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xx - SHARKattack

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:18 pm
a private roleplay between ;; n e v e r l a n d - - xx and enikil. <3 please do not post unless you are one of those two people. <3

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The paper in his hands looked crackled and old, worn out by the travel it had taken to get to its owners fingertips. Lan sighed for what seemed to be the thousandth time that day and cradled his head in one of his hands, skimming over another line in the letter from one of his old friends. It had been the first time in months that he had gotten into contact with his old family, and now that one of them was traveling down to Amies to meet up with him, Lan had no idea what to do. Apparently there was a lot of drama since he had gone, and Lan was not sure he was even ready to deal with listening to it all. As he opened his mouth to sigh again, a loud voice shot through the air.

"Dont you dare do that again!"

Lan looked up startled, his wide eyes dancing with confusion before they nulled considerably and blurred down to a simple mixture of entertainment and amusement.
"I'm sick of hearing you sigh every other minute." Krinn said, his hands defiantly on his hips as he stared Lan down for a moment. He's so cute when he's angry. Lan mused innocently, eyeing the narrowed eyes, the slight tinge of red. For the last two days, Lan had been doing nothing but grieving and sulking around. Krinn on the other hand had been madly attempting to cheer him up in his own not-so-subtle ways. "Honestly, that letter is just a bunch of words right? I've never seen anyone get so worked up over something like that before." The dust child said, his expression loosening a bit as he stared down at Lan, who was sitting on one of the crates that had been moved into the pet shop earlier.

The cafe had been closed for the last two days, giving Lan some time off while the owner and his young children worked on a paint job for it. And on top of that, the owner himself had sent Lan home when the younger man had burst into tears for some odd reason or another. Now he was just helping the old man and his grandson out at the shop for a little bit until the renovations were over. And on top of that, he was driving Krinn mad with his heavy amount of sighs and epic amounts of sugary foods appearing at home every single day.
"Sorry." Lan amended lightly, and folded the letter away into his jean pockets, standing up and stretching his legs out a bit. He felt the tension in his back as he subconsciously stretched himself out in the way an acrobat would before performing. "I guess I'm driving you insane by now, yeah?" He laughed a bit, looking at the rabbit precariously perched on Krinn's shoulder. The floppy eared creature twitched a bit when Lan extracted it from the others shoulder and held it, stroking the brown and white fur methodically.

"Of course you are. I'm all for desserts Lan, but when our entire kitchen becomes a sweets factory, I'm kind of forced to draw the line."
Krinn took on a light teasing tone, brushing a hand up and poking Lan's forehead. He was quoting his guardian from before, and Lan couldn't help but quirk a smile. The young adult had slowly and surely been noticing the other getting taller. It was rather amusing now though, since Krinn was acting more like Lan's guardian then he was. The dust child sighed and cocked his head to the side. "Anyways, it cant be that bad. Its just a friend right?" Krinn rolled his eyes. "C'mon, the old man asked me to walk the dogs and I cant hold onto every one of them just by myself. Anyways, you need to get over your sulking already." The dust laughed at the face Lan made and turned, trotting off as Lan whistled, bringing the ears of a large shaggy haired dog to its feet. Watching the large beast trot over, Lan crouched and patted its head, putting the rabbit away in a pen before attaching a collar to the dogs neck and the leash as well. Krinn returned shortly from where he had disappeared with two dogs, both smaller then the one with Lan. Now that the old man had shown him just about everything there was to dealing with pets, the young child was pretty knowledgeable on everything relating to the shop. "Ready?" Lan asked him, lightly leading the big dog at the door, listening to the excited barks of the beast thats head reached his midriff.

Krinn simply snorted and followed him out.
"Yeah, dont trip down the stairs again." He teased lightly, recalling Lans incident that morning. The man was exceptionally klutzy despite his being an acrobat - and it seemed that unless he was on stage or performing an act, he was the most ditzy person one could come to meet. And now that he was being his moody self, it was even easier for him to fall. Lan looked back at the other with a frown before crying out as the dog yanked him along down the street and through the crowds. Krinn chuckled heartily and followed, his mood considerably lightened by the others silly antics. Honestly... he thought to himself. Lan is such a wierdo. Following the other, Krinn and Lan made their way through the market place, stopping when kids wanted to ogle the dogs and such before making their way onwards. The sky was dappled with sunshine and storm clouds. There had been a shower of rain earlier, to which Krinn had been very much enthralled by. Now the city was slick with a sheen of wet layers, and Krinn just counted the minutes until Lan fell.

As they made their way through the back alleys, the places where shops crowded together as little holes in the wall, Krinn glanced up, watching the sky as the silence was broken only by the chatter of shop owners and customers, couples and children alike. When he glanced back, he blinked and opened his mouth quickly.
"Lan, watch out, theres a - !" And cringed when the older of the two practically disappeared down a flight of old stone stairs, decorated on either side by damp plants and flowers. The steps led down to a courtyard with a varying amount of shops sort of like a mini Amies Circle, only much smaller, and much more convenient. Hearing the crash of the other finally reaching the ground, and the bark of the black dog who had followed him down quickly and happily as though it were some fun sort of game, Krinn ran to the edge and peered down. Yup, there Lan was. "You...." He started blandly, watching as some people glanced over and concealed giggles or looks of concerns at the man sprawled at the bottom of the stairs. "Idiot." He concluded, and carefully stepped down the staircase, its slick exterior making it a bit hard with the dogs yanking him along. As he got to the bottom, Krinn laughed a bit, looking down at his guardian. Lan screwed his eyes shut, the pain in the back of his head making him a bit dizzy for a moment. "You jinxed me." He said lightly, remembering Krinn telling him earlier not to trip down any stairs.

"Well at least you didn't knock anyone over this time."
PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:01 pm
Not to far away, the sound of soft guitar strings being plucked carefully could be heard. Stormy blue hues glared at the strings a little as he tightened a few and plucked them again. Ah there. This was defiantly something he had done in a while, having been so busy working and taking care of Ziya. Sitting beside him on the stonewall, the young dust boy swung his legs a little waiting for Ashton to start playing. The small boy had begged him to bring his guitar out and play today, and of course he caved. Long slender fingers strummed across every string, letting a rare smile slip onto his features.

“Are you gonna play now?” Ziya asked, eager to see what he’d play this time. He’d only heard him play once before and that was all the way back when he was a bottle. That had been months ago! The dust boy had really wanted to hear him play something else, he played really well and sang pretty good too in his opinion.

”Yes Yes… give me a moment….” Ashton sighed a little and looked around at the people passing. He hated attracting people when he played, he never played in front of people, it made him nervous. It was a fear he had never gotten over, which was why he never played at the bar he worked at, no matter how Eliza asked. For Ziya however he couldn’t say no, like a lot of other things the other asked of him. He could never tell him no. However the reason why the boy had picked for him to come out here was beyond him, maybe the need to get away from the house?

Looking into the eager gray eyes of his charge, he gave him a smile and started to play his guitar. He played the soft tune for a moment, as if trying to regain the familiarity of the song he had picked.

” I awoke
Only to find my lungs empty
And through the night
So it seems I'm not breathing
And now my dreams are nothing like they were meant to be
And I'm breaking down, I think I'm breaking down”
Ashton sang softly, but loud enough for passerby’s to hear. The tone was soft and even, but enough feeling in it to make it believable. Taking in another breath, he looked over at the intent Ziya and continued on in the song.

“And I'm afraid
To sleep because of what haunts me
Such as living with the uncertainty
That I'll never find the words to say
Which would completely explain
Just how I'm breaking down…”
He sang out loud again, the guitar rifts starting to pick up a little faster as he reached the chorus of the song. His song echoed now through the market like area, only just enough to be heard over the chatter if one really listened.



xx - SHARKattack

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:33 pm
( ooc ;; changed lans text color. sorry! XD;;; )

The soft melody of music sang through Lans ears, making the other open his eyes slightly. The sound was familiar. The voice was too. He propped himself up and hushed the barking dog, taking the leash in his hand once more and glancing over as Krinn came down the stairs and restrained his two dogs as well, the canines swiveling their tails happily and in mild excitement. Getting up, he flinched a little from the dizziness and then turned to Krinn, whos eyes were dancing in entertainment as he spotted the man singing in the crowd. And his child. "Lan, lets go over." Krinn said in an amusing way, looking up at the other, his eyes dancing in entertainment. Lan blinked down at the other and quirked a bit of a smile. Sure, why not. Anyways, it would be nice to hear a soft melody that comforted the two of them for the moment. Lan started forward, his golden black hair wavering slightly in the chilled wind as he idled closer and closer to the other two, fond of the lyrics and the tale they spoke. However, he narrowed his eyes in the slightest, wondering why this other man chose to sing of such sad tales. His eyes softened a bit to a sort of sad happiness, reminded of some memories by the soft tale within the lyrics.

Krinn had disappeared behind him, having stopped to let some young girls pet the dogs and Lan reached down, taking off the leash and whispering to the dog a command. The canines were well trained and usually stuck to Krinn and Lan unless otherwise directed, so the young adult had no worries that the big black mutt would stick near to his side. Lan finally found himself walking near the place where the young adult sat, along with a familiar light haired child. He waited carefully until the song came to a finish, listening to the lyrics and locking them into his memory without a moments hesitation, his eyes dancing with an array of colors.

The dog beside him wagged its tail happily, but smartly kept its mouth shut, leaning into Lans hip and trying to tip him off balance as he watched Ashton perform, wondering if this man played professionally. From the way he sounded, he very well could.
I wouldn't mind hearing his voice again. The young adult thought absently to himself with a small quirk of a smile as the guitar solo ended and the mans voice became quiet again, suspended in air. He paused, timing the right moment before smiling, catching the eye of the other and placing both of his hands along his hips, tapping one finger lightly as he raised his eyebrows at the other in a bit of amusement and happiness. "Wow." He said softly, catching the others attention. His golden black hair shimmered lightly in the shattered sunlight, held back in its normal ponytail. "That was really good." He said light heartedly, his eyes dancing again with a mixture of emotions as he eyed the instrument and then the person that held it. "You should play more often - if you dont already. I'd kill to hear such a nice song again."

Krinn appeared up beside him, glancing at the other two before perking up and recognizing them a bit. The dogs on either side of him whined happily and danced on their legs before turning their attention elsewhere as the girls from before called out for them. The two went bounding over to get treats the girls were handing out, and Krinn watched before turning his dual eyes back to the three.
"Ahhh, that was so cool." He said grinning at Ashton. "Its been awhile, hasn't it? Do you remember me?" He said conversationally, remembering that the last time the four had met was when Lan had accidentally knocked a barrel into the man with the guitar.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:39 pm
(( ooc: The song I used is called; Sleeping Sickness by City and Color))

Ashton’s fingers moved much quicker now as he went right into the songs chorus. He had to reach more deeply for his voice for this part, but never was there any strain to it, his rang well enough to support it easily.

” Someone come and, someone come and save my life
Maybe I'll sleep when I am dead
But now it's like the night is taking sides
With all the worries that occupy the back of my mind
Could it be this misery will suffice?”
Ashton sang softly, quickly toning his finger movements slower as he fell away from the catchy chorus. His eyes were closed now as he continued on the songs tale, never pausing or slowing, just catching his breath to start singing again.

” I've become
A simple souvenir of someone's kill
And like the sea
I'm constantly changing from calm to ill
Madness fills my heart and soul as if the great divide could swallow me whole
oh, how I'm breaking down…”
He smiled a little as he smiled a little to himself as he sang, seeming a little more vibrant then he usually was. The young adult was usually so down and withdrawn, this seemed like the only way he could honestly and truthfully communicate himself. His fingers quickened again as the chorus and the end of the song caught up with him, ready to finish the song for Ziya and the audience he didn’t know he had.

” Someone come and, someone come and save my life
Maybe I'll sleep when I am dead
But now it's like the night is taking sides
With all the worries that occupy the back of my mind
Could it be this misery will suffice… oooohhh my life”
He sang clear as he fell into a beautiful and catchy guitar solo, his fingers moving a mix of quick and slow. The slender digits just seemed to dance across the silver strings, knowing where they were to be next to keep the tune going smoothly. However he chose to cut off the song there, letting his fingers die down till he laid his hand flat along the strings.

Stormy hues jerked up at the voice he heard, pale cheeks coloring with a faint shade of pink. Messy locks of jet-black hair fell around his face as he tried to come up with something to say, looking a tad embarrassed.

“I know Eh? I always always tell him to play more but he never does!” Ziya piped up, sparing his guardian a moment to regain himself a little. Looking back at Ashton, who was awkwardly cradling his old guitar on his lap, he turned back to the others. “Of course I remember you two! You’re the one who knocked all those barrels into Ashton!” He pointed to Lan then smiled at Kirrin. “And you were scolding and partly laughing ! You’re Um… Kirnn right?” he beamed at the fellow dust child.



xx - SHARKattack

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:06 pm
(( ooc ;; its such a pretty song! 8O <333 [/addicted] ))

Lans eyes lit up with an array of emotions and entertainment as he watched the other awkwardly blush and cradle his guitar. Ah, so he was that type was he? The big black mutt beside him gave a wiggle of excitement and whined happily, licking at Lans fingers until the young adult patted the canine on the head. He replayed the event of the other playing in his head, and thrummed a low note of happiness in the back of his throat, smiling a bit at the other and grinning at the look of embarrassment. He used to be that way too. It had been so long ago. But he had been so young when he'd gotten over his embarrassment, having been performing in front of the crowds for so long now.

"Well anyways, its a pleasure to see you again."
He said politely, idling up and taking a quick seat beside the other, placing his elbows on his knees and leaning over, examining the guitar curiously for a moment, eyes dancing with a splendor of sky blue. "I never knew you could play like that. You must have been doing it for a real long time. I'm really awestruck." Lan grinned, despite the others silence, seemingly ignorant of it. "Would you ever play for me again if I asked real nice? I'll even trade you. A performance for a performance." He said conversationally, smiling up at the other and catching a gaze with him to make sure Ashton understood he was being sincere about it. "You're Ashton, if I remember correctly, right? Hopefully we're not interrupting anything. We were just out walking the dogs." He said, more to himself then the other, wanting to get the name right the first time and be corrected if he didn't remember it right.

Looking up as Ziya addressed both of them, Lan let loose a chuckle and nodded, his sheepish exterior disappearing into his more casual form.
"Keep at it then. Maybe you'll get a few more songs out of him. I'd love to hear more." He said to the dust, nodding a bit as Krinn idled up beside the lightning dust with a grin. When the other mentioned the barrels situation, Lan let a full frontal blush fill his cheeks and grinned. "Mm, yeah, that was an... eventful day wasn't it?" He laughed and turned back to Ashton while Krinn glanced over at Ziya, grinning happily.

"Your guardian sounds amazing. Much better then Lan. Tone deaf and all, yeah?"
Krinn said to Ziya, putting his hands on his hips and grinning entertained. "And yeah... that was Lan. Who else could manage that anyways?" He joked, at the expense of another blush from Lan. "Anyways, yeah, its Krinn. You're Ziya, yeah? We didn't get to talk much before." The child said, grinning, his tank top sliding off of one of his shoulders. "Its so cool to see you again. I haven't seen anyone in a really long time!"
PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:38 pm
Running a hand across the neck of the guitar, it was easy to see up close how old and well used it was. Various nicks and scuffs could be seen but nothing to major. He took very good care of it, for how long he had owned it for it was in good shape. Ashton chewed his lip softly and looked over at Lan when he sat down next to him then over at the two smaller boys, who chattered together.

”Thanks…. Sorry fro freezing like that, I honestly didn’t think anyone could hear me” he rubbed his neck a little with a half smile. Plucking a cord absently, he nodded what he said he had to been playing a while. “Long time… since I was ten… my father gave this to my for my tenth birthday even though it was too big for me to really hold properly…” he smiled a little at t he memory. Lifting his head all the way at the others proposition, he seemed to think about it for a moment. “I think we might be able to arrange something, but Yes Ashton is my name, you’re Lan right?” Ashton asked softly then looked over at the rain dust.

Ziya giggled a little, looking over at Ashton who said Lan couldn’t be that bad. “He’s probably better at other things! Ashton can’t cook, swim, fix anything…”he listed off a few things, earning a dark blush and a hey from Ashton. “Its true! But anyways yeah I’m Ziya! I’m real glad we ran into you two again! Maybe you can help me get Ashton to sing more! He has a ton of songs written out at home!”



xx - SHARKattack

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:05 am
Lan eyed the other young adult along with the instrument in slight curiosity, a flicker of something different hiding underneath the surface of his sky blue eyes. He smiled thoughtfully as the other spoke up, entertained by the sudden reappearance of the other this strange fine day. The scent of rain lingered in the still air as the dogs returned with a wag of their tails, barking playfully. The black mutt was lying near Lan's feet, curled up with its nose under one of its paws. Apparently the dog was rather tired, and Lan leaned down to pet it gently with one of his hands. They could easily drop the dogs off at the pet shop anytime, or just hand them over to Younka, who's shop was in the same exact square. Speaking of which, Lan noted the glimpse of stray brown blond hair and the flicker of the familiar brother-like friend of his through the window of the tack and supply shop not too far off, but his attention was diverted once more by that of Ashton.

Turning a smile in his direction, Lan chuckled melodically and spoke again.
"S'alright." He said easily, grinning at the other, elbows still on his hips, hand cradling his chin easily. "Maybe I was just paying close attention. A melody like that couldn't possibly be missed." He smiled, unaware of the flirting undertone in his voice. Ever since a young age, Lan had been the subtle subconscious flirt, and hopefully it wouldn't scare this other boy off, especially when Lan himself wasn't even aware he was doing it. "It sounds like a wonderful present. You've learned to play it flawlessly." He admitted, leaning back against the stone wall behind them and closing his eyes, smiling at the remembrance of the musical notes through the dappled rainy sky. He thought of how it must have felt for Ashton to have gotten a present like that from his father. And then he wondered why he was wondering about such a thing in the first place. Blinking open his eyes a bit when the other spoke, Lan leaned forward with smile dazzling his lips. "Really now? That'd be great. I cant wait to hear you again." He purred out, a comforting smile on his face. He hadn't shown anyone an act in awhile. Perhaps it would be fun. "Ah, I'm glad to know my memory served me correct. Though it would be kind of hard to forget your face." Lan nodded casually and looked over at Ashton, examining the other for a moment. "Yeah, thats it. I'm Lan. I'm so glad you remembered." The young adult agreed, brushing a hand through his glittering hair.

Krinn beamed over at Ziya as the two guardians talked, almost already bored by their conversation. he was more entertained by a dust his age, and by seeing what kind of trouble the two of them could get into now.
"Haha, I suppose so! Maybe he can come over sometime. Lans overloaded our house on sweets for the thousandth time this week!" He paused with a grin, looking at Ziya even as Ashton yelped over at the lightning child. "He cant swim? Maybe Lan should teach him sometime then. That would be a funny sight." Krinn grinned when he heard a yelp from his own guardian and continued. "Awesome." he said when the other re-introduced himself. "Oh yeah, I'd love to help you get Ashton to sing more! Maybe if he did then Lan would get out a bit more. He's been moping like crazy these last few days and its driving me insane." Krinn shrugged his shoulders, patting the Akita Inu when it snuffled against his hand. "Tons of songs written at home? Wow thats awesome. He should sing them for all of us." Krinn said enthusiastically, eyes dancing with mischief. Maybe something of interest would come out of this day.

Oh yes, it sounded like an interesting day already now, didn't it?
PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:09 pm
Ashton blinked softly, then just chuckled a little itching the side of his head a little with a slender finger. “Its not that good honestly… but its nice to know someone else likes it” He gave a half smile then looked down at the dog. He was quite fond of dogs, not sure why he had never gone out to buy one before he had Ziya for company. He supposed it was the idea that he couldn’t possibly take care of something else living as he barely took care of himself. “It was one of the last gifts my father gave me… So I’m quite fond of it” Ashton admitted, then looked up at Lan again. He flushed a little at what he said about not forgetting his face, feeling a little self-conscious a little. Was… Lan hitting on him? No… that was just his imagination; not that he’d mind but that was beside the point. “Ah There will be no teaching me to swim! I rather like keeping occurrences of me making a complete a** out of myself to a minimum thank you.”

Giggling a little, Ziya smiled brightly at Krinn and nodded about going over. “ I love sweets! Ashton does too but not as much!” He grinned and then looked over at Ashton. Rolling his eyes a little, he just grinned a little at him not wanting to learn to swim. “ But yeah if we come over I’ll make sure he brings his guitar and some of his songs or you could always come to our house!” he chimed excitedly. “ Ashton works at night mostly so if I can get him out of bed at a decent time we could do tons of stuff!”



xx - SHARKattack

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:08 am
Lan thrummed a low hum of happiness in the back of his throat, letting the big black mutt snuffle his hand and whine a bit when he looked over and smiled sheepishly. "I dont have any treats for you." He told the dog, lightly tapping it on its nose as the mutt got up and shook itself off, resting its head on Lans knee and looking up at him pleadingly. The young adult just sighed and scratched behind the animals ears again, looking over at Ashton as he contemplated the others words. "Trust me, its better then most." He hummed, smiling affectionately at the other for a moment. "I've traveled to some pretty far off places, and I haven't heard a melody as good as that in what seems like forever." Closing his eyes, Lan sat back against the wall again with a look of comfort for a moment. "Its actually quite soothing." He admitted, listening to the light whap of the dogs large tail against his leg as it turned its attention over to Ashton for a moment to look for treats. Leaning forward to rest his elbows once more on his knees, Lan glanced over, casually catching and letting go of the fluffy tail that whacked against his legs every now and again. "I'd bet." He responded with a flirty grin to the other when he told him he was rather fond of the thing. As Ashton went on to say that there would be no lessons on swimming, Lan laughed a bit and grinned mischievously. "Babe, I dont think you could make an a** out of yourself. Honestly, I'd probably be the one doing that, thanks to my inability to teach correctly." Lan laughed. "Though maybe I should tempt you into letting me teach you. I'd kill to see you in some swim trunks, or even teach you CPR." he teased, before flashing his eyes and thrumming a low note of happiness once more. "Just kidding." He added on, though something in his tone suggested he wasn't at all. Turning to look down as the smaller of the two dogs jumped on beside him and curled up with a yawn, Lan blinked and smiled. What a cute little thing. Just like Ashton.

Krinn grinned at the lightning dust, a light hearted mood sweeping over the usually brooding child.
"Haha, thats good to hear! You guys need to come over sometime, Lan loves having people help out in the kitchen. Especially when it comes to icing cakes, for some reason or another." Krinn smiled, crossing his hands behind his back a bit as he listened only a bit to the other guardians converse. If he had been paying attention to the last of Lans words he probably would have blushed and told him it was stupid to say that in public, but being absorbed in conversation with Ziya robbed him of his scolding abilities. "Thats good. He definitely needs to bring his guitar, 'else Lan will probably throw a fit." Krinn rolled his eyes but had a good natured grin sticking to his lips. "That would also be awesome though, coming over to your house. We should do that." The dust child blinked at the mention of Ashton working at night but brushed it off, wondering what sort of occupation the other young dust was referring to when he talked about his guardian. "Dont worry, all you need to do is drench him in ice water and he'll be awake in no time." Krinn said in a tease, hands on his hips. "After all, thats how I get Lan up. And then we could get together. I'm sure there are a bunch of things we could find to do! Lan is a genius when it comes to planning small day trips and stuff." Krinn laughed at the idea of Lan rolling out of bed at an ungodly hour just to do such a thing, and wondered if he would do it if it was for the sake of Ziya and Ashton. Hopefully, he thought, watching the two out the corner of his eye with a small smile.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:16 am
Looking at the dog with his stormy blue hues, he spared the mutt a smile and reached over his guitar to pet it. Shifting his Guitar to lean against the wall he leaned completely forward to pet the dog. “Well… thanks… its nice to know I have someone else who’ll listen to me” Ashton smiled a little, looking up at the other while petting the mutt. Pale cheeks now turned to a rich red shade at Lan’s words, eyes filled with a shy flicker. That was defiantly an outright flirting, defiantly not his imagination. This was defiantly not something he was used to; Ashton found himself fumbling for words again. “Me in swim shorts is not something worth seeing… Pale and scrawny isn’t the most attractive thing in the world” he laughed a little with a shy smile. Leaning forward more towards the dog, he laughed again when his face was licked by the pooch. “Nice dogs you’ve got here… always been partial to dogs…” He absently said softly.

”Ashton can’t even ice cake! He gets it all in his hair and all over the place… such a disaster!” Ziya giggled, “Though its super funny watching him try and ice it,” he grinned more. He too wasn’t listening to the guardian’s conversation since Krinn was so much fun to talk to. He was the only dust he knew that was his age and it made him glad to have one friend he could honestly relate to. “Defiantly! Ashton works at a Pub by the way” He smiled, having noticed the look on the others face just slightly. “He’s a bartender… its about one of the only things he can make, mixing drinks and stuff” Ziya nodded a little and swung his legs a little as he sat on the stone wall still. Laughing brightly at what he told him about dumping water on Lan, he could just picture hwo well that probably went over. “Ice water? Ah, Ashton would freak if I did that! I normally just jump up and down on his bed till he gets up, which is lots of fun!” He grinned, eyes lighting up at the idea of a Day trip. He was pretty sure he could get Ashton out of bed earlier enough to do that! “Oh! I’d love a day trip! We could have a picnic! And go for a hike or something! As big of a whiner he is about going outside I know he likes sitting at the beach at least!” He grinned a little too, looking back over at Lan and Ashton, faintly wondering why Ashton’s face was all red like that.



xx - SHARKattack

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:50 am
"Anytime." Lan admitted easily, a smile dazzling his lips as he glanced at the other. His eyes danced with a curious amount of sly intention, a flirtatious notion, but he was feeling quite innocent that day, as opposed to other times, when he couldn't just stop himself. He had already started to forget the bits of melancholy that had been making up his week. "We'll have to get together sometime so I can hear you play with me, and me alone." He said, the last part an obvious tease. Lan had always been someone who was subconscious of who he flirted with. He could easily give others the wrong impression with his words, and had done such a thing once or twice. When it came to getting people into bed, Lan was ace at it. When it came to romance itself, Lan was probably the stupidest person ever to try and relate to the matter. Lan grinned as he saw a blush appear on the other mans face, a thin flitter of accomplishment ringing in his ears. "Pale and scrawny? How about slim and marble skinned? You'd probably be amazingly handsome." Lan laughed and ruffled the others hair a bit, grinning over at him flirtatiously. "Dont worry, you aren't half as pale as the albino tamer I hung around back home." he said light heartedly. "I'm sure you'd look great." He added on, looking sincerely at the other for a moment. For some reason, he was tempted to lift Ashton off his feet and spin him around, both literally, and metaphorically. The other seemed to be lacking so much self confidence, and Lan sincerely felt like changing that. "The dogs?" he repeated when the other mentioned them. Lan glanced down, patting the small sheep dog by his thigh and looking over at the big black mutt. "Krinn helps out at a pet shop, so we walk the dogs in the evening whenever we can. They aren't ours, but they are great dogs." Lan said with a smile. "The big black one is Bleu, and the sheep dog is Ritz." He told the other, stroking the fur of one of them. "Do you own any? You seem to get along really well with them." He asked out of curiosity, playing with Ritz's ears for a moment and earning a playful bark in return.

Krinn blinked at Ziyas explanation before grinning and laughing a bit. Around the other dust children, he didn't feel as awkward or embarrassed as he did when he was with Lan and the other adults. It wasn't as if the other children were saying perverted things or doing strange acts on one another that a certain woman constantly explained to him in the silliest of way. Around them, he felt a bit more light hearted. And Ziya was also so energetic that it was fun to hang around with him. He was also the first dust that Krinn had met back up with in awhile, which made the other rather happy.
"Icing in his hair?" Krinn repeated with a laugh. "Wow, that sounds like a cute sight. I'm sure Lan would enjoy that." he said, just imagining the other offering to get it off for the other. A sudden tinge of red appeared on the edge of his ears, but he ignored it, hoping that Ashton could fend well enough against the flirty chef. "Ah, bartender? That sounds like a cool job." Krinn admitted, crossing his arms and examining Ashton a bit before turning back to Ziya with a grin. "Thats funny. I think thats one of the only things Lan cant do in the kitchen - mix drinks that is." Krinn laughed, trying to remember the last time he had tried such a thing and Shuuhei had been the forced taste tester. "Jump up and down? That sounds fun too! But I'd probably fall over if I tried it." Krinn admitted with a laugh. "It sounds like a lot of fun though, I bet Ashton gets a kick out of that every morning." He said humming a bit with entertainment. "Yeah, a picnic sounds good. Lan knows a lot of places that are good for that. Maybe we could even go to the beach, or the forest." Krinn suggested, a tinge of eagerness in his voice. "Lan loves the beach, and I've only really been there once - we should go there sometime!"
PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:55 pm
Leaning up from petting the dog, he gave the other a side-glance and just smiled a tiny bit. “We’ll have to see about that one” Ashton smiled a bit then reclined back a little, hands gripping the stone side. Stormy hues looked skywards, jet-black hair falling away from his pale face. The air smelt especially clean today despite being so far in town. It was odd, perhaps it was a storm sweeping it, it always made the air smell fresher as it swept through and cleared everything out. Snerking a little at what Lan said about him, he shook his head and cracked a small smile. “If you say so” He smiled then shook his head a little. This had to be the most complements he’d ever gotten all at once; it was odd to him. No one really paid much mind to him; though Shepard was starting to talk to him more at work strangely enough. Then Greg was back in town so he couldn’t very well go see Heather till he was gone on the boats again. “That sounds like fun…. I bet Ziya would enjoy that too….” Ashton murmured and looked at the two dusts chatting away. “Mm? Oh well I never thought it would be a wise decision… I had odd sleeping patterns and work mostly at night so… it makes it hard… I’m at least lucky that my boss lets me bring Ziya to work with me” He smiled a tiny bit. “Though bringing a kid to a pub isn’t the best display of parenting skills…”

Blinking gently when a twinge of red colored the other dusts cheeks, wondering what had caused it. He hadn’t said anything embarrassing did he? “He’d probably find it funny... He’s so klutzy when he attempts to do anything cooking related” Ziya giggled and smiled brightly again. This was turning out to be an awesome day, meeting with friends he hadn’t seen in a very long time and just being out in general! Also it felt good to see Ashton talking to someone and actually be smiling! “Yeah…. He said he’s been a bar tender since before he was old enough to be one…” Ziya giggled and shook his head a little. Nodding a little with a sneaky grin, it woke him up all right but he really didn’t like it. “The beach would be perfect! We could go in the water and swim a little if its warm enough! We can go clam digging too! Ashton told me if you see bubbles in the wet sand if you dig fast enough you’ll find clams or mussels! “



xx - SHARKattack

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 4:04 pm

Lan grinned at the other, then looked over at the dust children, wondering exactly what was going on between the two. Krinn looked like he had just gotten over turning red, and that usually meant Lan had done something embarrassing. Cocking an eyebrow, he shook his head with a sultry laugh and decided to dismiss it. He wouldn't tease the other too much today. After all, he'd done enough teasing with Ashton already. To do it to Krinn as well - that would just be cruel. A small laugh escaped from his lips again, and the other turned his eyes over to Ashton, a spark of mischief dancing in the sky blue depths.
"Haha, yeah. We'll have to get together more, and stop leaving it up to chance. After all, I've never been very lucky." The acrobat grinned a bit and shook his head, then turned his eyes to look down at the dog next to him, tail whacking slightly against his leg. "Ah, is that so? Well, thats good to hear. A pub? Are you a bartender or something of the like? That sounds fun." Lan purred, looking interested. He was indeed a chef, but mixing drinks had never been a forte of his. At the others comment on parenting skills, Lan grinned and chuckled. "Dont worry, I dont think I display the best of parenting skills either." Lan agreed before standing up and stretching, yawning as he did so. The acrobats skin flashed for a moment, and the other made a sigh of content when he felt a release of tension in his back from the sore muscles. Turning his eyes back to Ashton, he smiled a bit. "I'm pretty sure the dogs are getting restless. We should bring them back home soon. Would you like to accompany me? I wouldn't want to get in the way of your day though, but just in case, I wouldn't mind the company." Lan grinned with a shrug, smiling effortlessly at Ashton.

Krinn glanced over at Ziya, a curious grin on his face as the other started speaking again.
"Whys he so klutzy? Or is that just natural?" Krinn joked with a grin, hands on his hips in a laid back manner, nails tapping along the denim cloth. He was so glad to have met up with another, after all, no one really showed up much anymore at the cafe - save for a few familiar faces once in a millennium. He hadn't even seen Hymn as of late either. "Bar tender? Thats cool. Lan cant mix drinks to save his life." Krinn huffed an indignant sigh and smiled again, entertained by the others antics. He hadn't talked to another dust child in quite some time. "Swimming? That would definitely be fun! Though first I'm sure we'd have to persuade Ashton and Lan into swim suits." Krinn smiled devilishly at the thought, his mind open to ideas. Lan was indeed someone who liked to flaunt his body around, but he was also someone who could become incredibly self conscious in two short seconds if he felt absolutely out of place. "Clam digging? I've never heard of it. It sounds fun! But we'd have to be fast... I'm not sure I'd be good at that at all." Krinn grinned at Ziya with a slight chuckle. "Oh well, there are always firsts, or something of the like, yeah?"
PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:50 am

Smiling at Lan’s request to join him, he sadly shook his head. “As Much as I’d like to, I have work in a few hours…” He rubbed the side of his neck a little. He looked to Ziya, who was looking like he was having fun talking to the other dust child. Ashton wished he didn’t have to head off to work but never the less he had to go. “Though however… I don’t do this often but….” Ashton reached down and rummaged through Ziya’s bag of stuff to see if there was a pen. “ Here’s my phone number….” He took the others hand and gently wrote down his number. Giving away his number wasn’t something he did often but felt that maybe it was a good idea to do as such with Lan. He was a really nice guy and could see Ziya would really want to see Krinn again. “I’m sure those two over there are plotting things to do so…. Just give me a call when you want to meet up again… and not relying or chance like you said” He gave him a tiny smile then looked over at Ziya. “Hey kiddo we have to head home” he called over to him, seeing him look over his shoulder and pout at him. Sticking his tongue out at him, he shook his head and hopped off the stonewall. Brushing some dark locks from his face, he gave Lan another smile. “Till next time?”

“If you’re really fast and we catch some we can cook them up? If Lan can cook then we can have a clam snack or something!” Ziya beamed happily. He looked over at Ashton, pouting that eh had to leave but stuck his tongue out at him in return. The young dust really didn’t want to leave but Ashton had work and he couldn’t afford to miss that. “Hopefully Ashton gave Lan our number so you guys can call us!” he smiled, watching his Guardian get his guitar and wait for him. “See you later!”



xx - SHARKattack

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:02 pm
Lan shrugged and nodded his head. "Its alright." He said kindly, smiling at the other. They would meet again, and if they didn't, Lan was sure that Krinn would find them sooner or later. Looking up as the other said something and rummaged through a bag, Lan cocked his head to the side and watched the other for a moment. Feeling the brush of anothers hand, he smiled a bit and glanced down at the number, repeating it to himself and keeping it locked in his own memory. A phone number. It was a good start. Definitely a good start - this way, he wouldn't have to fall down stairs and knock over barrels to meet up with Ashton anymore. Biting back a snicker at the thought, Lan glanced over at Ashton. "Thanks, I'll be sure to keep it. I'll be sure to call you." He said lightly. "Chance is alright for some things, but this is much better." Smiling, he stood as well, whistling for the larger of the two dogs. It padded to his side without a complaint and nuzzled at his hand with a happy wine, thumping its tail happily. Lan grinned to himself. If he had a tail, it would be wagging as well. "Until next time then." He said to the two others with a grin.

Krinn glanced up as the two adults stood and blinked. Then narrowed his eyes lightly. This must mean it was time to go. When Ashton called to Ziya, Krinn bit back a pout and looked over at Lan, who was smiling and waving to him. He flashed the back of his hand and Krinn blinked. Numbers were scrawled across it - oh. He'd gotten a number. Krinn smiled.
Typical. He thought and turned back to the lightning dust. "Yeah, I'll make sure he does that." Krinn said with a smile, whistling for the second dog to bound back to his side. "I cant wait to see you again!" He said as the other waved goodbye. Watching the two of them go, Krinn blinked and smiled a bit. It was at least nice that they got to talk a bit. He would have loved more time... but there was always a new day, right? Padding up next to Lan, Krinn glanced at the other as he wallowed in thought. Grinning, the younger nudged his guardian in the side. "At least you aren't moping anymore." He said with a laugh. Lan blinked and looked down at the other. For a moment it stayed like that. And then the young adult cracked up. "You're right." He said through a fit of snickers. "I didn't even remember I was sad." Smiling, he ruffled the younger boys hair and turned on his heel, the dog starting to pull him along. "C'mon, I'll treat you to icecream. And dont worry, we'll see them again!"

Jumping a little, Krinn dashed after the other with an out of breath "wait up!" before turning his head back to watch the two disappearing figures of the other dust and his guardian. A smile fell on his face.

Maybe chance wasn't that bad after all.


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