Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 2:52 pm
A religion is an organised form of worship. Atheism is unorganised, and worships nothing. i stick my toungue out at you. Bleah. (no offense, i have a friend who's athiest.)
Also, I would like to point out that how can Philip Paulman want to kill God, if he doesn't believe in God. And, if God exists(He does!!), how can you kill a god? kitty! >^.^<
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:20 am
Your very single minded aren't you... And there is no proof 'God' exists... And 'God' is more a belief than a religion in my opinion...
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 5:03 am
actually, I think she was arguing a point *for* atheism. atheists hate having their absence of belief called 'religious'. and just because philip pullman (author of Golden Compass) is an atheist, doesnt mean his story is 'anti' god. I think these were her points. regardless what *some* christians may get out of it, doesnt mean that's what's there. people often read too much into things. and if someone is looking for something to be offended by, they will find it.
so what there is no proof, there is no harm in what she believes.
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:54 pm
Atheism is not a religion in the fact that it is not organized into meetings. It is a religion in that there is a large number of people who all believe in the same thing.
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 6:08 pm
Muckluck7 Atheism is not a religion in the fact that it is not organized into meetings. It is a religion in that there is a large number of people who all believe in the same thing. "believe in the same thing" I think is the wrong choice of words considering they dont believe in anything science cannot prove. and if science can prove it, it's not belief but fact. religion relies on faith. you dont need to have faith in anything that is universally true and empirically proven. if anything, they are joined together by their lack of belief but not at all in a religious sense. smile
Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 7:42 am
Religion is a set of ideas that attempt to explain what can't be proven. Since athiests believe only what can be proven, it can't be considered a religion.
Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 11:42 pm
Guardian1239 Religion is a set of ideas that attempt to explain what can't be proven. Since athiests believe only what can be proven, it can't be considered a religion. Nothing can be proven. Anything thought to be true still has the potential to be proven wrong. so I guess they truly believe in absolutly nothing.
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 4:13 am
azrael the reaper Guardian1239 Religion is a set of ideas that attempt to explain what can't be proven. Since athiests believe only what can be proven, it can't be considered a religion. Nothing can be proven. Anything thought to be true still has the potential to be proven wrong. so I guess they truly believe in absolutly nothing. how can you say that? letting go of a pencil in midair and watching it fall to the floor is empirical proof that the force we call gravity exists. it will fall *every* time. when observed under different conditions (falling from high altitudes, placed in water and let go of, etc) we see that the effect is different, so we learn this force called gravity has rules, which makes it a 'law'. this conclusion would be reached after having also been empirically tested. when the same test can be performed over and over again by different people and all produce the same results, that produces 'empirical proof'. this is the scientific approach. there is absolutely no potential for the law of gravity to be proved wrong. now theories on the other hand... that's a different story, those are things that have not necessarily been able to be empirically tested or proven. such as our topic of evolution.
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 9:21 am
Atheism isn't a religion - that's the whole point, it's a lack thereof. I beleive religion does very little but harm in modern society.
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 1:04 pm
IamredMage Atheism isn't a religion - that's the whole point, it's a lack thereof. I beleive religion does very little but harm in modern society. Religion gives people hope. It gives us hope for what happens after we die. It gives us reason to follow the laws.
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 3:26 pm
Guardian1239 IamredMage Atheism isn't a religion - that's the whole point, it's a lack thereof. I beleive religion does very little but harm in modern society. Religion gives people hope. It gives us hope for what happens after we die. It gives us reason to follow the laws.for me, I dont need a religion to tell me to do the right thing. I try to do the right thing because its the right thing to do, and what dictates right and wrong for me within my heart is my conscience. if I dont want someone to treat me a certain way, I wont treat someone else that way. if I dont want people stealing from me, then I wont steal from other people. one doesnt necessarily need religion to understand these things.
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 4:40 am
Calypsophia actually, I think she was arguing a point *for* atheism. atheists hate having their absence of belief called 'religious'. and just because philip pullman (author of Golden Compass) is an atheist, doesnt mean his story is 'anti' god. I think these were her points. regardless what *some* christians may get out of it, doesnt mean that's what's there. people often read too much into things. and if someone is looking for something to be offended by, they will find it. so what there is no proof, there is no harm in what she believes. uh...i'm...a guy...!
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 9:00 am
Calypsophia Guardian1239 IamredMage Atheism isn't a religion - that's the whole point, it's a lack thereof. I beleive religion does very little but harm in modern society. Religion gives people hope. It gives us hope for what happens after we die. It gives us reason to follow the laws.for me, I dont need a religion to tell me to do the right thing. I try to do the right thing because its the right thing to do, and what dictates right and wrong for me within my heart is my conscience. if I dont want someone to treat me a certain way, I wont treat someone else that way. if I dont want people stealing from me, then I wont steal from other people. one doesnt necessarily need religion to understand these things. I completely agree - if centuries of religion has made people so lethargic to what their mind tells them is right and wrong; then truly, it's only purpose is to control and oppress the ignorant.
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 11:15 am
Calypsophia Guardian1239 IamredMage Atheism isn't a religion - that's the whole point, it's a lack thereof. I beleive religion does very little but harm in modern society. Religion gives people hope. It gives us hope for what happens after we die. It gives us reason to follow the laws.for me, I dont need a religion to tell me to do the right thing. I try to do the right thing because its the right thing to do, and what dictates right and wrong for me within my heart is my conscience. if I dont want someone to treat me a certain way, I wont treat someone else that way. if I dont want people stealing from me, then I wont steal from other people. one doesnt necessarily need religion to understand these things. Many don't need religion for this, but some may. Most rules in religion are based on things that seem natural for most (i.e. don't steal, kill, etc). Yet there are still pickpockets, murderers, and the like. Religion is an attempt to persuade these people to follow the rules that they should already.
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:27 am
Calypsophia azrael the reaper Guardian1239 Religion is a set of ideas that attempt to explain what can't be proven. Since athiests believe only what can be proven, it can't be considered a religion. Nothing can be proven. Anything thought to be true still has the potential to be proven wrong. so I guess they truly believe in absolutly nothing. how can you say that? letting go of a pencil in midair and watching it fall to the floor is empirical proof that the force we call gravity exists. it will fall *every* time. when observed under different conditions (falling from high altitudes, placed in water and let go of, etc) we see that the effect is different, so we learn this force called gravity has rules, which makes it a 'law'. this conclusion would be reached after having also been empirically tested. when the same test can be performed over and over again by different people and all produce the same results, that produces 'empirical proof'. this is the scientific approach. there is absolutely no potential for the law of gravity to be proved wrong. now theories on the other hand... that's a different story, those are things that have not necessarily been able to be empirically tested or proven. such as our topic of evolution. how sure can you be that that one force, gravity, is what does that? there could be a thousand different forces which, togeather, make it fall. perhaps on the moon not all of them are present, resulting in "lower gravity". We can not see gravity, so it too is a theory for what makes things fall.