These are mostly about another board. So if you're lost, that's okay.
May 25, 2009
Monday, Memorial Day
6:26 AM

God, I hate stupid immature little brats. They're so ignorant. If it weren't for the fact I'm the only mod online right now, I'd rip that brat a new one; how DARE she use a family member's death as an excuse to be a total b***h to the moderators. All we did was ask her to remove some banned accounts off her friends list - said accounts were trolling users that we are trying to remove from the site's history - and this girl flips out, calling the supermod everything BUT a b***h, claiming the two banned girls are nice and friendly and never did anything like that, claiming she did some trolling too... and then she pulls the 'omg my brother died' card and now has a freaking HUGE image of him in her sig to prove it. -_-; It's like, okay, sorry that your brother died, girl, but you can't scream at us for it. I get it, you're furious with the world, but don't take it out on us. We're just doing our job and trying to get the board past a very painful phase.
