My questy thingy, still unofficial, but that 'at least one of every event item' thing.
I've been using this list. clicky
but I have my doubts about how correct it is, and it's a freaking pain in the a** to load.
I did hand write it, and then again in a less pretty way(for crossing off event items I stashed on a mule, also, that list is just 05, 06, 07, and 08 because other years are way out of the stage where I can lable them as junk and get them for pennies) but I've been wondering about a few things.
Like if the cena cap, H's hamer, and orton chair were really part of the water festival, or if they were sponsored items.
Where the hell the orphan items go on my lists
Non-background real part of the thread below this
Okay, so prove your gaia age, list, in detail all the events you've seen or participated in on Gaia. whee
You can go from newest to oldest, oldest to newest, skip around, just try to date them, the year, and time of year (time, like halloween, summer, xmas...)
Because Gaia age is in a few topics here
Because I am curious, and find it hard to keep the bis and pieces in order, I'm asking for details, optional of course, but some are necessary to prove you aren't just listing items, and actually know what the whatever you are talking about.