset at work it really is a vicious cycle and were both trying so hard to get everything together but then something else happens and it breaks us again.

now for those this isnt something small before i was seriously ill when i was pregnant for those who didnt know and then when i had my daughter everything went wrong a mini stroke at 23, i went loopy for a short time i cannot remember a single thing that had happened then. then i had three falls and problems with people saying my daughter was adopted which we sorted out and are suing them for because they were the ones who saw my wound bloody fools.

Then my aunt suddenly died in her sleep my uncle brought her back but she was without oxygen for 5 minutes if not more but because she was breathing when the ambulance got there they revived her and took her to hospital. she was on life support and everytime they took her off the drugs she fitted to the point it was over 10 times in one day she fitted which put imense strain on her body yet still they tried to see what had happened. she was on the machine then 19 days after she first died she was took off the machine in the morning and we were told she had brain damage she managed to breath for a couple of hours on her own off the machine and drugs but then she fitted again and passed away she had organ failure which was no wonder in the end we told them no to a autopsy. it was hard but i was strong cried a little and coped until mikes bday came and his mother started shouting at us down the phone telling us we didnt know what it was to lose someone oh i know indeed i have lost the only two close people i was too par my mum and grandad so i know very well anyway i ended up not saying a word and running upstairs mike found me biting the pillow trying to stop crying i was histerical and it scared him.

then i get another phonecall off my mum telling me that my grandad was getting a lot worse. we took kait to see him and he was ill but we thought we had another year with him minimum. but he has had two major heart attacks this year and is now having organ failure, he has numonia as well and he is dying they wont tell us anymore than that or mu mum wont she cannot go to my aunts funeral til the day before and come back 2 hours after the funeral because they have told her she needs to be in cornwall because there is a high chance they will ring her about my grandad and they wouldnt tell mum anymore but the docs said it is not good and when he told my mum he had tears in his eyes he likes my grandad so we know these are not good signs anyway i have been in tears since i found out in the morning, day and night, i wake and end up crying, i cry numerous times through the day and i cry myself to sleep mike is working nights so doesnt see it much and then i cry when mike yells at me or is sharp because of my emotions. i have asked about being on anti depressents but i do not need them because i am not angry and then suddenly depressed i am upset because he is my dad pretty much he raised me... and it just hurts so much... i am sorry this is long but i need somewhere to vend...

he wont be here for much longer i doubt even for christmas now... were literally waiting for a call at the moment then my mum goes to see him and showed him a video of kait and he didnt know who she was she had to ask was that the baby we took to see him... then he heard my voice and went "thats sammie, thats my sammie" and he ended up crying... which when mum told me got me crying he has not called me that in years not since i was 16 .. it hurts so damn much i want to be down there in cornwall with them, with him, i am meant to be his carer i was before, but i cannot be now which i dont regret as i have kait and he understands that but if he dies no one will be able to sit in the room if were alerted he does not have long im the only one who would and i dont want him dying with a nurse he should have family there, by his side and basically I SHOULD BE THERE. were working our a** off to get down there mike has done over 100 hours in two weeks and the two weeks is not over yet he is taking more hours so we can get there asap. were cutting our ties here and i am packing everyday to get us down there, my benifits once i have everything kait needs is sent to my mum we need 1500 to go and we have by the end of this month 800 so were getting there but i am praying he waits and lasts til i get there.

i made the choice to move to be with mike i do not regret a minute of it but because i did i have only seen my grandad two times, TWO. and that was for literally a hour at a time... its a joke, im a joke... i should have gone more and now i am sitting feeling like i am bad... i wont have any grandparents, kait wont know them and i so wanted her to know him he loves her to bits... but he is forgetting and this is what happened to my nan before she died and he had a bad turn yesterday i am so scared he wont make it and i dont want to worry mike he knows everything but i feel like there is a timer beside me counting down and it scares me...

the only thing keeping me sane right now is my shop i revamped it, did new styles, did a huge order and have three small ones to complete... but once that is done and my packing is done ill have nothing its a worry how i will cope with having nothing there to fill the void.

sorry guys i know huge post... but that is it oh apart from estate agent being a b***h, light fixture and light still hanging with wires exposed, items broke and still not paid for. mikes dad and mum ignoring his bday and saying a trip back from the airport which i paid for was the present I PAID FOR IT. oh and a shirt he dad owns was given and then they got shitty with me because i brougth mike a new dvd writer, a new keyboard and mouse set and a really nice hoodie jacket thing and cooked him a special meal but someone has to bother my family brought him presents and they have only know him two years its a big joke...

Twisted Nitemares
PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 3:02 pm
Wow Sam, been through a lot lately. Sorry I haven't been on MSN or anything to talk to you. *huggle*  


Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 3:09 pm
Forbidden Dreams

Thanks Blue don't worry love even though i have been on msn and people have been trying to talk to me i have not been responding, sometimes i am literally not at my computer and others i fail to notice i am being spoken to and don't responsd or i just don't respond as i said i am not being funny i just am not in the mood to talk and depress other people. Even though i have been through a lot the light in my life is kaitlyn each day she brings me joy but i am wondering how much more someone must go through until they are finally happy it is becoming a joke i seriously feel like i have a huge bullseye on my back and everyone is targeting me. I am always thinking when is the next thing going to hit me it has been one thing after another and they say it comes in threes well i am wonderng what will be the third thing.

Twisted Nitemares
PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 3:48 pm
Wow. Reading that made me cry, and thats no small feat. I always do me best to take care of my friends, and make them feel better, but it's so hard when you haven't even met them before, and you can only communicate on the computer.

I know you don't know me very well Sam, but if you ever need to talk, I'd be happy to listen. I'm getting an MSN, soon, and I'll put it in my signature when I do.  


Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 3:58 pm
Thank you so much that has made me feel happier i cannot read through it again because ill end up in tears. mike is home now were gonna watch some anime and then try to get some sleep but already i have been in tears in his arms as soon as he walked in and we started chatting i was in tears, he knows me so well... i dont know what i can do i really dont, i want to rush down to cornwall and be there for him and my mother but... i have obligations for my home i cannot just up and leave i have bills, caring for kait, the house, packing and dealing with health visitors and so forth and mike is doing all the hours under the sun so i will not inflict him with even more work it will end up putting him in hospital. i am being torn into two places i do not know honestly if i am coming or going i feel like i am about to break at any time... i keep trying to cheer myself up but nothing really is working apart from kait she makes me smile and mike does but apart from that i get times where i want to curl up and hide. i get about 4 to 5 hours sleep yesterday i got 7 and that was good for me as everytime i do get to sleep i end up having nitemares or end up screaming in my sleep, my brother is doing the same calling out in his sleep it is troubling us when were awake and asleep so i am not resting..  
PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 4:42 pm
I feel really bad that I can't even give you a hug, Sam. But I just made that MSN account. Gen.Opterix@hotmail.com Remember, I'm always good to talk. wink  


Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 4:47 pm
thanks hun i have added you to msn, it is a hit and run as im watching shuffle the anime with mike before we go to bed. kait has been sleeping for two hours now so that is nice to have some peace. omg i sound like im narating for big brother....so wrong...

i know i will be better when i get back to cornwall everything is getting us down here the way his family our, mine are the same down here, i have no friends here as i do not trust easy, dan the godfather of our daughter comes round but not everyday which is fair, mikes family and mine come round uninvited so i am under immense pressure to keep everything spotless i am forever cleaning, doing washing, washing up, making sure everything is spotless and then hiding the boxes which mike has to lift in the small room just so i am not chewed out by my dad, even though my aunts death has nothing to do with him at all he got nasty towards me because i was asked by my uncle not to tell him as he wasnt part of the family hadnt been for 12 years so i have to respect it but my dad went mental at me and he is forever making me feel like crap because my brother doesnt want contact but he is 18 his choice to make not mine and treating me like this because he does not want contact is childish.

but thats our lives at the moment it seems even the walls of the house close in to make our lives hell it is a royal pain in the a**.  
PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 4:54 pm
thanks hun i have added you to msn, it is a hit and run as im watching shuffle the anime with mike before we go to bed. kait has been sleeping for two hours now so that is nice to have some peace. omg i sound like im narating for big brother....so wrong...

i know i will be better when i get back to cornwall everything is getting us down here the way his family our, mine are the same down here, i have no friends here as i do not trust easy, dan the godfather of our daughter comes round but not everyday which is fair, mikes family and mine come round uninvited so i am under immense pressure to keep everything spotless i am forever cleaning, doing washing, washing up, making sure everything is spotless and then hiding the boxes which mike has to lift in the small room just so i am not chewed out by my dad, even though my aunts death has nothing to do with him at all he got nasty towards me because i was asked by my uncle not to tell him as he wasnt part of the family hadnt been for 12 years so i have to respect it but my dad went mental at me and he is forever making me feel like crap because my brother doesnt want contact but he is 18 his choice to make not mine and treating me like this because he does not want contact is childish.

but thats our lives at the moment it seems even the walls of the house close in to make our lives hell it is a royal pain in the a**.

I haven't been here as long as everyone else, and I've taken a few, two month leaves, so I don't understand exactly what is going on, but I can tell you have a deep relationship with your grandpa, and I know that you'll feel so much better when you see him again, and he'll be overjoyed to see you and Kait.  


Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 6:03 pm
God yes i mean he has been a mean old man recently but he brought me up my mum had to work two jobs just to give me and my brother leon the best life she could, she worked those two jobs to give us holidays sure they were not much just to a caravan site and so forth but if she had not worked as hard as she did we never would have gone anywhere. On all our holidays when i was younger my grandad and nan was always there along with my two aunts until things went sour with them. He was in my life was 3 weeks old properlly as my mum had to move in with them for 6 months because of building work, he heard my first word with my mum and nan, he taught me to crawl, climb stairs, walk and so forth it was him that did everything along with my mum, my dad was a waste of space pretty much. i use to stay over my grandparents every weekend from the age of 4 and it stayed with me when i was much older. when my nan was in hospital i gave up college and looked after him for a couple of months and then when my nan died i was always there for him i left the wake to sit with him and talk in his garden after i left the kids playing with the sprinklers.

Were very very close he had a really active role in my younger years and so did my nan more so than anyone else. He always calls me and nicole his favourites not around the other kids mind you... but he is so happy when we go and see him and he told me he was proud of me when i went to see him when i was pregnant, proud of the woman i was becoming as apparently i looked so much older lol. but it meant more than the world to hear those words come from him, he keeps his emotions bottled up so much just like i do and that is why i feel i can relate i mean when i said about screaming in my sleep it is because i was attacked i cannot say more than that in this thread and he got use to me screaming in my sleep for 3 months as i stayed with them because it was not safe for me and it was he, my nan and mum who rocked me and calmed me down til i slept again.

i cannot imagine my life without him i mean my nan has been gone 5 years now and i still do not believe she is gone, sad huh... i cannot believe life can be so cruel sometimes and it still pains me to this day my daughter is named after her and it upset me when i was in cornwall because me and mike watched my mums wedding video and i ended up in tears because it still hurt and i was shocked as i had forgotten her voice, i felt so horrible because it is something i should never have done even though i had no control over it, it just felt like i was forgetting her.. and i hate quoting but ff9 says it better than anything "to be forgotten is a fate worse than death" and to me i guess it is.

But unfortunately there is nothing that we can do this end if mike does anymore he will kill himself he is close to collapsing now but even now it is 2am were both still up this is our life pretty much for better or worse. it will all be better when we move to cornwall and i pray my grandad will still be there as it is really cruel if he isnt and he has only held kait for 2 minutes as he was weak. i cannot bare the fact he might not see her again or even me as there is a lot i still need to say and i can only say so much in a letter. i am going to be writing to him each week trying to urge him on until i get down there so i can care for him because even though i will have my own home because i cannot work i will take on half of my mums duties as she is not coping much at the moment and it seems so unfair she is doing it all.  
PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 9:33 pm
When you make it to Cornwall, tell your Grandpa that I say high. I'm sending my love for him! Whatever that means... but you get the idea.  


Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 1:01 am
Yeah i do but unless mikes aunt agrees to help us i think he may be gone by the time we get down there. ill tell him if he is still there, i have just wrote him a letter trying to keep his moral up and something to try and stay on for.  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 10:27 am
I say hi on msn but if you dont reply i get the point that your doing something... but i didnt know this was going on ._. I was always talking to you about my problems but you never said anything about yours D= damn if i wasnt going on holiday on thursday i would jump on a train and be there with you in like an hour D= your so close to me and i could help you, let you rest while i do things ;__; and now your moving to cornwall which is like a 5-6 hour drive D=  



PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:04 am
Yeah i do but unless mikes aunt agrees to help us i think he may be gone by the time we get down there. ill tell him if he is still there, i have just wrote him a letter trying to keep his moral up and something to try and stay on for.

I have a feeling he'll be there when you get to Cornwall 3nodding  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:42 am
I say hi on msn but if you dont reply i get the point that your doing something... but i didnt know this was going on ._. I was always talking to you about my problems but you never said anything about yours D= damn if i wasnt going on holiday on thursday i would jump on a train and be there with you in like an hour D= your so close to me and i could help you, let you rest while i do things ;__; and now your moving to cornwall which is like a 5-6 hour drive D=

Oh love i am sorry sad i didn't worry anybody but it was mikes idea to make a topic as i have been only speaking to my mother about it and mike and thats it. I did not want to impose and i don't mind listening to your problems so don't you feel bad for a second. We won't be moving to cornwall for another two months so you go and enjoy your holiday! I have about 50 people on my msn list and chur/dana/my mum and my brother are the only people i have spoken to. It is strange.

and when were in cornwall just think when you get down beaches biggrin

Artanus - i do really hope so.  

Vice Captain


PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:48 am
I say hi on msn but if you dont reply i get the point that your doing something... but i didnt know this was going on ._. I was always talking to you about my problems but you never said anything about yours D= damn if i wasnt going on holiday on thursday i would jump on a train and be there with you in like an hour D= your so close to me and i could help you, let you rest while i do things ;__; and now your moving to cornwall which is like a 5-6 hour drive D=

Oh love i am sorry sad i didn't worry anybody but it was mikes idea to make a topic as i have been only speaking to my mother about it and mike and thats it. I did not want to impose and i don't mind listening to your problems so don't you feel bad for a second. We won't be moving to cornwall for another two months so you go and enjoy your holiday! I have about 50 people on my msn list and chur/dana/my mum and my brother are the only people i have spoken to. It is strange.

and when were in cornwall just think when you get down beaches biggrin

Artanus - i do really hope so.

I dont feel bad. Just you could do with out hearing my problems xD and when i next go to cornwall i will defiantly go somewhere near you >.<  
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