Now I present to you:
Gold Giver1212
Congratulations lucky Gaian user! You have been selected out of 1000 other gaians to receive 50000 gold! We have been giving out free gold randomly for you and 999 other gaians for our 4th anniversary! We need your account information because our computers have been crashing trying to give out the gold for free because so many users have joined!
Reasons you should trust this message;
It’s our anniversary and we feel that we need to give out some prizes! Or better yet, gold!
Our computers have been crashing causing us to spend a massive amount of money for our business and we may have to start charging unless we stop trusting the computer’s to do our work.
Our computers have been giving these messages out randomly so there is no telling what they will do on their own, so we do it manually.
User name:
Thank you for accepting our gifts!
Gaian Prize Giver
Reasons you should trust this message;
It’s our anniversary and we feel that we need to give out some prizes! Or better yet, gold!
Our computers have been crashing causing us to spend a massive amount of money for our business and we may have to start charging unless we stop trusting the computer’s to do our work.
Our computers have been giving these messages out randomly so there is no telling what they will do on their own, so we do it manually.
User name:
Thank you for accepting our gifts!
Gaian Prize Giver
Password biggrin oYouReallyThinkIWouldFallForThisBullCrap?
Has anyone decided to hack you in this manner?
Funny ways to deal with these hacking attempts.
Vincent Valentine