How many dream avatars get posted on here? Well mine is down in my signature. Any gold or donations wanted and will be excepted. And I mean any donation. Don't have something I want but have an item worth a pretty Gaia gold and you don't mind giving it away? I'll take it!
Items List:
Lunar Scythe
Ancient Katana (x2) (Yes, I know, ridiculously expensive--No laughing!)
Jinxi's Charm (6th Generation)
Holy $#17
Black Cobweb Shirt
Black Goth Skirt
Anti Bite Mask
Shade Ghost Hunter Utility Boots
Items List:
Lunar Scythe
Ancient Katana (x2) (Yes, I know, ridiculously expensive--No laughing!)
Jinxi's Charm (6th Generation)
Holy $#17
Black Cobweb Shirt
Black Goth Skirt
Anti Bite Mask
Shade Ghost Hunter Utility Boots