o.o I'm questing for my dream avi...
And, a little of help wouldn't be so bad at all ><
I Have The Cheaper Items, But The Collectibles Are The Problem ><
So If Anyone Donates One Or Gives A Little Of Gold,
I Would Really Appreciate It...
Well...Here It Is ><:
Total Value: 86,237 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Romani GlassesCelestial WrapGillsButtoned Down Fauna Shirt 'n' SweaterBlack TieBlack Catscratch PantsLeather Elf ShoesCloudHeart Shaped Box of SweetsSummoning TomeSummoning TomeFox EarsSyaoran's GogglesThx For Anything You Donate ><
Well...Just That
biggrin Bye, Take Care ><