It is the year 2047, and there are many kinds of races, on the Earth. The only thing is, there was Meteor, named Phytha, that was comming toward the planet. The scientists in the year 2020, destroyed it, and now are concentrating on trying to see what the stone will help out with. They have tried putting it into many kinds of food, and Vampires, angels, Demons, and all of the other races started to ether get sick, or die. some of the ones that got tested on, survived, but passed on birth defects to their offspring, and told the stories about the ones who escaped before being tested on, and the offspring seek revenge. Now since they have found a cure, the races are trying to live in peace.

Now there is an issue where an evil force has threatened the world. Relatives or offspring that are seeking revenge are trying to hunt down the ones that were not infected with the sickness Are you on the good side, or the bad? And what are you going to do, and how will your job help your side? Are you one of the ones who survived?

Character Profile:

Did the Meteor affect you?:


Username: Littlebluecoolwolfdemon
Name:Kanayo Hanako
Job:Gothic singer
Race: Shape shifting Wolf demon
apperance: User Image
Bio:Kanayo has been on earth since she was born, in the 1600's. She does not really know why she was there and when she was born, but she has helped out the human race when she wanted to. In the 1800's she has found out that she was in love with a human, but when the human tried to kill her, she was heart broken. When the meteor tried to destroy the earth, she was helping out by trying to figure out ways to destroy it. Kanayo was almost captured for the testing, but escaped before they could do any thing.

Now she lives a lonley life, trying to find love, while playing her heavy death metal. The only thing is, now she is getting threat mail, from people she does not even know, and random assasination attacks, that fail. She is trying to find some one who will also manage her band, but no one will.

Did the Meteor affect you?:No