No Plagiarism
This is a given. If you plagiarize, your thread will be closed and you will be warned or possibly banned.

No Distribution Without Consent
This is basically plagiarism, the stories belong to the author, ask before posting in other forums or distributing someplace else.

No Bashing/Bullying/Harassing
Comments and constructive criticisms are nice but outright mean comments will not be tolerated. You will be warned if you post harsh and rude replies, and your response will be deleted.

Post Only in English
If you plan to post a story, it must be in English. It may include the original version of the story in a different language but there must be an English version posted.

No Extremely Explicit or Foul Language
Not everyone is comfortable with cursing and etc., but if it's needed for the plot, use the appropriate tag.

No Pornographic Stories
Mature content is fine but explicit sexual content will not be allowed in the fanfic section on NUR. Moderators have the right to remove any fanfic/s that we deem inappropriate under this rule. If there is mature content, please tag it with R.

Tagging Your Topic
Please tag your topic appropriately so it will be easier to archive as well as organize. Put the name of the show or book in brackets and place it at the beginning of the title. If your story is not based on anything and is an original story, you should tag it with [Original]. If the tag does not fit with the Title name due to excess of characters please use [ORG].

No Tags
If your topic is not tagged correctly then the moderator will close the topic until you do so.

Closing of fanfic due to inactivty.
If you fanfic have not been updated for months, your thread will be closed. PM any of the mods in charge of this section to reopen them. This is to prevent people from posting in that thread and pushing back active threads.

Many of the rules are taken word by word from a website I often visit. If the website wishes we not use them, it will be removed. As always, we are not limited to just these rules. Rules may be added immediately due to circumstances. Please follow the NUR rules as well as Gaian TOS.