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[PRP] - Shooting Stars & Rainy Days ...

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xx - SHARKattack

PostPosted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:46 am
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xxxxx ... who;; Krinn & Lan ( n e v e r l a n d - - xx ) and Sitara & Silver ( Zero Dream )
xxxxx ... when;; Early Evening.
xxxxx ... where;; Amies Square / Edge of Marketplace
PostPosted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:47 am

"Shooting stars."

Dual eyes shot towards the disrupter of the small silence gained between two figures. Around them, the square buzzed with laughter and small talk - the evening humidity drawing in the summer fashions that now draped one of the young adults body. A soft melody played somewhere in the background - a violin perhaps?
"Never heard of them." Blue gray hair shifted in its high ponytail as the tall teenager leaned against the wall with a bit of a scoff. The marketplace was lined with hung lanterns, and the loose red and orange glow fell over both of their heads and abdomens playfully. A slightly amused glance overcame the elders face. "Never?" He commented, poking a finger against the others cheek. He leaned against the brick wall of the building they were perched on, checking on the ever changing current of people - preoccupying his fellow Dust out of the corner of his eye. Shifting a bit, the teenager crossed his arms and diverted his eyes. Deciding to switch the conversation to something more suitable, he twisted his tongue dryly in his mouth. "You shouldn't act so on guard all the time Lan - it isn't like you." He commented, tilting his head back at the other.

The dual haired young adult - Lan - turned to him with dangerously glittering eyes.
"I'm not on guard -" He retorted in a soft manner. Then there was a hiss of a sigh, and the blue-eyed chef covered his eyes in one hand. "And even if I was... I should be - I cant - You know how -" There was a soft growl, and those eyes switched back to view the crowds around them. "Krinn." He dared to say out loud. In turn, the owner of the name looked back at him, ponytail swishing. "Dont get me off subject." Lan pointed indignantly to the sky above. "Shooting stars." He repeated, taking two steps down the small staircase they were perched on from his place against the wall and shoving his hands into his jean pockets. Krinn tilted his head back, examining his caretaker for a moment. "Whats so special about them?" He commented, dual eyes flickering for a moment in interest. Soon enough, the curious edge had disappeared though. Lan watched him for a second before glancing up to the black backdrop of night. The other was growing up faster then he'd imagined. As a child, Krinn would have been bouncing at the idea of something new. Now it was like he'd refined his ways... though the explosive tendencies had come into play more - like a storm at its worst.

"If you see one, you're supposed to wish on it."
Lan explained without much sugar to add to the simple fable. "Its said to make them come true." Krinn snorted and stood up, hands on his hips as he examined the other. "Like four leaf clovers are supposed to make you lucky?" He asked, cocking a brow. The chef put the information through his head and nodded a bit. "Like that." He said with a lofty grin. Krinn blew out air between his teeth and held out an arm jokingly to the other. Taking it, Lan threw back his head with an airy laugh and stepped down from his perch. Swinging their arms back and forth a bit, Krinn began to walk forward, through the ever-flowing crowd of Amies. “I wonder if it really works.” The raincloud dust mused softly, looking back at the stars. As the crowd began to thin a bit, Krinn let loose a bit of a yawn.

The dual haired guardian watched in slight amusement, and then turned his eyes to the sky.
“Heres your chance to find out.” He said good heartedly – making Krinn turn his own two tone eyes to the night sky above. Not one, but a few streaks of silver lit the black canvas with their glow, and the Dust amused himself by trying to count their numbers. Lan leaned over and teasingly blew into his ear. “Make a wish.” He said, leaning away with a grin. “See if it comes true.” Krinn hummed in thought, and then glanced back at the sky and laced his fingers together in a bit of a joking prayer. “I wish and wish with all my might, for Milo and Lan to get together tonight.” He said out loud. Amused enough by the hack and sputtering from beside him, Krinn pulled his guardian along. After all, he did manage to make himself look more like the adult then the poor man at this point in time.

“I don’t think the stars take those kind of wishes.”
Lan finally said in a dry tone, sticking his tongue out at Krinn through a blush. “You didn’t elaborate.” Krinn retaliated in good nature, shrugging before turning his head back to the thinning crowd of Amies Square as they veered through it. Stars… what a silly little fable.

Little did the Raincloud dust know he would actually be meeting a real one later that night.

xx - SHARKattack

A Wandering Esper

Beloved Stargazer

PostPosted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:16 am
There were many shooting stars at this time of the year, just like her father had told her. She had seen many before, but ever since that fateful day on the rooftop, those specific stars had lost their beauty, and instead became rather tragic.

Would these end up exactly like her ? Stranded here, unable to truly remember a thing of what had happened in their lives in the sky ?

Would they feel lost and confused just like she was, having to see the call of their others yet be completely unable to answer it ?

"Sita..." It was only her father's voice that managed to take her attention away from the sky. Silver looked equally melancholy. He had thought this would cheer the star dust, to come here so late, but it seemed like it was not working so well. He had finally gotten an insight of the way she saw the world on that night a few days ago, but she had closed up again immediately, so in a sense, he was back to square one.

"Sorry, daddy." The dust peered up at her father, and managed a smile. The realization had hit hard, but she would get over it in time. Silver was always doing his best to take care of her and make her happy, and she ought to do some effort of her own. "It's just... they're falling again."

"They will be fine, don't worry." He patted at her back with obvious affection. He did not know exactly what was going on, but that wouldn't stop him from doing his best and trying to make things right.

Sitara couldn't help but nod at that. If these stars found a daddy like her's, then they would be okay.  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:00 am
The soft thrum in his gut that something was off set Krinn off right away. Though he didn't show it on the outside, his minds gears churned a bit with curiosity. Was it another dust making him feel like this? Some sort of sensation that made him on edge whenever another dust was around. Curiously, his eyes scanned the crowds for a familiar face - or an unfamiliar one perhaps. As Lan swung their arms back and forth, the storm dust couldn't help but distract himself by continuing the motion. "Something the matter?" Lan said distractedly, still tilting his head up at the shooting stars. Krinn shook his head soundlessly. The chatter all around them seemed never ending. "Just a strange feeling." He said in a soft tone, pulling Lan around a corner.

And right into a star.

Blinking as he came upon what looked like the hat of a girl, Krinn pushed an elbow into Lan to stop him from running into the man beside her. Admiring the glowing star attached to the end of it, Krinn leaned over a bit, dragging Lan with him.
"You caught a star." He commented distractedly, not daring to touch it. Lan, who was leaning over with one foot on the ground and one foot out in the air, smiled a bit at the man beside the child. "Hello." He said, loosening his hold on Krinns arm to straighten up. "Sorry about almost running into you... and your daughter?" He said, putting one hand on his hip and raising two fingers in greeting. His cowboy boots clicked against the stone pavement, and his exotic appearance one again drew a few stares in their direction.

Krinn, finished with his examination, leaned back, having satisfied most of his interest with the small thing. The concept of shooting stars was still fresh in his mind, and he began to wonder if they became like this when they crashed into earth. Actually intrigued by this new thing, though he showed it in a bit more of a mature way then he had back as a child, Krinn flexed a small apologetic smile.
"Sorry, I interrupted you, didn't I?" He said, ignoring the pulsing feeling in his gut. "My mistake - your hat is really interesting though." Lan just rolled his eyes. The same old Krinn was definitely buried in there somewhere - under layers of unstable teenager hormones.

xx - SHARKattack

A Wandering Esper

Beloved Stargazer

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 10:25 am
Sitara had learned, recently, that most people did not look much where they were walking. As such, seeing Krinn come right for her initially, she did a neat side-step to the left, just enough so that an head on collision would not happen, like it did with Hymn, and gave a thug on Silver's sleeve.. Colliding with things bigger than her was not fun, and both Krinn and Lan fit neatly into that category.

In fact, most of the people she'd met lately fit nicely into that category. How did they all get so big while she was still so tiny ? Almost didn't seem fair.

"Well, we did not, yes ? So no harm done. And yes, that would be my daughter. I am Silver, and she is Sitara."

Sitara, on her part, was more focused on the other dust than with the two humans, peering up at the raincloud curiously, before breaking up into an happy grin at the compliment. "It's fine, we weren't doing anything interesting anyway." And the presence of the two would keep her father from trying to pry in her mind again. "It's really cool, isn't it ? Daddy made it for me. Well, the star." The yellow-skinned girl reached to take it off, sending a spiral of rainbow-colored hairs tumbling down, all the colors dark save for a lone white bang on her front. Curiously, the clear glass star on the back stopped to glow once the hat was off her head, and she held her up for Krinn to have a better look. "It's glass... but daddy blew it like a bubble into some sort of shape and it came out like that." She continued to peer up at the other boy, finally noticing something. "Wow, your eyes are really cool !" She hadn't met someone like that before, who had a different color in each eye.  
PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 1:36 am
Krinn didn't exactly enjoy being so tall. He'd always thought it would be a wonderful feat to grow up, but now he was skinny and lanky, and looked more like a teenager than an adult at all. And running into smaller things had become so much easier now too. Especially other people. That he didn't run into Sitara... Well, that was an accomplishment one in itself now, wasn't it? Krinn let out a laugh under his breath and bent down a bit so he was eye level with Sitara. She was a rather curious looking dust - not that Krinn consciously understood the entire truth of the matter just yet.

"A pleasure, chéri."
Lan said meanwhile, a subtle smile on his face in the illumination of night. "My name is Lan. This is Krinn, my... charge." Lan chuckled, trying to find the right word for the lanky teenager who was now sticking his nose into new, more interesting things then Silver and Lan. It was a bit like the childish curiosity that had disappeared a few weeks ago - still there, just buried somewhere under the surface. Turning his head back to the other man, Lan tilted his head to the side, crossing his arms a bit. "So, what brings you out here at this late hour?" He said, striking up some sort of conversation. Or so he hoped.

The rain cloud himself was rather content just examining the girl before him, who seemed so much more inviting then the man she was with.
"Is that so? Sounds like the same as us." He said with a slight laugh, his dual eyes glittering in the fine lantern light. "It is cool - and your dad made it? How'd he do that?" Krinn tilted his head to the side. "I've never seen something so nicely crafted before with that kind of material." Feeling the cool surface with two of his own, slim fingers, the rain cloud smiled, and tilted his head to the side as she explained. "Really?" Krinn blinked. "Is that what he does for a living? Blowing glass? Or is it a hobby? Thats so... interesting." He'd never heard of such a concept, and was now working his mind around the new, interesting sort of thing. When the younger of the two peered up at him, Krinn widened his eyes a bit, wondering what she was thinking. At the mention of his eyes, the rain cloud lit up with a bit of color, and wavered a hand over the two dual colored orbs. "You like them?" He questioned sheepishly, with a smile. "Most people think they're really weird..." He laughed a bit. Perhaps this girl was different. As a fellow dust, he could only hope for so much.

xx - SHARKattack

A Wandering Esper

Beloved Stargazer

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 4:27 pm
"Just hanging around... Maybe checking the market while we're here." Silver answered, peering toward the two dusts. Sitara seemed rather enraptured with Krinn, and not listening to whatever he had to say at all... "Truth to be said, she's had a bit of a rough patch lately." At least it was the only way he could think of to tell it and make sense. "So I was hoping to do something to cheer her up tonight, a surprise, but I am not too sure as to what yet."

Sitara, indeed, was not listening to her father at all, as was proven by her lack of reaction to the dark skinned man's words, her attention sorely on this interesting new person. "A... little bit of both maybe ? Daddy does all sort of things." It was true that her father's 'job' seemed to change every day, yet he never had any problems making ends meet. She had never questioned it - it was simply how things were for her, as it was the only thing she knew.

"Most people are also very stupid. They're really pretty." The girl pointed out. From both her looks and her demeanor, it was evident she had some trouble on that front before, and knew exactly what it was like.  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 1:32 am
Lan nodded easily along with what was being said, a sultry smile on his face as he contemplated the others words. He didn't need to look over to understand that Krinn was enjoying himself, the ring of the dusts voice was enough to prove it. Emotions were easily worn on the others sleeve, and it was no surprise that Lan was able to read them. "A rough patch? That doesn't sound so good." The acrobat straightened himself up, putting his hands behind his head and looking over at Silver. "A surprise? Sounds like fun." Lan grinned easily. "What kind of one are you looking for? I'm sure I could recommend a few things."

Krinn found himself with his arms curled around his knees, himself lowered to the ground so that he was eye level with the other girl. Or, a bit below eye level really, because now the storm cloud dust was even shorter then the star.
"All sorts of things... Sounds like Lan." Krinn chuckled, thinking of all the insane hobbies Lan had gone through. The only thing he couldn't accomplish was anything remotely song related, as the man was hopelessly tone deaf.

Laughing at the girls comment, Krinn tilted his head to the side with a whisper of a smile on his face. This girl was certainly interesting. Not as exuberant as Cada, and certainly not as straight forward as Sable, but different and inviting.
"Well, I dont think you're stupid." He said loftily, and shrugged one shoulder up. "And you're pretty as well." Wrapping a finger around a long strand of hair, Krinn faltered a bit. "As for me... I'm just really girly." A chuckle came from his throat. Cada had never hesitated to point that out.

xx - SHARKattack

A Wandering Esper

Beloved Stargazer

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:07 pm
"Like I said... im not too sure just what yet." The chocolate-skinned man looked over at the two dusts, and smiled. "Though, Krinn seems to be doing a good job at it..." That was more like the Sitara he knew. And loved with every fiber of his being, no matter how she could get himself and others in trouble sometimes.

"I don't think you're stupid either, you're really nice. The star dust announced, waddling over from one feet to another idely, like a child who had too much energy. "Thank you ! I don't think you look like a girl... I knew you were a boy when I saw you, but then people always tell me I act more like a boy than anything else." She shrugged.  
PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:58 am
Chuckling slightly, Lan leaned a hand on his hip, the two layered tank tops he wore riding up from his fingertips. "I'm glad he seems to be cheering her up." He said, eyeing the pair for a moment. "He's been extremely gloomy lately. Though I suppose thats just because he grew so suddenly." Scoffing, Lan grinned over at the other. "Anyways, do you live in Amies? Or are you two just visiting?" He could never tell anymore, a traveler from someone who lived in the festive town. So many people came and went, it was dizzying to tell anymore.

Krinn laughed, playing a hand through his ponytail at the girls notion.
"It seems like we're sort of in the same boat then." He acknowledged with a laugh, tilting his head to the side. "I'm mistaken for a girl all the time, and people think you act more like a boy." He grinned with the remainder of his childish mischief. "Seems like we've both got a good eye though." Standing up, he placed his hands into his jean pockets and watched the nightlife around them before turning back to Sitara. Perhaps the night would be more interesting then he had expected.

xx - SHARKattack

A Wandering Esper

Beloved Stargazer

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:24 pm
"Grew suddenly ?" Silver looked rather puzzled. "We live here, though... We do travel a whole lot. I've only truly settled here when Sitara was born." But apparently even that was not enough to make the wanderer settle down permanently.

"I don't mind." The child shrugged, turning to settle in step with the raincloud dust. "They can think whatever they want... Im me and there's that !" She said with a grin. "What are you up to ?"  

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