elections! |
Total Votes : 37 |
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 3:46 pm
first, we want to thank everyone who participated in the dm elections! and i want to say that everyone who was nominated was a winner! however, there are winners, and then there are WINNERS, yes? yes. there were two large motivating factors behind having this election. one was that a lot of our old dm's no longer participated in the forums, or if they did, not nearly enough to still qualify as a dm. the other reason was because we had ENTIRELY TOO MANY dm's and the list needed to be trimmed down a bit. and so, without further ado, here's our raw data: total ballots: 23 total votes per ballot: 6 total of 138 votes!
nominees in order of highest amount of votes to lowest: angel_half82: 16 Dr Entropy: 12 churrlo: 11 squee_moon: 11 Exmucane: 10 Thanatos Phoenix: 10 Lyss the One in the Back: 10 chianachan: 8 TheBlueWarrior: 7 bluegrass cat: 7 Iconised Ghost: 7 jfm567: 7 MissMunchieMonster: 5 [Tsukasa567]: 5 Rydia-Beck: 5 Angie moo: 3 Maruashi: 3 Ivri: 1 Ayame_4: 0 Pirate-Wolfe: 0originally, we planned to only take on 11 dm's ((one for every 1000 members of the guild)). however we had a 4-way tie for people w/7 votes, and so we will have 12 dm's for this year. AND THUS, YOUR NEW DM'S ARE: wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance angel_half82 Dr Entropy churrlo squee_moon Exmucane Thanatos Phoenix Lyss the One in the Back chianachan TheBlueWarrior bluegrass cat Iconised Ghost jfm567 wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance congrats to everyone who made the list!!! if you didn't make it, well, there's always next year! YAY!!!
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 3:57 pm
they may be dedicated, but i will always have THE POWAH. xD
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 3:59 pm
jfm567 they may be dedicated, but i will always have THE POWAH. xD uh, you're a dm. you, me, warrior and ghost all tied at w/7 votes. 3nodding so you're dedicated WITH THE POWAH! dramallama
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:00 pm
Wow, I completely missed this. neutral
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:02 pm
bluegrass cat jfm567 they may be dedicated, but i will always have THE POWAH. xD uh, you're a dm. you, me, warrior and ghost all tied at w/7 votes. 3nodding so you're dedicated WITH THE POWAH! dramallama i knew i was, i just like saying it. xD
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:08 pm
I'd like to thank everyone who voted for me, especially my self mrgreen
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:09 pm
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:34 pm
Yay, everyone I voted for made it in!!
My faith in democratics has been restored.
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:08 pm
jfm567 bluegrass cat jfm567 they may be dedicated, but i will always have THE POWAH. xD uh, you're a dm. you, me, warrior and ghost all tied at w/7 votes. 3nodding so you're dedicated WITH THE POWAH! dramallama i knew i was, i just like saying it. xD lol, you just like people acknowledging the powah? that's alright, i do, too. 3nodding and @ o, woman! jeez! the nomination thread was up for like, EVER, and then the voting thread was open for two weeks! that's why you have to stick around the guild ALL THE TIME, yo! you never know what crazy thing we'll do next! xd
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:14 pm
Does this mean the front page will change? I like seeing the oldbies up there.
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:30 pm
we could have dedicated members and alumni members maybe?
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:38 pm
the front page is totally changing.
all of it. we're starting from scratch!
naw, but seriously, part of this whole "let's redo the front page" thing is because, frankly, its a tad cluttered. while i don't mind having a thread someplace dedicated to the memory of our former dm's, we're trying to CONDENSE the front page a bit so that people will ACTUALLY PAY ATTENTION to it.
you have no idea how many join requests i get that say something along the lines of "FREE GOLD? HELLZ YEAH!!!" just because people see our name and don't read the front page.
sweatdrop <******** obnoxious, yo.
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:41 pm
bluegrass cat no. the front page is totally changing. all of it. we're starting from scratch! WE CAN REBUILD IT! WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY! WE CAN MAKE IT STRONGER, BETTER, FASTER! xd naw, but seriously, part of this whole "let's redo the front page" thing is because, frankly, its a tad cluttered. while i don't mind having a thread someplace dedicated to the memory of our former dm's, we're trying to CONDENSE the front page a bit so that people will ACTUALLY PAY ATTENTION to it. you have no idea how many join requests i get that say something along the lines of "FREE GOLD? HELLZ YEAH!!!" just because people see our name and don't read the front page. sweatdrop <******** obnoxious, yo. Yeah, I know; but back when I modded the guild we actually had a large enough crew that the join requests and n00bs were swiftly corrected. It's sorrowful to see the guild downsizing.
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:52 pm
Exmucane bluegrass cat no. the front page is totally changing. all of it. we're starting from scratch! WE CAN REBUILD IT! WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY! WE CAN MAKE IT STRONGER, BETTER, FASTER! xd naw, but seriously, part of this whole "let's redo the front page" thing is because, frankly, its a tad cluttered. while i don't mind having a thread someplace dedicated to the memory of our former dm's, we're trying to CONDENSE the front page a bit so that people will ACTUALLY PAY ATTENTION to it. you have no idea how many join requests i get that say something along the lines of "FREE GOLD? HELLZ YEAH!!!" just because people see our name and don't read the front page. sweatdrop <******** obnoxious, yo. Yeah, I know; but back when I modded the guild we actually had a large enough crew that the join requests and n00bs were swiftly corrected. It's sorrowful to see the guild downsizing. ya-huh. we're not "downsizing". we just have more dedicated mods now who are able to handle a higher work load due to our steadfast dedication to the guild. saku no longer tolerates mods who mod when they feel like it and then disappear for weeks at a time. 3nodding and i never said the join requests or n00bs were an issue. i just said there's a lot of them that say "i want free gold!" we still banish n00bs promptly, and we even have a new system in place to keep track of citations against n00bs given by different mods. ninja guess who thought that up? xd however, since we have no criteria for accepting new members, and since most of our new members join because of what they see on the front page, it simply makes sense to redo and reorganize the front page so that people can get a better sense of who we are and what we do here in this guild...instead of a thousand images and tons of info that means absolutely nothing to someone who's never seen the guild before. and i've done a little of my own market research on this by having friends of mine here on gaia who are in no way affiliated w/the guild come check out the front page and then pm me w/their thoughts on it. and the thoughts...they weren't good. sweatdrop vital stuff will, of course, be kept. stuff that only guild members would care about and have absolutely no chance of attracting new members will be cut. cool que sera sera.
Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 12:23 am
that sounds fair enough to me. As long as there is a place where old members can be remembered im happy. I dont to forget people like Manji and Lily