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PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 12:51 pm
Sable wondered the market in her usual bored face and relaxed demeanor. She wondered what should could do today. Since growing, Sable had found it distinctly more difficult to get away with doing odd ball things.

Not only was she easily spotted unless in her tiny form, but most of the things she did seemed... kid like... and almost disgraceful.

She passed by a food stand and grabbed an apple, and tossing a copper to the nice man she bit into it. Mia would appreciate her buying one of the apples from her vendor.

It was mostly thanks to Mia that Sable was eerily familiar with the market. The people here were like her aunts and uncles. She had joined in conversations, and been watched by nearly all of them. Good people. Which made messing with them harder.

However that was probably why she was bored. Sable being locked in a place she knew this well, was like a bird in a cage.

Normally she would just escape off and do whatever, find Krinn, find Sitara... but then what? Being a teen was confusing.... she couldn't even figure out something exciting to do on a day like this anymore.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:35 pm
Making his way into the Market, Ziya checked his wallet for his money and t hen stuffed his hands back into his pant pockets. This was his first real outing on his own as a teenager though not his first time to the market alone. Usually he’d come here on his own when Ashton was sleeping off his night shift. But since his guardian was out injured he was home and awake more often.

Today he was allowed, after much persuasion, to come to the market alone. Everything seemed different, he was treated different that’s for sure. It was strange with being a teen on how you didn’t get away with any sort of nonsense. Even when him, Ashton and Shepard had gone out to find him some clothes the girl at the boutique had treated him differently. She would giggle whenever he’d talk to her and when she handed him the clothes she thought he should try on and such. Strange…. Very strange.

Sighing softly, Ziya itched the side of his head as he stopped for a moment and looked around at all the different shops.

“Where to go…” He murmured softly to himself, starting to walk again without really looking where he was going.  




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PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:31 pm
To shake things up in her walk, Sable switched from generic walking to pointing her toe out and twirling around to her next toe and moving foreword in that manner instead.

It had its benefits. Things looked more interesting, for as much as she could see. Further, at least it didn't feel dull anymore. Sable was about to praise it as the best method of walking until she found herself turning into a person and then immediately losing her balance and falling onto the ground.

"Ow..." She muttered, wincing from the slight pain. She gave herself a quick look over, "Nothings messed up," she reported to the stranger before she turned and looked at him.

A strange sensation boiled in her veins. It was like a deep chill of sorts. She felt her cheeks get warmer as if she was facing directly into a fire. Her body shook slightly and it felt clumsy.

Sable inwardly blamed it on her new... yet odd... body. She took a deep breath and stood up.

"H-hi." She introduced herself, and immediately felt like a complete idiot.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:51 pm
His mind wandering elsewhere, Ziya had no idea someone was twirling into him till it was too late. Yelping a bit, the teen stumbled back a little but kept his footing as not to fall on the ground. Gathering his wits, the bright haired male looked around in confusion then down at the ground.

“Ah! Are you okay?” He asked quickly then just as he was going to help her up she got up on her own. The girl had to be okay then if she had gotten up so fast on her own, but her face as all flushed.

”Hi, sorry for running into you like that! I’m Ziya by the way!” He smiled brightly at her. Soon after he said that he sensed she was a dust just like him, how neat! He’d only met two other girl dusts, the harpy twins, but it was nice to meet another dust his own age it seemed.  




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PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:20 pm
Sable blinked as she slowly registered the creature in front of her. He had brilliant blond hair and was wearing a... torn shirt which only made Sable's face warmer.

He was bright and bubbly and... Sable couldn't complete the sentence. Something in her mind stopped her.

"Sable." Sable smiled, cursing her one word reply as she lifted her protesting hand towards the blond boy. He was about her age, which was good. Since she had become a teen she had been wondering what normal teens were like.

That is, if he was one.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:49 pm
“Nice to meet you Sable!” he smiled and took her small dainty hand gently. Shaking it gently with a smile, he found it cute how tiny her hand was compared to his. The girl seemed very quiet and shy, but nice enough.

”Are you a Dust by chance?” he asked suddenly, “If you’re not then forget I asked!” he laughed as he gently let her small hand go. He decided that he may as well ask her even if there was a chance she wasn’t one. If she wasn’t then well, maybe he was just imagining what he was sensing from her. It was the same kind of feeling he got when he hung out with other dusts so he really didn’t think he was wrong.

“Sorry for being so blunt in asking! I just haven’t met anyone my age yet; it’s a little awkward really” Ziya laughed a little, the same kind bright smile on his face.  




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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 11:54 pm
"Erm..." Sable was without words. Her hand tingled slightly from his touch. It was odd... sort of just like she had touched a metal ball after running around on a rug...

But it wasn't a direct shock... it was softer, like it had danced around her hand. Was it electricity? Did it work like that? Sable didn't know. This... she blushed as she attempted to face him again.. boy... what was he doing to her?

"I'm a dust." She explained, wincing inside at her complete inability to communicate properly with this person.

He said something about her being the first person his age she had met...

"I think... me too." She tried to converse, "I mean... I met teens before... just not as one... ya know?" She looked off to the side.

What was wrong with her? Was he a dust? A hormone dust or something? If she was normal... and not under some spell... sable would swear up and down that she hated this boy for what he was doing to her.

But as she was... she couldn't help but want to talk to him more...

That is if her stupid mouth and brain would allow her.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 7:23 pm
Gray hues lit up when the girl said she too was a dust, which made his instincts right! For him it was quite exciting to know someone his own current age. Perhaps she knew more things about being a teenaged dust? He’d only met one other teen dust when eh was a child but he had been full of mysteries and confused him.

“Great! I am too!” Ziya beamed, “I’ve only met one other… he was pretty strange though… had a helmet on and was very cryptic when he talked about things” He sighed and thought back to that weird day at the beach.

“I defiantly know what you mean…its strange… you wake up one day and bam you’re like a completely different person!” He blabbed on, feeling completely at ease on talking to Sable. But being the silly boy he was, he didn’t notice she seemed a little more uncomfortable. He’d talked to a lot of other male dusts, not so good with communicating with girls it seemed.

”Ah Sorry! Here I am talking your poor ear off! As an apology would you like to grab some ice cream? My treat?” he offered with his unknowingly charming smile.  




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PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:56 pm
Gray... Helmet... "Hymn?" She spoke without thinking. "I just met him..." She trailed off once she recalled who she was talking to. She could feel her cheeks warm.

"Yeah, a different person..." Sable mentally kicked herself. If different meant that one acted odd at random points in their life she wanted to go back to being a kid. Screw the cute clothes.

Then he offered her ice cream.

Sable looked back at him and instantly regretted it. She turned away quickly in order to get a hold of her breathing, "Sure" she accepted.

After all, she wasn't the kind of person to turn away something free.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:43 pm
“Yup that’s the guy” Ziya smiled brightly at the pixie girl, “I haven’t met him since then so I don’t know much about him” He shrugged a little. Hymn was someone he wasn’t sure if he wanted to ever meet again, what powers he had made him a little nervous on what the older teen could do to him.

The lightening dust nodded a little with a grin, but mentally was wondering what he was doing wrong. She seemed a little nervous around him, had he done something to freak her out? He admitted that he didn’t have much practice in talking to girls his age or girls much at all. He really only knew three so he was a little out of touch on what they liked to talk about in general.

”Great! Then I know of a great one just around the corner from here!” he smiled brightly at her. “Here just follow me!” Ziya chimed, taking the girls smaller hand gently and started to guide her. He didn’t think anything when taking her hand, he just didn’t want to get separated from her in the crowds which seemed to have picked up a little bit.  




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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 4:03 am
Sable froze stiff, she felt her blood move high into her head as her senses slowly were clouded by the pounding of her own blood and the heat of her face. Gods above she wished that someone she knew would show up, so that she could move and use them as a shield against the attack this man's presence had on her.

It was just a sweaty hand, mind you a big sweaty hand, but a normal hand none the less. She had grabbed Krinn's numerous times. She was hugged even by Cada. A touch should not be effecting her like this was.

Was she sick? Sable let her other hand reach up to delicately touch her forehead. It was warm, but what else did she expect? It certainly felt like all of her blood was up there at the moment...

Sable shook her head. "Sorry," she tried to smile, "I think its just this heat..." she explained. Not that she was blaming the sun or the weather. Neither were more than warm that day. Rather it was the heat of her own body attacking her relentlessly. "Lead on, Ice Cream sounds wonderful." She replied, holding her cotton tongue as steady as she could.

It was then that Sable came to the realization that she didn't want someone like Krinn or Mia to show up. If any of her friends or family saw her like this they may insist on taking her to the hospital. While Sable did feel out of whack, somehow it wasn't in a really bad way. She was messed up, and couldn't talk straight or right, and her head was tingling with the heat, but somehow it still felt... fine.

Furthermore, a hospital seemed like the last place she wanted to be while ice cream sounded just... wonderful...
PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 4:02 pm
Ziya stopped when Sable seemed to freeze, wondering if she was all right. Worry dashed the smile off his face, his brow furrowing a little as he turned to look back at the other teen. His larger hand still held her smaller, her skin soft and warm against his own as he held the dainty appendage. When she apologized and said it was the heat, he frowned but nodded a little to her words. Perhaps she was feeling ill? Even with his coat on he didn’t feel too hot but maybe she was more susceptible to the elements then he was? Sable was considerably smaller then him so that could very well be it. Getting her out of the sun as quick as possible would be good, plus the ice cream would cool her off a little.

“Okay… as long as you’re sure you’re okay….” Ziya murmured softly to her, gray hues still holding concern in them. “Just tell me if you’re feeling worse cause I could always carry you,” He offered with a gentle smile.

Gently he started leading her again, walking a little slower this time with her as to not rush her like before. Ziya hoped she’d start feeling a little better, perhaps sitting her down with a glass of water she’d feel better. Then he could just bring the ice cream to her so she could rest. The lightening dust would feel horrible if she started to get too sick, but if she got worse he could always walk her home to make sure she was fine.

“So what kind of ice cream do you like normally?” Ziya asked, trying to lighten then mood up again.  




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PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 1:36 am
"Ca--" Sable breathed, the word dying before it could escape her breath. she could feel herself becoming light headed again. She shook her head. He was probably just joking. Playing around? I used to do it enough....

Gods! Sable chided herself mentally. I know better!

Then he asked her what he favorite flavor of ice cream was and her mind went blank. What was it? She thought vanilla and chocolate were alright, but they certainly weren't her favorite...

A memory, fuzzy in her current state tried to force it's way through. Mia had gotten it for her one day and she had loved it, and wanted seconds... but what was the flavor again?

"It's kinda creamy... but a bit tart..." She spoke without realizing that her thoughts had escaped her mind.
PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 1:53 am
Ziya wasn’t kidding really though, he could carry her if it came to that, he didn’t mind. Sable looked extremely light so carrying her wouldn’t be a problem at all. Though he wouldn’t pick her up unless necessary or for fun if she asked him.

Blinking softly at what she said to explain what flavor she liked, h e ran through the list of ice creams he knew of. What kind of fruit was really tart and yet would be a good ice cream flavor.

”Was it peach? Or a lemon ice cream?” Ziya asked, looking thoughtful for a moment. “I personally like Blueberry or Strawberry myself but I’d try any flavor once!’ he beamed a little. The lightening dust was happy Sable was starting to talk a bit more; it put him a bit more at ease.  




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PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 2:11 am
"Peach!" Sable exclaimed happily. That is what Mia had called it! Sable beamed at the thought of getting to have some again. The cold cream but the slight tang, it was absolutely perfect.

Sable then realized that she was grinning like a goof-ball while being along by... Her cheeks returned to their red state, Sable could feel the tingling of her cheeks.

If anyone saw her like this... she would have to kill them...That was all there was to it.

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