When doctor who series came to a end and we had another 6 months maybe longer to wait for another season to be finished i was really annoyed as it did not see long enough for me, i wished they had done more and waiting for the christmas specials was horrid so when i heard torchwood was being released with captain jack hartnas i was over the moon as i like his vain character and thought he was really amusing in doctor who so i was very happy to find out another series was coming out as a spin off from doctor who. plus when i was reading about it, it seemed for for adults, more violence etc and that i thought was something to be excited about and when i saw the first episode once again i was truely hooked.

We are now on the second series of torchwood episode 2 was just shown last wednesday and i am really enjoying the way they have done this series. the characters are brilliant and already were deep in a plot line just from using episode two and that has made me excited about what could come next, plus martha jones from doctor who is making a appearance i wish they would show rose as well but i doubt she will be brought into it tbh. so i am excited to see how they deal with her concidering when jack when awol he was with martha and the doctor so could indeed be a amusing episode to watch.

also deanto omg he is such a wicked character now he is not just the quiet one anymore he is making jokes and i actually find him to be one of my favourite characters along with gwen and jack. XD where as before he was just one of the other characters XD