For those who don't know, the seven deadly sins are:
-- Wrath (Ira), Extreme Anger
-- Gluttony (Gula), over-indulgence/over-consumption of food
-- Envy (Invidia), Wanting what someone else has
-- Pride (Superbia), possessing an excessively high opinion of oneself, particularly one's importance
-- Lust (Luxuria), Incredibly strong sexual desire void of love
-- Sloth (Acedia), laziness, excessive inactivity
-- Greed (Avaritia), intense & selfish desire for something, such as wealth
Additional sub-types for Gluttony:
* Praepropere - eating too soon.
* Laute - eating too expensively.
* Nimis - eating too much.
* Ardenter - eating too eagerly.
* Studiose - eating too daintily.
* Forente - eating wildly.