Avi Art for sale!!!

A sample of my avi art is my siggy. :3
That's what my avi used to look like.


Black and white head shot: 2,000g
Coloured head shot: 4,000g
Full body black and white: 6,000g
Full body coloured: 8,000g

*Required for your avi to be drawn*

When PMing me you must...

- Send me a picture of your avi. It drives me insane when I look on your profile and your avi changes everyday.

- Tell me what gender your avi is.

- When sending me a PM call it Avi Art Request

- You pay after once I notify you that I'm finished your avi art.
After the gold has been sent to me, the art will be sent to you.

- Do not constantly PM me to tell me to draw your avi faster.


soujiness domokun