Rules of this Forum

You cannot sign petitions here
You must sign them in the original topic, in the Gaia petition forum.

You cannot make petitions here
If you want to make one, please do so here.

ALL threads MUST have a POLL
This is FG4PG’S #1 rule. It will get you an instant ban if you do not add a poll, no matter what sub forum you post in. So be warned.

No spamming, begging, double (or more) posting, flaming, or bumping

Not following this rule will result in either a warning, or a ban.

Please include the name or subject of the petition in your topic’s title

Don’t just post ‘This is a great petition!’ or ‘This is cool!’

Make sure there are no similar threads to what you are about to post
If there are, yours will be deleted.

It must have a working link to the original petition

If the link you post is broken, your topic will be deleted.

Thank you =)