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Path of an Ultimate

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I'm Blue
And so is this guy!
 100%  [ 11 ]
Total Votes : 11


PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 12:19 am
I had a request to bring a story of mine here. Enjoy.

Chapter 0: Prelude.
This is a story of a young man. Max Herrigan was a 17 year old, still in high school. he wasn't much to look at, fairly skinny with brown hair and thick glasses. He wasn't your typical football player or even one of the "gothic" kids. He was a gamer, fairly bland life that the most excite meant he ever saw was in a Pokemon battle. He didn't even have a job, he still relied on his parents support to pay for gas and video games. So little did he expect his life to be not only be flipped upside down, but to be torn apart and to be born again as a hero...

"Grah! I hate school!" Max flung open the house doors and went straight to his room, slamming doors as he went. He ploped down on his bed and grabbed hold of his Nintendo DS. "Why can't I escape from here, nothing ever goes right, my grades suck, and the people at school suck just as much." Max put the DS back down. He was so frustrated that he used all of his energy. "Ugh, too tired to do anything, I'm just going to take a quick nap and then maybe play a little Mario 64. He shut his eyes.

He shortly woke up to hear some one rummaging through his things. Thinking it was his father he turned around about to yell out at him. But it wasn't him. This person was far skinnier and wearing black clothing. The man almost reminded him of Sam Fisher, with green googles and technology all around him. "Who the heck are you?..." Max suddenly noticed the man was holding his DS. "Hey, you better drop that before I kick you in the crotch."

The man didn't even say a word. He pressed a button on a device attached to his belt, and suddenly electricity filled the room. Max covered his face to shield his eyes. Suddenly a bright light flashed and a blue hole formed out of no where. The man lept through the portal, taking Max's DS along with him. Max lashed out and reached for his DS, falling into the wormhole. There was nothing but a round vortex surrounding him, and it seemed as if there was no end.

Max was extremely confused. He thought he was just dreaming, but he started to feel small amount of pain in his joints. He saw ahead of him was the man who stole his DS. Max started thinking "If this is a dream, then maybe getting back my DS will allow me to wake up." Max put his arms to his side and started catching up to the mysterious thief. The man didn't even notice that Max went through after him.

Max quickly caught up to the man. He took his foot, brought it backwards and the forward, into the theifs crouch. The man dropped the DS and went into the fetal position. Max grabbed hold of his DS, but suddenly the wormhole opened up another path and swallowed him. Max was soon thrown out of the portal and landed on his back. Dazed, he lifted his head up. "Where am I?" There was then a room full of men, aiming their guns at his head. "Wrong place, wrong time pal..."  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:23 pm
I'm double posting cuz no one is posting here.

Chapter 1: How I learned to hate government.

Max was staring into the ceiling of his barracks. His mind on things past. He remembered the day that he first arrived into the unknown world. I wish I was in a school now… He rolled on his poor excuse for a bed to survey the dark room. He saw pictures of his unit celebrating victories. Smiles and cups of beer. Guns raised in the air. It hasn’t always been that way. Max wasn’t nearly ready for an army life. Back home, he always joked about how he wouldn’t even been able to pass the physical. Unfortunately, the new realm was short on soldiers and were desperate.

That was 3 months ago. Reflecting on that day, Max shut his eyes. They were all a group of paranoid soldiers, expecting the next bomb shell to decimate them. Their guns pointing at him, Max remembers that feeling of fear, fearing that his life was going to end then and there, No one to remember him, none of his family to burry him. He thought he was just going to die and be a number in the war casualties. They searched him and brought him to be tortured. He was crying uncontrollably within the first few minutes. They looked upon him with sorrow and pity. Then they saw that they needed extra soldiers, and threw him into training.

1 month later they put him into a unit and he was on his way for war. The world had weapons that looked different, but fired the same bullets as his realm. The enemy on the other hand, was completely different. The government that was in charge of the land had forcefully taken over other countries using bionic enhanced soldiers. In charge of all of this was a man by the name of Bart Trillion. He forced himself to the top using his nanotech company to corrupt men to do his will.

The rest of the time, Max has been fighting to stay alive in the foreign planet. He’s saved his team from a few skirmishes. He’s got a few odd medals for different things. He kept it next to some of the things he had from home. His Linkin Park wallet he got on his birthday, a now useless cell phone, and currency that the others were intrigued by. The one thing he kept by his side that wasn’t from this world was what he thought was his DS. The thing was, it was always on, never ran out of power, and it was all in a foreign tongue. Even the menu screen was completely different.

“Max.” A soldier on a bed next to him turned over to him. “You still can’t get any sleep?”
Max let out a sigh. “Johnson, I haven’t slept right in three months. Even if tomorrow is suppose to be the biggest battle of this war…”  


Lyss The One In The Back

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:59 pm

"Even if I say, 'It'll be all right.'
Still I hear you say you want to end your life..."

More nao, Blue-sama!

"...It's not too late,
It's never too late."
PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 4:07 pm
Chapter 2: Bunker life

“Alright! Time for you ladies to get your lazy asses out of those beds and meet in the tactical room at 06 hours!” Sergeant Briggs opened up the door suddenly and turned on the lights. All the men in the room groaned and complained, except Max, who just leaped out of bed and began getting dressed. Briggs slammed the door shut to make sure the rest of the group. Johnson got up lazily. His features were better marked by the light of the room. Tall, thin, with dark hair. He was the laziest of the group. “Max, why are you always the first one to get ready. It’s not a good thing to be a brow..”

Max threw a bar of soap and hit Johnson in the face. “Don’t finish that sentence. Faster I can dress the faster I can get to the meeting. Faster I get there the faster its over. Faster its over the faster I can get out and start killing those freaks. Faster I kill them the faster the war is over. Faster the war is over, the faster I can…” Max slammed the locker his clothes were in and walked out.

“Damn, what’s his problem?” Lenny yelled out. He was another fellow soldier. An A-typical blonde man, rugged looks, and full of himself. “He’s not the only one of us who wants this all to end fast.” Lenny sluggishly got out of his bed and headed towards his locker. Johnson shrugged. “I don’t know, some times that boy has a stick up his a** and other times he’s really loose. Just don’t piss him off. I don’t know what they did to him in training, but he’s one crazy son of a ***** out on the field.”

Lenny pushed his hair back in a sarcastic motion. “He doesn’t scare me. He’s just some geek they pulled out of some city.” One of the other soldiers popped their head out of a locker. “I heard he made a special request to be allowed to care a short sword for melee combat.” Johnson rolled his eyes.
“Another weapon request? This one is going to get shot down for sure.”

Five minutes later the whole squad was in the meeting room. Men and woman were sitting at a long table. The room was extremely bland, with the only exception of the map of the battlefield. Everyone was having small conversations. Max was staring around the room while Johnson was telling him about his family. “Johnson, I do not want to be set up with your sister when the war is over, blind dates are scary.”
Johnson frowned. “Come on, she would be perfect for you. If you did, I would see if my family would let you stay awhile till you find a place of your own.” Max’s expression went blank. Its actually a tempting offer. Its not like I have anywhere to go after the war.

Suddenly the door busted open. Sergeant Briggs came in and walked to the end of the table. “Listen up you maggots, today is your lucky day. Were joining forces with the special ops to bring this war to an end…”  



PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 4:56 pm
Chapter 3
We’re going down

“Ok ladies, here’s the plan. We’ve been pushing back those mechanical freaks for a month now, and Special Op’s has discovered something. They found an old abandoned mine shaft. They sent a scout down there and he uncovered that it leads directly under Trillion’s base of operation. We assume he doesn’t know about it, since there wasn’t any security measures present.” The Sergeant started walking around the giant map of the area. It wasn’t very detailed, just the basics. Looked almost like a white board. Sergeant then stopped at a corner of the map and picked up a stick. “Here’s the mission. Special ops wants us to create a diversion, were getting all the divisions behind us on this one. ..” He then went into detail about formations and other war-like tactics. Well, sounds like some one is actually doing something in this army. “… Then the covert op’s are going to enter the mines and follow it down to the designated area. Course, you don’t need to hear any of this. Now get moving! This plan is being implemented in a few hours, I want everyone prepared for this!”

Everyone stood up and rushed out of the door. “Not so fast Max! I need a word with you.” Max turned around and stood straight. “Yes sir!”
“At ease soldier. I need you to take a seat.” Briggs face became a little relaxed for once. Max sat down quickly. “I’ve got a special assignment for you.”
“Special assignment? What’s going on sir?” Max was surprised, he never did anything that would be considered special. “The special op’s team has ran low on a few members, and they asked me to select the best soldier out of my squad’s to assist them. I’ve chosen you for the job.”
“Me? Wait, there has to be better…” Max thought about it for a second. “Nope, never mind, made a good decision there.” Briggs cracked a smile.
“I know I did son. You’ll be meeting up with special agent Red Fox in an hour. She’ll meet you in the barracks. Just wait there for her. Your dismissed.” Max got up and saluted.
“It’s been an honor to serve under you sir.”
“As it’s been to command you.” He saluted back. Max then walked out of the door. Johnson was waiting, leaning against the wall. "What was that all about." Max came up to him and patted him on the shoulder.
"Guess I won't get the last horah with you." He then walked on towards the barracks.  
PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 11:37 pm
Chapter 4
Red Fox

“Well, it’s been about an hour, guess she’ll be coming soon.” Max was laying down on his bed, he had what he now called his FDS, or Fake DS. “The hell is wrong with this thing? It doesn’t even have the slots for games on it anymore. I can’t read any of this nonsense on here..” He fiddled with it before, but it wouldn’t react to anything he did. “This sucks.”
“Hello? Anyone in here?” It was the sound of a woman, very soft sounding. Max almost didn’t hear it.
“Uh, yeah! I’m over here.” He got up quickly and then saw her. She had tight black clothing on with what looked like armor on her shoulders, with long bright red hair and green eyes. “Are you Max?”
Max didn’t know what to say at first. “Y-yeah, I’m Max. You must be Red Fox.” She giggled.
“The one and only. I’m here to tell you about the mission. But first we have to get you new equipment.”
She snapped her fingers and another covert-ops member came through the door with a box of clothes and some weapons. He placed it right in front of Max and walked out. “Whoa.” Max looked through the new equipment.

“That’s not all.” Red Fox put her hand to her side and took off a long slender bag off of her belt. “You have had some interesting weapon’s request, but now that your part of the covert-op’s, you can actually carry a special request weapon. We picked your last entry.” She untied the bag and reached inside. It was a katana, midsized, with a blue wooden sheath and a blue wrapped handle. The guard was in the design of a dragon. “Wow, I didn’t think I would actually get anything I requested.” Max looked in awe as Red Fox handed it to him. He held out his hands and took it carefully. “Now, everyone in the team goes by a code name, until this war is over, that is their one and only name. As you already probably have guess, Red Fox is mine, and since I’m the squad leader, it is up to me to come up with your code name.” She looked up and started thinking. “Oh, I know the perfect name.” She pointed to the sword. “The Blue Warrior. Fitting isn’t it?” She smiled and crossed her arms.
“Heh, perfect.” Max couldn’t help but smirk.
“Ok, you only have a few minutes, suit up and meet me outside.”
“Yes ma’am.” Max saluted. Red Fox saluted back and turned to the door and walked out.
“Hmm, Blue Warrior huh? I like it.”  



PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:41 am
Chapter 5
Tight Spaces

“These clothes aren’t as tight as I thought they would be.” Max pushed open the doors open. In front of him was then scene of the last fight. Most of the buildings in the area had been destroyed, but the military found a suitable structure to house a few squads. Walking out he saw Red Fox and other cover-op’s waiting. “Ok, there’s no time for real introductions here. Squad! Welcome our new member, Blue Warrior.” They all saluted at the same time. Max saluted back casually. “Alright, lets get moving. Blue, bring up the rear and follow me so I can fill you in on the situation.” Red Fox made a motion with her hands and the rest of the group ran off in a line to the east. Red Fox leapt and started running as well, “Keep up with me Blue!”
“W-wait up!” He charged off behind the rest of the group.

“Red, what’s our mission?” Finally catching up to her after awhile, Max was breathing a little fast.
“Well, the mine that Briggs mentioned before leads right under Trillions base of operations, Trillion Enterprises. We’re going to use our demolition experts to blast under it and infiltrate it. You old squad and the rest of the army is going in to draw out his forces, so there won’t be that much resistance once we get in.” She wasn’t even looking back at Max while she was talking.
“Sounds pretty basic, and the mine, he doesn’t know about it?” Max was a little suspicious, from only being in this realm for 3 months, this Bart seemed more intelligent to have built his mine on top of it. “Well, from what we gathered, he ‘knows’ about it, but doesn’t know that we know about it, and he left in unsecured.”

Soon everyone stopped at a small opening in the ground. “Here we are.” Red Fox began tying a rope to a steel beam sticking out of the ground and through the rest of it into the hole. “One at a time, go!” The soldiers began to take the rope and slide down into the open pit. One after another, until it was Max and Red Fox’s turn to go. “I’ll go first, come down after a few seconds.” She grabbed hold of the rope and slid right down. “Ok, small tight, dark places, here I come.” He took the rope and jumped into the hole. After a few seconds he touched down onto moist dirt. Others already had torches readied . “Ok, lets move out.” They all ran towards the dark of the mine.  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:03 pm
Chapter 6
Big Bang

“Ok, were here at the target site.” Everyone stopped and turned to Red Fox. “Bug Eyes! Prep the explosives.” A man with large glasses pulled out a pack and pulled out some large packs of what looked like C-4. “Everyone else, get back, this is going to be one large explosion.” Everyone bolted towards the back of the tunnel. They waited a few moments and saw Bug Eye’s running towards them. “We got a few seconds!” He said loudly. Suddenly there was a large explosion that shook the mine. Small rocks started falling from the ceiling while dust came rushing through. As soon as the shaking and the dust subsided, Red Fox rose her hand. “Dark Shadow, recon, see if we got through.” A man with his face wrapped in a black cloth nodded and dashed towards the blast site. “Wow, that guys fast.” Max scratched the back of his head. Moment later the man returned. “We’re all the way through, we better hurry, the alarm is already gone off.”
Red Fox turned to the rest of the group. “Alright, lets move!” Everyone ran towards the new hole they blew right into what looked like an office building. “Golem, give everyone a boost up!” Red turned to a large, very built man. “Yes ma’am!” He rushed ahead of everyone, turned around and got on his knees right under the hole.

“Go! Go! Go!” Red was shouting at the top of her lungs. Dark Shadow was the first to Golem, he placed his foot in his hands. Golem hurtled him through the hole. Soon everyone was getting launched into the building. “Blue, your next!” Max looked over and nodded. He charged at Golem who was ready for him. He jumped into Golems hand. Next moment he was flying through the hole and landed on tile. He looked behind him to see that the explosion had also created a small barrier. “That’s handy.” Max joined the rest of the team. Red Fox followed through the hole. Golem jumped and grabbed the ledge and pulled himself up. Soon there were soldiers coming through the hallway and began firing. “Take cover!” Red yelled as everyone ducked behind the barrier. “Half of you stay here and take care of those men, the rest of you come with me!” She looked over in Max’s general direction, which meant that he was the second half. Aw man, I wanted some action. He followed behind her, with Bug Eye’s and Golem as the rest stayed behind.

They soon came to a door out of the hallway. “Planned perfectly, this is Trillions room.” Red motioned to Golem. He nodded and pulled his arm back. He swung with full force and knocked the door right open. They jumped in, only to be met by a row of soldiers. “Get back!” Red yelled. They dived back behind the doors as the soldiers opened fire. “****! Wasn’t expecting that!” She pulled out a machine gun, similar to an SMG. “Prepare to return fire!” Max pulled out two pistols as Bug Eye’s reached in his bag and got a .45 revolver. Golem took out of an RPG launcher off from his back. “Golem, when your ready!” Red leaned her back against the wall. Golem nodded and loaded the rocket. He stood up with the RPG over his shoulder and kicked the door out of the way. As he fired, the rocket streamed out of the barrel, right into the middle of the row. Machine and body parts flew every where as the explosion ripped through the nanotech soldiers. “Now!” Red Fox, Max, and Bug Eyes turned into the room and picked off the rest of the men. Bullets whizzed by Max’s head as he took out two men. The sounds of his pistol merged with the rapid fire of Red’s machine gun, and the loud bangs of Bug Eye’s revolver. Then it all stopped, as the last nanotech soldier fell to the floor. Max turned back around to see if Golem was ok. He was sitting on the ground, holding his shoulder. “Golem, you going to be ok?” He looked up and gave a thumbs up. Max smirked and then turned around to look for Bart. “Is he even in here?” Suddenly the sound of hands clapping emerged from the smoke.  



PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:07 pm
Chapter 7

The wall in the back had rolled away, and there was a single light aimed right at a man. Standing at only about 5 feet, he was dressed in a formal outfit, like a business man. “I have to congratulate you. I never could have foreseen such a tactic. Allow me to award your efforts.” He stepped aside and pressed a button on a remote he was holding. Suddenly lights flashed on behind him, revealing a large bio-mechanical man. “Have fun.” The man walked behind his behemoth and through a door.

The creature smiled and pulled up a very large chain gun. “Oh man, everyone take cover!” Max jumped for cover with the rest of the group. They dived behind some debris from the RPG blast as the creature began firing. “Crap! What are we going to do? He’s got us covered.” Max tried to look over, but their was too many bullets flying above them. Golem reached into his bag and pulled out a grenade launcher. Loading a few shots into it, he came out of the right side of the debris and fired a round or two, before being taken down by the gun. “NO! Golem!” The creature took a few steps back and started firing again. Bug Eyes, looking back between Golem and the creature, held up his Magnum. “You b*****d!” Coming from the left, Bug Eye’s dove and fired 5 shots into the chest of the beast. Soon though, Bug Eye fell to the floor, lifeless. “No!” Red Fox reached for him, but Max held her back. “Let me go!”
“Don’t Red! You’ll just get killed!” Suddenly the gun fire died down. “He’s out of ammo? Now Red!”
Standing up, Red and Max fired into the creature. Max’s fire went straight into the right knee cap while Red Fox’s went into the left. He roared and fell straight down. Red ran over towards Bug Eye’s body. “Bugs, can you hear me? Say something!” Max went around the debris towards the creature. Writhing and yelling in pain, it was hurting his ears. He walked right in front of it’s head. Without blinking, he raised one of his pistols and fired it into the skull. It stopped yelling in an instant.

“Red, if you can, stay here and call the rest of the covert op’s here.” He put his pistols away and walked towards the door.
“Blue, what are you doing?” He opened the door and turned back around.
“I’m ending this war.”  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:14 pm
Chapter 8
Time’s up

Max was walking through a poorly lit hallway. He was contemplating back between the destruction behind him, and the man that caused it. “Despite the fact that I didn’t know those two men well, they were good soldiers, they shouldn’t have had to die.” He picked up his pace as he saw a door approaching. “Almost there.” As he reached the door, he stopped and kicked it open, drawing his guns at the same instance. When the door broke open, he held his pistols up at the man sitting across the room. He was behind the desk, with a name plate on it. “Bart Trillion aye?”

“Yes, it is the one and only. If I may be so brave to ask for your name?” He said it in more of a mocking tone than anything else. “Heh, you can call me Blue Warrior.”
“Ah, one of those silly covert op names hmm? Well then, how about I just call you ‘Blue’?” He turned his chair to face the window behind him. “Doesn’t matter what you call me, it’s not going to change why I’m here.” Max put one of the pistols away.
“Oh, are you going to turn me in?” He spun back around and put his hands on the desk.
“Nope, going to kill you, despicable b*****d.” He aimed the gun right at his head.
“Oh no my young friend, it will be you who dies.” He reached under his desk and pressed a button. Suddenly the wall panels next to Max fell off to revel electrical coils. Shortly after the coils released an electrical current between each other, going through Max’s body. Bart pressed the button again and it stopped. “Ah, fell into my little devious trap boy.” Max fell to the ground, but he caught himself with his hands before he fell down all the way. I… I should be dead… what saved me? He could hear a faint beeping noise in one of his pockets. What’s going on with my DS?

“Odd, you should be dead…” Bart got out of his chair and walked over to the weakened Max. “I’ll just finish you off with your own gun.” Max looked over to see that his gun had fallen out of his hand, but he couldn’t summon the strength to pick it up. “Aw, look at how pathetic you look. You probably could have made a good soldier, too bad using nanites would destroy your personality.” He picked up the gun and put it to the head of Max. “Any last words?” The beeping got a little louder. “Hmm, what is that? Is that a bomb? You little s**t! I had a plan to get out of here but you ruined it now!” He cocked the gun back. “Time for you to die!”
“No!” Max gathered as much strength as he could and knocked the gun out of Bart’s hand. He stood up and pulled out his sword. Bart was too shock to do anything, he wasn’t sure what to do. Max pulled back and then drove the sword through Bart’s throat. He reeled back and coughed up blood all over, as the blood from his neck covered his suit. He stumbled behind his desk, trying to find another button. Max ran over to him and grabbed the sword. “You’ve done enough, your time is over.” He held to the sword with a firm grip, then kicked Bart off of it. The force of the kick sent Bart out of the window behind him, falling into a group of fighting soldiers.

Just then, Red Fox came running into the room. “Blue!” Max looked over to her.
“It’s over. He’s dead.” Red Fox smiled.
“Finally, all these long hard years.” She started walking over to Max. He smiled, but then suddenly there was a loud buzzing sound.
“What the…?” There soon was a bright light that came from him. Red Fox covered her eyes. After a moment she took her hands from her eyes. Max Herrigan had disappeared.  



PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:26 pm
Chapter 9
The next step

The blinding light subsided. Max eye’s were closed as he fell to his hands and knees. He vomited on the ground. He stopped and wiped his mouth against his sleeve. He put his hand back on the ground. “Wait. This isn’t the cold floor of the office building…” He gripped his hand and pulled out some grass. “What in the hell?” He opened his eyes to look at it. Then he lifted his head up and looked around. Standing up quickly he discovered that the scenery had changed. He wasn’t in a building anymore, he was on an open plain. He noticed a mountain off in the distance. “This… this isn’t real. This can’t be happening. I was suppose to wake up from this dream. I’m suppose to go home!” He kicked the ground, throwing up dirt.

“Great, out in the middle of no where now. Where the hell am I suppose to go?” Max walked about a foot and sat down. “This is lovely.” He was sitting down for a moment, when he started to feel a little bit of trembling. “Eh? What’s going on?” The trembling grew stronger and stronger. “Oh no, don’t tell me I’m going to be in the middle of an earthquake? At least I’m in the middle of this field.” Suddenly off in the distance the side of the mountain exploded. “Holy hell!” The ground was shaking violently at this point. Max tried to stand up, but it was difficult to maintain his balance. He almost fell back over, but he took his sword and planted it firmly into the ground. “Got it.” As he stood back up, he could hear the whistling of an on coming object. He looked up quickly. Suddenly a rock struck him against his head, and he fell right back over.

His eye’s opened up to see body fluid, as if he was looking inside some one. The view looked over past the lungs, where there was a dark mass. It turned around, it’s cold red eyes staring back. It lunged forward with large fangs. “Ahhh!” Max woke up and his upper body lifted forward. He was breathing hard and deep. He looked around and saw he was in a room. It looked like it was made using wood. He looked up to see that the roof was thatched. An older woman walked into the room, wearing a white gown. “Shh, it’s ok, your alright now.” She came over and sat on a stool next to him. Pouring him a glass of water, she handed it to him slowly. “Here, drink up young man.” Max took the glass and drank the water in a few seconds. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “Where am I?” Asking softly.

“Your in a small village, its quite a ways from where we found you. Luckily we were just coming back from getting supplies in another town. We found you out in the open area, you were unconscious laying next to a sword. Were you fighting something off?”
“No, I was trying to keep myself balanced when the mountain exploded.” Max raised his hand to where he was hit. “Got hit by a rock that came off of it I guess.”
“Well, no worries, you can stay here and rest up.” In the hallway a few girls had started to ease drop. They opened the door and giggled a little. Max heard them and looked around. He then looked down and noticed that the clothes he was wearing weren’t his. “Gah! What happened to my clothes?!”
“Oh that, don’t worry. I examined you to see if you received any other injuries. None of the girls were in here at the time.” She said in a calming voice. “All of your things are over here. I suggest you get some rest now.” She got up off the stool and headed out the door. “We’ll bring you food in the morning. By the way, my name is Mary.”
“Oh, my name is Max, Max Herrigan.” Max replied. She smiled and closed the door.  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 4:49 am
You should make a novel out of this.  



9,050 Points
  • Wall Street 200
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 10:42 am
Wow an interesting story.
I know I liked it.
It should be in the writing arena.  
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