Here is a little intro/ending I made for a story idea I am interested in writing. I would like to know what you think of it biggrin Any tips would be so great. Thanks for stopping by!

The cold winter air danced across the pine forest, each snowflake twisting and turning in their dancing descent. A crescent moon, barely visible in the clouds, peeked now and then, casting rays that moved a short distance before disappearing from view. Perched on a cliff overlooking this scene was a menacing black bat-like dragon. Its large wing arms grip the edge, each movement from the fingers caused a small number of shale and dust to fall to the bottom, the darkness making the distance seem farther than it really was. Its skin was semi fleshy in the face and the underbelly and had hair that grew along its spine. Its face was flat with a mouth that was curled in a snarl; a fleck of saliva fell and froze in mid-air, breaking upon impact with the ground.

Atop this monstrosity of a beast was a woman clad in a crimson and green ensemble. She wore a shirt with a corset and what appeared to be a jacket. Her legs were covered in long and semi thick pants. Clutched in her left arm was a spear that glowed with a pulsonic green light, it did not give her much degree of lighted vision. That did not seem to bother her as the hints of moonlight seemed to be enough. In her right hand was a leather bound book that was opened to an unknown page. She lifted the spear to the moonbeams and reading the passage, she called out a word that was inscribed.

Almost instantly, the clouds grew thicker and every moonbeam that covered the forest disappeared instantaneously. A single golden chain appeared into her hand and affixed to it was a ring that she grabbed. Giving the delacate chain a simple flick, the great black dragon responded by releasing its winged arms from the cliffs' surface and spread them wide. It launched itself from the ground and unleashed a thunderous and gutteral cry that echoed for miles. They flew high above these darkened skies and disappeared into the night.