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( a private roleplay - - !! )

lan&krinn and nadyris&amadeo.
when;; afternoon-esque?
the back streets of Amies.

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The streets of Amies were filled as usual with the cheerful festival loving men and women who inhabited the wondrous floating city. However, one in particular was certainly not at any of the places where one would expect to find him. Lan Fen Alietta had easily stolen a day off from work, and with Krinn still at the pet shop he had yet to pick the other up and head home or out for food. So instead, the young acrobat had opted for just tracing his way through the back roads and alleys of the city, where the secrets of the old, crumbling festival laden city was set. Water and canals ran throughout the place, and as Lan crossed another bridge and stepped down another staircase, he glanced up at the sky, partially showing through the vines that hung over him, sprouting with flowers. It was sunny out that day, but there had been a light drizzle during the morning that Krinn had thoroughly enjoyed. After all, it had been so terribly hot during the last few weeks, that any form of rain was admired and overall a thing that required a squeal of joy from both Lan - and to his humiliation - Krinn.

Sliding over a bridge, Lan stopped, humming to himself for a moment and looking over the edge. The railing was crumbling away and Lan peaked over an edge to the water below. The railing now barely rose to his hips, and as he leaned further, he forgot about caution. He could hear shop bells jingling a bit of a ways off, hear other people talking and welcoming others to their shop. He was more entranced by the clear water though, watching the fish underneath it dart around. They were of all colors, probably hanging around in safer places then the sea beyond the city. The young adult leaned further over to get a better look as shop bells jingled and young men and women passed. The place in the back streets was considerably much smaller then the place near the market, and less people ventured all the way out back to the shops with odd trinkets and stalls where only the daring went.

Humming in thought, Lan barely noticed that he was leaning too far over the edge of the deteriorated railing until it was too late. Inching forward just a bit more to view what looked to be a pair of koi fish, Lan screeched when he felt his balance tipping and waggled his arms furiously, trying to catch his balance, one leg jutted out in the air, and he flittered in mid balance for a moment, looking completely hateful of his stupidity before tumbling over and falling down into the shallow salty canal. Thankfully, the bridge wasn't too far up, and if he wanted, he could easily clamber up onto it with his upper body strength. Soaking wet, the man spit out some water and started to get up, knowing the fish had all darted away by now. Glancing up, he stared at the railing for a moment and raised his hand up, fingertips brushing over the side of the thing. If he took a running jump, he could probably make it if he wasn't too out of shape....

But a helping hand would be really nice once in awhile.
He thought to himself with a pout, gentle currents lashing against his knees. He felt the fish brush against him and wondered just how many people would come to pass over this bridge. Little to none at all, probably. It was too early in the day, and people were still out a lunch, most likely. With a groan, Lan tilted his head back and looked around, all of the ledges were either too high or two dangerous for him to get up on. Either he could wade through the water to look for somewhere to get out of the small canal, or take a running jump and hope it worked. Tilting his head back, the young adult pouted and screwed his eyes shut.

"How do I always get myself into these messes...?"