No eyes to see, staring blankly into the pool of her emotions.
No lips;no smile.
Her skin is washed out and faded like rust is to a machine.
She is a broken down machine.

Shoving years worth of terror,sorrow,and pain into the machine.
She didn't have enough care over the years to run properly.
She's sputtering.
Coughing and wheezing.
Choking on the smoke that were her dreams.

She remembers little of what her mind was; only what she could've been.
Her future slipping of the conveyor belt.
Snapping, it was flimsy to begin with.

The nuts and bolts holding her together,rusted.
Busting open and spilling her mechanisms all over the floor.
Sprawling them across the floor.
She's out of order.

I wrote this after being paticularly depressed one day.......