I have a question. Does anyone have ideas for a gummi ship that can do the following-

Blow up a lot of ships fast
Has a lot of HP
Can move around quickly
And can survive the Hunter X.

Cause if I am ever going top get 100% on the Gummi missions, I need to create a Ship that can do all those things. I also need some help with a certain Gummi mission. On Floating Island mission 3, I have 95% of the treasures. I can't seem to find the last one. My hint book says it's supposed to be in a Crawler that comes from the front, but I have obliterated every single crawler I can find, and can't seem to get it! And it's driving me nuts!!! Does anyone have any ideas?

I now have 100% on all missions! Woohoo! The Crown-G is mine!! It has a crazy effect, too. You ship will enter missions in Berserk mode with it equipped, but at the cost of lowering your ship's HP down to 1! Those who have it know, use it at your own risk.