There is this girl I like and I would like to ask her but I don't know how I should. I had several chances to ask her at school but I was too chicken to do it. Now it's summer and I don't see her so I can ask her. Even if I had her number to call her I still wouldn't know what to say.
Any advice would be helpful.
If she is a friend that you've known for at least a little while, say it as if you just want to hang out. If you hang out for a little while she herself might think of these outings as dates and might not have a problem with it.
If she is a random person talk to her for a bit, discuss intrests, then say goodbye. Call back again some other time and talk to her a bit. Then ask her plain and simple if quote "Did you want to hang out some day?". Its also a bit like how you talk to her. If you make it sound like your kinda upset or nervous she might be a bit put off. Be happy, be confident, I mean think of it this way, she says no, thats the worst that can happen.
P.S. If you can ask her out into a place like one of her intrests or a favorite movie she might feel a bit more comfortable about going out with you.