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[PRP] The Sound the Sea makes...

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 12:36 pm
Time of day: Mid afternoon
Weather: Cool with a slight breeze
Location: Seaside

The wind rustled the trees gently, sending a few leaves free from its branches. The leaves twirled and danced in the melody of the wind, captured by its silent tune. Further down, the sea hissed and rolled in, gently tossing the docks to and fro. Ashton assumed another storm could be on its way in, not that it surprised him. Living near the shore guaranteed poor weather almost more then the fair. Sighing softly, stormy blue hues stared out at the open water and long stretch of sand. Sitting on an old log, he watched the tide silently, the cry of gulls overhead.

His eyes flickered over to the left, watching Ziya search shells or rocks that interested him. The boy needed to get out more, that’s all that Ashton knew; but it was hard. They were still getting used to each other, more so he was getting used to having Ziya around. It was so much simpler when he was just a bottle. Not saying that he didn’t like the kid, it was just not something he was used too. Being a loner by nature, everyone was so sure that this was good for him, to have someone of high spirits around. Even the always-silent Shepard agreed with the masses, cheeky b*****d.

Ziya wanted so badly to make a nice wind chime for Ashton, he knew he needed fishing wire, small pieces of driftwood and shells and rocks. Normally he didn’t like water, he didn’t know why but he just didn’t, but he wanted to come out today.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 1:44 pm
Sojo had brought the keyboard out to the beach before, normally before a storm and today was no different. Few people were on the beach and accompanied by Hymn they set up the keyboard quickly and stroked the first key. Sojo smiled at the beautiful tune and looked toward the rolling skies pointing up at them carefully. "Look's like we wont have much time to play today my son," he said. The god placed his hands on the instrument and began playing a soft melody. As it rose in tempo the wind blew, filling the beach with the music of the piano. It was magical and Hymn was mesmerized by his god's knack at playing instruments.

The dust leaned back on a tree looking at the gray ocean and swaying slightly to the tune. Hymn pulled a flower from the ground and smiled as he blew the seeds through the wind. His helmet covered his eyes and he glanced through the thin lense to the ocean and followed his vision to the thundering clouds. He was scanter at first, but after a moment he stood and slid down to the waterside listening to the tune. When his bare feet glided across the water his heart skipped a beat, it was still warm from the previous days of heat.

Relaxing slightly the dust looked around on the beach and saw another group of people. It looked like a man- and a dust? Interested the teen glided across the waters edge walking carefully in balance. If he lost concentration now he would be covered in water. Staying a distance from the man Hymn caught the piano's music again and began singing. The siren voice filled the beach, the ocean, with an incredible and eye-popping melody.

The weather seemed irrelevant as Hymn continued to sing, his melody joining with the piano as the two combined their masterpieces. It wasn't rehearsed and the feeling was mutual between Sojo and Hale, they loved their abilities. As the piano picked up speed so did Hymn's song and dancing slightly on the water he began to bend it in an illusion, it was magical and harsh, calm and relaxing.

"Oh to the winds my hallowed song,
Join with me and dance along,
This harsh lit moon, shines with me,
But even you, can't seem to be,
My melody sings, my melody cries,
Oh hear me babe, my legendary lullaby."




PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:08 pm
Pausing in mid reach, the young dust lifted his head and looked towards the sound of the song. He’d always been partial to music since Ashton played the guitar to him while he was still just a little bottle. The sound was so... ah he couldn’t describe it! The music just seemed to wrap around him and draw him in, making him want to drop everything and run over. Grey hues watched the teen, not seeing where the instrument was, walking towards him. Looking more at the teen, he had something covering his face, but despite that his voice came out crystal clear.

Ashton lifted his head upon the sound of the music, something he wouldn’t have figured hearing out here. Looking back over at Ziya, he jumped up and ran towards him. Where did he think he was going? They had that no talking to strangers talk just recently. “Ziya wait!” he called, his voice getting lost in the wind and in the sheer force of the song.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:20 pm
Hymn's feet danced on the water's surface, his eyes closed in-tune to the melody and his body moved freely across the water's surface. Hymn loved his ability over illusions and keeping a close eye on his movements he continued to look emotionless as the words fell from his lips. The music seemed to surround everything on the shore, drawing it closer. When Hymn noticed the younger dust looking at him he danced closer and grabbed the boy's hand pulling him out onto the water. He gave the boy weightlessness and seemed to pull him further out than one would normally go and when Hymn smiled at the dust the clouds thundered.

The storm was here. The clouds rolled over the homes on the beach side and ignoring the storm Hymn looked at the dust for a moment, slowly bending space around them. In an instant they were standing in a small area, a patch of grass, it looked like this was the only thing that existed was this spot of grass. Hymn smiled at his spell and looked at Ziya curiously. "You are a dust, correct?" Hymn asked, knowing the answer.

The dust took a seat in the grass and leaned back, letting his hair wave in the slight breeze. Creating a brighter landscape he expanded the illusion to something even prettier. Clear skies were overhead as they sat on a high cliff that overlooked a small town, memories from a previous journey. "What might your name be?" he questioned.

When Hymn and Ziya vanished from sight Sojo stood from his piano and walked to the water's edge. He spotted the dust's owner and frowned slightly walking toward him. "The power of a dust is magical, isn't it?" he spoke.  




PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 3:10 pm
Memorized, Ziya simply followed him out above the water. A sense of calmness washed over him, any uneasiness just slipping right away. The Thunder seemed to boom more so as its kin moved out into unfamiliar waters. When the scenery changed, Ziya rubbed his eyes a little, looking around wildly. This…wasn’t the beach that’s for sure. He didn’t even know where here was!

Still standing, he looked around more trying to see if Ashton was around, but his guardian was no where to be seen. This put him at a slight unease; they had never been apart before. Ashton always took him to work with him, to the market, to run errands and anywhere else he needed to be. Looking up at the other upon his question, he chewed his lip softly and nodded a little. The lightening dust had a feeling the other was like him, only a different kind.

"My... Name is Ziya..." The small boy said gently, gray hues looking back at the teen. He looked over the cliff a little from a distance and frowned. "Who are you?" He asked, turning his attention back to him. "And where are we?" he asked meekly, sounding a little nervous now as time edged on.

"ZIYA!" Ashton yelled when he came to a halt, the other disappearing into nothing. His eyes widened as his heart raced; panic setting in right away. Turning to look at the one who just spoke to him, he tried his best to contain himself. “Where did Ziya go? Where did that other boy take him?” he asked, panic and fear lased in his words. When he spoke of dusts and magic, he looked at him like he had a third head. “What are you talking about? Bring back Ziya!”
PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:45 pm
Hymn pulled off the helmet in the illusion feeling no burning by the light that existed. He blinked a couple times, the blue eyes adjusting to the freedom from the lense. "My name is Hymn, and I am a dust such as you," he explained leaning back onto a tree which was behind him. The teen dust pointed around them. "We are simply where we look to be, an illusion I have created. This is how I escape, and normally how I keep things private."

Hymn pulled his hair around and pushed himself up from the tree where he was laying and looked around. "Care to take a walk with me?" he asked the smaller dust. "A pleasure to meet you Ziya." Hymn walked off the edge of the cliff but did not fall and when the dust followed him, he flicked his hand and the illusion changed to the garden scene he had used in a game before. The single standing tower stood high overhead the gentle breeze warming up the soul. Birds sang as they flew through the air and the plants dotted the many winding paths. It was spectacular and the view was amazing.

"Ziya, what exactly is your essence, do you know?" asked Hymn curiously. He remembered his own, the Siren's voice.

Sojo frowned at the questions he was given and in his calming voice he looked out to the ocean. "Your Ziya is a dust, that's why he emerged from the bottle, you haven't been explained this have you? Dusts are- people as you are with special abilities like my own. My comrade created them to fight off the darkness of the planet and to save your race. Each dust hold's a power over a certain essence and generally knows some "magic" of some sort. My name is Sojo, I happen to be the "father" or guardian to Hymn, the dust which just pulled yours away in an illusion he created.  




PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:44 pm
Ziya blinked softly when the other took the helmet off, his own gray hues full with curiosity. This was the third dust he had ever met; he was a lot like Aren but less straight forward. “An Illusion? Neat” he chimed a little, looking around more. Running a hand through his bright yellow hair, he absently tried to fix it. Blinking owlishly when the other said private, he smiled a little and nodded.

Squeaking softly when the other seemed to walk off the cliff, he heaved a sigh of relief when he didn’t fall but simply walked on. It all seemed so real that it was hard for him to keep it straight in his mind that it was all fake. “Um… nice to meet you too Hymn…. You’re one of the more… Umm… mystical dusts I’ve met” he smiled and tagged along after him. Looking around, he was starting to love all the little scenes he was showing him, all places he’d never seen before.

” I think its Lighting or electricity… Ashton said when I was a bottle I loved electrical storms… so I think its lightening… I still like them” Ziya chirped and matched the others stride with a little hop. It was easy to see he was warming up to the other a little, his sentences getting longer. He was a very sweet kid but was trying to be wearier after some talks with Ashton.

”What’s your essence? Does it have something to do with your voice, cause it was real nice!” he asked, gray hues dancing with interest.

Listening to the other, he rubbed his face with both hands and breathed in deeply. This was crazy, pure craziness. But he knew he had to take this with an open mind, he was aware that Ziya came from a bottle after all. And that on its own was mind-boggling. “Magic? That kind of makes sense I suppose…. The lights always flicker when he walks past them and he made my clock work again after I took the batteries out…”
Ashton sighed and rubbed the side of his neck. “Nice to meet you Sojo…. I’m Ashton….” He said softly, then looked out to where Ziya had once been. “Hopefully next time I get a little warning before he disappears… if there is a next time...” he sighed for the millionth time out of worry and stress. Falling silent for a moment, he considered his next question carefully. “What do you mean… darkness?’ he asked, giving him a small side glance.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:08 pm
"From where there is light, darkness must always exist. You should know the many proverbs and the famous Yin and Yang. It's simply saying that one cannot exist without the other, and both will always be fighting. It is same for the Dusts. I am one of many gods, just one of three that live on this planet. The thing was is that when dusts were created, so was their counterpart the demons. There are only two in existence and neither are very friendly, both with high heads."

Sojo looked off into the ocean water. "Walk with me, Ziya will appear around my house anyway, Hymn's illusions always end near our home." The god grabbed his piano case and sent it ahead with a spell of his own. "I have been to this planet, this town several times but only recently did I began living here. I imagine you've met Aevah or Aren? Aren was a dust like Hymn and Ziya are, just a bit more.. blunt."

Hymn leaned forward and watched as the clouds over the garden got cloudy. "Why don't we discover your skills, if you are associated with the lightening, electric essence than we should be able to manipulate it." Hymn instructed. Raising his own hand he smiled. "This is no illusion." Chanting a small phrase the rain around them froze in the air , not a single drop touching them. "Do you have any clue on how to draw your power?"  




PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:26 pm
Taking this all in with stride, when the other said he was a god, Ashton stared blankly. He didn’t seem very god like but then what was a god supposed to act like or look like anyways? “Good verses evil I get it…. “ He stepped further away from the water, not caring for the cold drizzle it was getting on him. Fixing his coat, he nodded and started to follow him over to his piano, eyes going wide when it disappeared. “Who? No I haven’t met either of them… though Ziya has mentioned meeting this Aren… He had spent all morning making a picnic lunch to go see him with…” he said softly, looking a little sad for a moment. “ But I guess Aren never showed up… broke Ziya’s heart…”

”Really?” Ziya grinned brightly at the idea. “Aren was supposed to teach me! But… he never came… when he was supposed to meet me..” he said in a small sad voice. He had really looked up at Aren and thought they were friends at least. Looking surprised when the rain stopped in mid fall, he reached out and touched a drop, giggling a little when it rolled off his finger. “I’ve never tried… Aren said it takes a lot of concentration to hone your essence… a lot of self control…”
PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:38 pm
Sojo entered the forest and quickly made it to his house as the group walked in silence. The mansion's first floor windows were all open for the fresh spring air and smiling at the spell of the breeze Sojo relaxed. At the mention of Aren he tensed up. It brought back a lot of fond memories of Aevah, how she could've vanished like she did he didn't know. Sojo had tried to admit she was in hiding, or she just got sick and returned to heaven. Something of the sorts, but no one seemed to have a clue. Not even the god's friend himself. "Aren— vanished like Aevah did a few months back, I imagine that was when he vanished.. it caused a lot of panic at first. The creator of the dusts had vanished."

Hymn just smiled and took a seat in the middle of the path. The scene around them changed and it was a spotlight, old-fashioned, Asian tea table. A cushion sat on each side and even the light that lit the area was just a candle inside a lantern. Hymn poured himself a cup of tea and adjusted himself on the pillow. Looking at Ziya he offered the other to sit. "Here we can test you skills, in small amounts. What is your dust again?" he asked to start off.  




PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 9:51 pm
Having never been one to believe in any particular higher being, Ashton just simply nodded a little. “I can see how that would cause panic…” he murmured softly then looked up at the large house. This house could fit about three of his inside if it, maybe even more. “Nice house…” He murmured softly, looking around a little at where he was so he could find his way home. His mind was only partly on their conversation, still very worried over little Ziya. He knew the boy was quite capable of taking care of himself but he still worried.

Sitting down as instructed, he watched the teen fill his cup with tea, wondering if it was real or not. If this was really an illusion then the tea wouldn’t do anything; right? “ Lightening… but how are we going to test that? I don’t want to hurt anybody….” Ziya said nervously, running his fingers over the table. It surely felt real; it was what a wooden table should feel like. Perhaps to make the illusion realer one would have to know before what the thing would feel, taste, smell and even look like.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 2:59 pm
The flame in the lantern above flickered as Hymn leaned back in his chair curiously looking at the light fixture above. The shadows danced around them and closing his eyes he took a breath. A deeper one followed the previous and the dusts head looked up. "Lightening is a shock right, so why not try creating static or something of the sort?" Hymn suggested. His hand traced the edge of his glass as his eyes wandered. They traced the darkness in the distance and standing he walked over to an area, pushing open an invisible door.

Dim sunlight flooded into Hymn's room and anticipating no rush the teen stepped out onto the balcony out from his room. He turned around a little red he looked around at his room. It was clean but there were some collectibles scattered everywhere. "Sorry about the mess," he admitted.

Sojo heard the pop from the floor above and smiling he'd guessed Hymn had found his way onto the balcony of his room from his illusion. The balcony led out into the library and looked out the windows. It was a beautiful view, a very refreshing moment. "It seems as if Hymn is here with Ziya, though Hymn's probably passing on his knowledge." Sojo said, "However with Aevah gone, he's the only one left doing it and he helps out his friends with the process. Sort of 'paying-it-forward'."




PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 7:09 pm
Getting to his feet and rushing after the other, he faintly wondered how he was going to be able to test his power without breaking something. In storms he’d seen what lightening could do, its bright flashes and what not. “Oh! I could make a flash of bright light too!” he mused at all the possibilities. The boy was determined to be able to defend himself and Ashton if it ever came down to it.

Following him through the door, he blinked softly and looked around the room. “Don’t be sorry, my rooms worse” He giggled and looked around but didn’t want to seem nosey. He wondered if this was an illusion as well, but something about it felt a little different then before. Ziya was thinking of many different ways he could test his abilities, if he could give energy to a battery less alarm clock perhaps he could start a dead car or something neat like that. But also came with that was the ability to pass a deadly electric current unto someone; that would be dangerous.

Ashton wouldn’t relax till eh saw the yellow haired boy safe a sound. The other saying he was in the house wasn’t very reassuring still. This was killing his nerves and making him uneasy. “A-ah… I see….’ He gave the godlike man a small weak smile and sighed a little. It was easy to see he was nervous and antsy about little Ziya.

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