Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 3:24 pm
far away, in a not so distant land, on a not so distant planet the evil king tursnip is reddying his army to take over the gaia world the funny thing is that he lives in our own local super markit. yes, hes been an evil geniuos about it, pretending to be an inosent side dish but all the while tricking us to eat his mind control devices. everyone whos eaten turnips have been turned into his evil minions what will we do?
Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 11:28 pm
I'll tell you what we'll do....
Peal and cut them up, boil them, and then pour a light cream sauce on them, with a touch of pepper. Talking about the turnips...
They aren't bad if you buy the right kind...Purple tops are somewhat sweet. Or maybe that's just my brainwashing...