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[PRP] - Shades of Gray

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xx - SHARKattack

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 11:02 pm
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xxxxx ... who;; Krinn & Lan ( n e v e r l a n d - - xx ) and Ashton & Ziya ( Enikil )
xxxxx ... when;; Afternoon.
xxxxx ... where;; Small back alley cafe / Behind Amies Marketplace
PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 11:03 pm
One, two, three. One, two, three.....

Krinn slapped Lan's hand instantly, earning a yelp in return. Unusually nervous, the older of the two returned to drumming his fingers along the railing. Krinn was perched beside him, swinging his legs back and forth. This was the first time the two had met up since the dust had moved into a house with both Sable and Cadaver. Surprisingly, the two had fallen into silence after a short conversation of how it was all going over at the new residence. Lan had recently - unbeknownst to Krinn - got into contact with an old friend of theirs - two old friends, actually. Now the man was restlessly waiting to meet up with both of them. As it had been explained to the rain cloud dust, it was a sort of lunch date thing. The restaurant the chef had chosen was a personal favorite, a slightly less popular cafe hidden in between the endless abyss of canals and alley shops behind Amies Marketplace.

"We're early."
Krinn said, slapping the other mans wrist again when he tried to drum his hands. "Stop worrying - you act like you've never set up a date before." Leaning back dangerously, Krinn tried to eye the canal beneath them, the crystal water showing off a gondola and a lovestruck couple every once in awhile. Lan looked over at him, his cheek puffed out in a bit of irritation. Krinn poked it with a finger, making the other release the breath he'd been holding.

"I usually dont have to set up dates."
Lan crossed his arms and glanced to the side, waving at a bubbly waitress on the patio of the small cafe in front of them. She beamed behind her stylish for-looks-only glasses and mouthed the question of if they were going to come in yet or not. The oddly haired man shook his head no, and mouthed something else, but Krinn wasn't paying attention anymore. Tilting dangerously, the young teen tried not to fall off. "I'm not very good at it, anyways."

Krinn gasped in mock shock at this and lifted his head up to look at Lan from his position.
"You? Not good at something?" He breathed out. "No way." Lan shoved the others hip with vengeance. Krinn offered a wayward smile and tilted back again. "They'll be here soon." He said distractedly. "Stop worrying."

Huffing, Lan waved to another waiter who was serving a decadent looking chocolate cake to a couple before drumming his fingers once again against the ancient stone railing. He could only hope they would get here... sooner or later. At least before Krinn decided that falling into the canal would be a fun adventure.

xx - SHARKattack



PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:31 am
“Lets go Ziya!” Ashton yelled upstairs, grumbling shortly after as he stood in the doorway of their house. It was beyond him what the teen was doing upstairs still; it never used to take the boy this long to get ready to go out. Though he supposed with having told him it was a lunch date that he was making sure he looked relatively okay before leaving. Going out and seeing people other then Ashton’s friends was a nice change, plus getting out of the house was always good. Though he considered Lan a friend but he wasn’t strictly his friend so it was a shared friendship for him and Ziya he supposed.

“Sorry! Couldn’t find my sock!” Ziya called softly as he hurried down the stairs to the doorway. Stepping out of the house, the teen hopped the three steps and looked back up at his guardian. Watching Ashton fumble with the keys, he hurried back up and locked it for him. The Stormy eyed male was still getting used to using his left hand, his right still out of commission. The arm was healing all right but it was a very slow and still painful process. The stitches were still quite a ways before they could be removed and the nasty electrical burns were still quite red. The bandage going from the palm of his hand to just under his elbow still covered it all up.

Setting out towards the Café that they were told to meet at, Ashton was glad it was pretty close to their house. Being late was something he didn’t enjoy; especially if was something good, like lunch. Thankfully they were still on schedule so there wouldn’t be a bunch of apologies once they got there. He didn’t want anything to really be taken away when Ziya finally got to see the rain dust again, knowing the teen really enjoyed Krinn’s company. It was a long over due meeting that was surely going to be a huge surprise for both parties he figured. Ziya looked so much different now, though the gray eyes and wild hair would probably give him away. And he was under the impression that it went the same for little Krinn.

“So who are we meeting? You still haven’t told me…” Ziya asked, kicking a small rock with the toe of his shoe. The rock skipped and jumped over the pavement, pitching to the side with every crack or imperfection in the street.

”Honestly, you do remember what a Surprise means right?” He chided, rolling his eyes a little with a slight smirk on his face. This only caused the teen to whine a little and kick another rock across the pavement.

Soon they were walking along side the canals, the sound of the moving water soothing in their silence. Alone times like this were often silent, the two still sorting out the accident in their minds and all of the other recent flurry of changes in the house hold. As they walked, Ashton could just make out two people standing at the stone bridge, knowing who it probably was right away. He really hoped they hadn’t been waiting there for too long.  
PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 4:20 pm
In a high ponytail and clothing akin to Lans eccentric style, Krinn wasn't all too recognizable either - even to himself. So when he caught sight of a familiar figure in the distance from his slightly unorthodox position, it took a moment for him to process the details. Sitting up, he brushed a hand subconsciously through his hair and jabbed an elbow into Lans side to get the others attention focused on the two approaching. "Is that..." He began, hopping off the ledge. Dressed in a fitted shirt with a splatter of colorful designs and a matching scarf threaded with black and blue, Krinn was also probably just as odd looking to Ziya as Ziya was to him.

Turning his eyes from his staring over at the waitress who was now ecstatically waving to him, Lan hummed in question and lifted his eyes above Krinn's head.
"Ashton!" He called out without missing a beat, and watching in amusement as Krinn almost jumped out of his skin when the other shouted. When Lan pushed away from his own perch and swerved in front of Krinn to smoothly jog up to the approaching pair, Krinn followed awkwardly after, pulling on his ponytail. Suddenly, he was feeling a bit nervous - as if he'd inherited the edgy disposition Lan had tossed away a few seconds ago. Ziya looked... amazing. Krinn looked like he'd been thrown into a girls war zone.

Stopping a few paces from the shorter of the two, Lan raised a hand in greeting.
"You look good." He said in with a genuine smile, his own black and gold hair glistening in the sunlight. Unlike Krinn, who hid most of his skin under the sleeves of his shirt, Lan had dressed himself in layered tank tops and typical cowboy boots. The arrangement of checkered accessories on his wrists made Krinn wonder how they hadn't fallen off yet. "And you..." Lan turned his eyes to Ziya, and if he hadn't experienced Krinn's sudden growth spurt already, he would have been quite surprised. "You look grown up. Has it really been that long? I dont remember you being this tall." He blew out a chuckle and jokingly offered Ashton an arm to lead him like a gentleman to the cafe.

Krinn, who'd followed the other shortly after, began to stare at Ziya from a close distance. His jaw worked to stay shut, and he only remembered his voice after Lan unceremoniously returned the jab to his side with his own.
"Ziya!" He said, trying unsuccessfully to muffle the shock. "You... er, grew!" Tugging again at his ponytail, Krinn felt heat rise to his face and smiled. It seemed like a lot of his friends were growing up lately. "You look amazing - wow, I can't believe it." The rain cloud dust eyed the other in amazement, and grinned at him.

Hopefully he was still the same Ziya Krinn knew.

xx - SHARKattack



PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 7:10 pm
As they approached the bridge Ashton’s suspicions were confirmed when his name was hollered loudly. The always cheerful Lan was making his way towards them with a dark haired teen; whom he assumed as Krinn, trailing close behind. Hearing a very sudden intake of air, he grinned a little to himself as he figured the teen had worked out who they were meeting. He could almost feel the wave of excitement pouring from the dust teen, who had quickened his pace. Falling into a quicker stride with Ziya, they made their way to meet the other two half way.

A touch of pink covered his cheeks ever so slightly when the other said he looked good, a slight smile reached his face. Since being off work for the past while he probably did look a lot better, healthier in fact. The dark sleepless rings that usually inhabited themselves around his eyes were completely gone which gave him a friendlier look. His skin even had a healthier glow to him, which came from sleeping and being up and about at regular hours of the day for long periods of time. Dressed in a comfortable green shirt and nice dark wash blue jeans and sneakers, he looked fairly relaxed.

Thanks Lan, you look good yourself” Ashton smiled a little to the other then over at Ziya. The teen was dressed in nice black jeans and a form fitted dark colored tank top, gold arm band strapped onto his forearm and the choker like necklace heather had made for him on. With his hair tied back in a low ponytail, he looked quite smart for once. Chuckling a little at the grin Ziya had given Lan, which spoke a thousand different things. Taking the offered arm gently, being careful as to which arm he was using and smiled a bit.

“Its bizarre how suddenly he came to be… well that tall and everything! I’m still getting used to not treating him like a kid anymore…” Ashton admitted with a slight sigh in his voice. “But Krinn looks so different too! Looks like they both grew up fast and turned out looking very presentable” he smiled a tad as he watched the two teens.

”Krinn!!” Ziya chimed excitedly, bee-lining past the two adults to his friend. It was crazy how different he looked though he was still the same Krinn he knew and befriended. His hair was longer and wilder, seemed like he wasn’t the only one whose hair changed drastically!

“You too! Wow! You look awesome Krinn! I just… hah wow!” Ziya laughed, unable to get across what he really wanted to say he was so surprised and excited. “I can’t believe how different you look! In a good way by the way!” he laughed brightly, a grin plastered all over his face. The electric dust grinned and playfully but very gently tugged a lock of the others stormy hair.

”I really like your hair longer though… it suits your personality way better I think…” He said with a smile to his friend.  
PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:20 pm
Lan grinned at Ashton, his nervous edge disappearing into happiness over seeing the younger man again. When he'd said that Ashton looked good, he'd truly meant it. The other looked like he'd been getting more sleep, and was quite comfortable in his own skin. Linking arms, Lan noticed the glimpse of bandages on the other and silently wondered if something had happened. Prying, however, wasn't his idea of fun. If Ashton wanted to tell him, he'd tell him. "Me?" He repeated towards the compliment as he gently tugged the other towards the cafe's patio, where the waitress he'd waved to earlier was bustling around with plates and dishes. "I just look like normal. You look exceptionally... handsome." With a foxy grin, Lan tilted his head back, watching the two teenagers in interest.

"Sounds a lot like Krinn, actually."
Lan laughed a bit, remembering how awkward that day had been. "One day he was short and... kid-like." Lan paused, chewing on his lip. "The next, he was tall and his hair was suddenly long. I mistook him for a girl." Laughing, Lan took a glance over at Ashton. "And suddenly he wanted to move out." He concluded. "They do look different - I'm not used to seeing either of them grown up at all." He laughed, finally entering the patio and waving the bubbling waitress, who was always keen on serving him whenever he was around.

Krinn felt his awkwardness ebb when Ziya seemed to accept the strange new look to him. Meeting the other half way, he cocked a grin and waved happily. Still toying with his hair, Krinn beamed at Ziya when he began to talk.
"Thanks - you're sure? I dont look... weird?" Krinn said, quirking a brow at the other before smiling and hugging Ziya. "I agree, you look amazing - different, but really awesome." Leaning back, he began to walk backwards so he could face Ziya as they followed Lan and Ashton towards the patio.

The lightning dust had always been a good friend, and seeing him grown up as well made Krinn ecstatic in some childish part of his mind to see him again. Something bubbled in his chest. It seemed as if all of the dusts he had befriended were growing up so quickly. Sable, and Cada, and now Ziya as well. The lightning dust looked as eccentric as ever, and Krinn felt like the day had gotten better already. Blinking as the other brushed a hand over his hair, Krinn colored considerably, his face taking on a cherry tint. Smiling sheepishly, Krinn rubbed the palm of his hand to his now warm cheek as if it would make the blush go away.

"You think so? I'm glad you like it... Its a lot of trouble though."
Krinn grinned loosely. "It takes me hours to get all the knots out." In return, the rain cloud dust reached out to toy with the others electric hair. He felt light shocks tingle against his skin and held back a laugh. "I love your hair as well - it fits you well too."

xx - SHARKattack



PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:26 pm
Following when tugged along, Ashton looked around at the little café seeing it was a little busy. However usually when a café or restaurant was busy meant the food and service was good and knowing Lan had picked the place he figured that was all true. Looking back up at the older male, he turned a little pink again and laughed a little.

“I think calling me handsome is stretching it a little” Ashton smiled a little and shifting his sore arm a little. “Though since I’ve been off work I’ve been catching up on some much needed sleep,” He murmured and looked back at the boys as well. Looking fairly shocked when the other said Krinn had moved out, he couldn’t believe it.

”Honestly? He moved out? Wow…. I don’t know how I’d feel if Ziya suddenly decided that he wanted to move out… that’s an awfully big step…” Ashton murmured a little, a slight frown on his face. The whole idea made him a little nervous, what would he do if Ziya suddenly got the idea that moving out would be a good idea? He had gotten so used to having the kid around and not being home alone that the whole idea of being all alone again scared him almost.

Ziya arched an eyebrow and gave the other a strange look when Krinn asked if he looked weird or not and he shook his head quickly. Why would his friend think he looked weird?

“Weird isn’t a word to describe how you look! Are you crazy? I think you look very stylish” He grinned a little at his friend, determined to change his mind on how he thought he looked. Returning the hug, he placed his hands on the others shoulders so he could guide him a little as he walked backwards. Last thing he wanted was poor Krinn to fall into the canal.

Seeing someone he’d known since a child grow up after so long was mind blowing. Krinn was one of the very first Dusts he had ever remembered meeting and being a teenager along side him was great. Though Ziya felt that Krinn hadn’t changed too much personality wise, he was still the same Krinn he enjoyed seeing as a child. He really hoped after this lunch they would get to see more of each other now that they didn’t necessarily need Lan and Ashton with them. Blinking softly when the other flushed, he just smiled warmly at the other, gray hues soft as he chuckled a little when the other toyed with his crazy hair.

“It takes way longer to shampoo it I bet, I know mine does” Ziya laughed a little, steering the other suddenly away from an imperfection in the pavement. Stumbling a little as he walked, the lightening dust flushed a little as he bumped into Krinn slightly. “Heh sorry… I’m such a klutz…but besides looks what else has changed for you?”  
PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 11:44 pm
It was a bit busy, but Lan, who practically lived in the cafe he worked at nowadays, was used to the bustle of other waiters and customers. Carefully maneuvering both Ashton and himself after the waitress who had quickly bee lined up and offered them a table, Lan smiled over at the other when he flushed pink and chuckled heartily. "It is not." He said with a foxy grin, his bracelets clinking. "I think its an understatement, if anything." Pausing as the other mentioned that he'd been off work, Lan mulled the information in his mind as he settled into his seat, but not before pulling out a chair for Ashton. "Thats definitely good." He admitted to the other when he mentioned sleep. "I'm glad you're getting more rest. You deserve it."

Chuckling at the face Ashton made towards him when he mentioned that the young dust had moved out, Lan sat back in his seat and let the sunlight play with his skin.
"Honestly." He said, raising a hand as if promising the truth. "I was surprised too. But he moved in with two others - Sable, and Cadaver. I've known both of them since they were children sort of, and I trust those three together... I think." Lan grinned a bit at Ashton, but the concern and uncertainty of letting Krinn move out still lingered. "I still dont know how I feel, so I know what you mean. I'm glad he's growing up... I just think its all going a little fast." Laughing, Lan took a pause in his talking as another waiter came by, and fluidly ordered a drink. He then tilted his head, wondering what was taking the two teenagers so long.

Krinn smiled sheepishly at Ziya, his cheeks still tinged red. It was so good that Ziya didn't think he looked weird, or girly. Especially girly.
"I hope not." Krinn said quickly to Ziya's "are you crazy" question, but then again, he wasn't so sure of that anymore. With all the strange things going on his life, it wasn't too far out to say he wasn't all right in the mind. "Stylish?" Krinn repeated after Ziya, looking uncertain but a bit relieved to hear what his other friend had to say. "Thanks... that makes me feel a lot better. I'm glad you dont think I look weird!"

Blinking a bit at the others guidance, Krinn smiled and went along with it, letting Ziya lead him wherever he wanted. The other dust was trusted enough by Krinn that the young teenager didn't second guess his warm hands on his shoulders. The electric tingles curving over his skin felt nice too - like the pop rock candies Lan sometimes put in his mouth to wake him up.

That Ziya was also a teenager now was a huge relief to Krinn. Growing up together with someone else - the thought comforted him more than anything. It was nice knowing that he wasn't alone, and that Ziya was also moving up towards becoming adult alongside him. Similar to the lightning dust, Krinn was also hoping that the two would see more of each other now that they had become more grown up. It was nice seeing Ziya with Lan and Ashton, but just being able to meet up with the other on their own sounded like such a fun plan as well. And Ziya was someone he could always enjoy the company off. Especially since they'd known each other since they'd been nothing more then kids.

Turning a bit red at the others chuckle, Krinn continued to fiddle with the electric like locks for a moment, enjoying the soft brush of Ziyas hair. Bringing his hand down and away, the rain cloud blinked and colored a little when he brushed the back of his hand lightly against Ziya's face.
"Sorry," He said with a sheepish smile. When the other stumbled a little, Krinn let out an unfinished yelp before reaching out instinctively to catch the other, wrapping his arms loosely around Ziya to make sure he didn't fall. Grinning a bit when he noticed the other was okay, Krinn almost completely forgot about Lan and Ashton.

"Aha, its alright."
Krinn said quickly, smiling at Ziya. "Dont worry, I'm just as much of a klutz as you are." Blushing as he realized their position, Krinn quickly took his hands away again with a stuttered apology. At the new question, Krinn quickly distracted himself with answering it instead of fussing over his hot red cheeks. "Besides looks?" Krinn blinked and hummed. "Nothing really... I moved out though. I'm living with two other dusts now - Sable, and Cadaver." He smiled at Ziya. "Lans still a bit flustered over the whole ordeal though."

xx - SHARKattack



PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 1:31 am
Ashton couldn’t help but flush again as the other seemed to insist on complementing him. Thanking him for the seat, he sat down and gave the other a little smile as he relaxed into the seat. Resting his bad arm carefully, he looked back up at the other and nodded a little.

”It’s been nice getting to sleep in and have regular hours…but it’s getting a little boring… I can’t play the guitar or anything…” Ashton murmured and itched at his bandages a little. Also learning to use his left hand and not his right was a pain; he’d lost count how many times he’d forgotten and tried to use his bummed hand and arm for things. Very annoying to say the least.

“I think I’ve heard Ziya mention those names once… not sure how well he knows those two… but its good you know them and their guardians too” Ashton smiled a little and he brushed some of his dark black hair from his eyes. The sun was nice and warm, he usually didn’t enjoy direct sunlight but being relaxed out on the patio was great. Ordering his drink as well, he looked back at the other and nodded in agreement on it being a little fast.

“I’d never stop Ziya from moving out if it was what he really wanted…let him know he could always come back” Ashton murmured and then looked around for the two boys. Where were they? They weren’t that far behind where they? Perhaps they were just catching up since they probably had a whole lot to catch up on by the sounds of it.

Ziya smiled at the other when he seemed reassured that he didn’t think the rain dust didn’t look weird or strange. He thought his hair was cute, though he’d never say that out loud as the other would probably hit him with something. The lightening dust figured he’d look strange with his crazed black and yellow hair. At least Krinn’s was a natural hue. But them reassuring each other was what made growing up easier on the both of them he figured. They would always have each other for support and that’s what made good friends.

“I-Its okay” Ziya stammered after the others hand touched his face. The soft ghosting of the others skin against his face startled him in a way he wasn’t very sure of. He couldn’t remember a time he’d turned such a pink color or felt this strange bubbling sensation. Forgetting about it momentarily when he tripped up, Ziya laughed at his own folly.

”Here I was trying to make sure you wouldn’t fall into the canal, I’m just as bad as you are I suppose” He laughed but then blinked softly at their position. He straightened himself up quickly after, coughing slightly as he fixed his tank top to try and distract himself.

“Moved out? Wow that’s pretty exciting!” Ziya chimed, the color in his face turning back to normal from the sudden shift in their situation and conversation. “I’ve met both of those two recently... Cada is a super nice guy it seems and Sable… She’s nice but sure doesn’t talk a whole lot…” he murmured the last part and a slight confused face. His meeting with Sable was pleasant enough but he kind of got the feeling she didn’t enjoy talking to him.  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 2:58 am
Lan felt some amusement bubble in his chest at the sight of Ashton fluttered. The fox like grin never left his face as he enjoyed the warmth of the sunlight. It had been awhile since he'd last relaxed. After all, with all of the internal haywire, relaxation was easier said then done. Watching the bad arm get rested carefully, Lan veiled his concern and turned back to the other, curious as to just what had put the arm in that state.

"That must be really boring."
Lan said, eyes glittering with emotion as he watched Ashton in mild interest. "And its a shame that you cant play your guitar - I'm still dying to hear more from you once you're able to again." He paused, wondering if it would be too much to pry. Contemplating why he suddenly cared so much, Lan ventured into unknown territory. To hell with being sneaky. "Out of curiosity, what happened to your arm? It looks like its been through a lot."

When Ashton mentioned that Ziya knew the other two, Lan let out a sultry smile.
"I see. Well its good to hear that a lot of them have at least been introduced." Tilting his head to the side, Lan felt an awkward jolt in his gut at the mention of the other guardians. Smiling a bit, he turned his eyes to the canals beyond the patio. "It is nice to know them. Its nice to know you as well - though I'm sure as teenagers, these guys wont want us hovering around them all the time much longer." Lan laughed out a bit. Glancing up, Lan effortlessly made small talk with the waitress as she brought around Ashton and his drinks.

Nodding at the others mention of Ziya, Lan took a sip of the smoothie and smiled at Ashton, brushing a hand over the ebony haired mans own fingers. Lacing them together playfully, he grinned reassuringly at the other.
"Home is where the heart is, as they say." Lan said with a soft gesture. Something flashed through his eyes though at the mention, and the young adult fell into silence for a moment, contemplating what to say next.

Contrary to Ziya's thoughts, Krinn was more inclined to think the others hair and looks in general were highly appealing. Especially the tiny shocks against his skin whenever he touched the crazed hair. It reminded him of lightning, and lightning had always shown up during the storms. It was nice, he thought, being with Ziya. It was also nice that they had one another to reassure and be reassured by. Krinn secretly thanked the gods for having been able to meet the fellow lightning dust.

Blinking at the others stutter, Krinn melted into awkward teenager goo, wondering if Ziya wasn't used to much contact. Having lived with Lan, Krinn was used to being hugged and kissed and roughhoused with all the time. But touching others for him was increasingly awkward, and most of the time embarrassing. However, the feel of Ziya was tempting, and made Krinn want to brush against it again - thought to the rain cloud, that sounded almost as insane as his dreams. Coloring at the thought, Krinn reeled his hand back to his chest.

Laughing along with Ziya, Krinn smiled at the lightning dust softly, enjoying the others company.
"Well, trust me, you're doing a much better job then I ever could. Thank you, savior." The rain cloud said with a soft smile, even though his stomach bubbled with an awkward sensation. Maybe this was part of being a teenager? All of the awkward moments? When Ziya suddenly straightened up as Krinn jumped away, the other blinked and averted his eyes, trying not to look too much at the other. No matter what he tried to distract himself with though, there was no denying that Krinn found Ziya extremely handsome, and was having a hard time not looking. He sort of missed the warmth of Ziya's hands though, and colored even more at the thought. Unconsciously, he raised his hand to the place where the others hand had been, and focused his attention on the ground. He didn't want Ziya to think he was insane for staring.

Putting his thoughts at as much ease as he could when he was dragged back to their conversation, Krinn smiled at Ziya and turned so that he was walking beside the other, arms brushing as he moved to walk forward.
"It is exciting. And its nice to be with other dusts." He smiled over at Ziya softly, even though there was something hidden in his almost faraway eyes. But the distant look was dissuaded when the other spoke again. "Thats cool. Cada is really nice, and knows how to turn anyones world upside down. In a good way, of course!" He smiled over at Ziya at the mention of Sable. "I've known Sable since I was a child. We're kind of like unofficial siblings, I suppose." Krinn smiled at the thought. "I've never had a problem with her not talking a whole lot...." Humming in thought, Krinn glanced over at Ziya and smiled. "But anyways, you'll have to come over sometime." His eyes flickered with amusement and happiness. "I want to show you the house - if you ever want to, that is."

xx - SHARKattack



PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 2:59 am
“It’s driving me crazy… though I’m still able to write… Its not the same without the guitar… the whole process is annoying…” Ashton admitted, coloring a little when the other said he wanted to hear him again. “As soon as I’m able I’ll give you a call…. I couldn’t hurt to try out some of my new songs on you” He replied but fell silent for a moment. Looking to his arm, he chewed his lip again having expected a question on it. He figured since Lan had a dust to take care of as well he would understand possibly what happened right?

”Ziya… and I had a fight…. A week or so before he well grew…” He started, fiddling with the edge of the bandage near his thumb. “We were arguing and tugging a vase between the two of us… you know how it’s like when you fight with your parent… you say things you honestly don’t mean…” Ashton shrugged with an awkward sad little smile on his face. Why was this feeling harder to explain then it really was? Because him and Ziya were still sorting out what happened? “But he… accidentally discharged one of his lightening abilities and well…” Ashton trailed off and gestured to his bandaged arm. “Some stitches and some ointments for the electrical burn… it’s healing slowly but its only been a few weeks since it happened” Ashton sighed a little as he frowned at his arm.

“He’s still really upset over it… no matter how many times I tell him it’s okay, that its not that bad… sure I’ll have a nasty looking scar once its healed but I’m just glad he didn’t get hurt” Ashton smiled a little, running his hand through his hair after and looked towards where the boys should be approaching from.

”Heh yeah… can’t baby them forever… no matter how much you want too” Ashton laughed a little, setting his hand down. Thanking the waitress for his lemonade, he flushed brightly when the others hand brushed over his own. His Storm blue hues seemed to tremble a little with the contact to his injured appendage though didn’t seem to mind the contact. Seeming too a little lost on what to say next, the silence wasn’t uncomfortable but seemed odd coming from Lan.

”So… What’s good to eat here?” He asked suddenly out of the blue; which was normally not something he did.

Contact was something Ziya had been avoiding since his incident with Ashton. Though Ashton was never really a touchy feely type of person so there wasn’t much so of hugging when it came from him. The occasional caring gesture but it was mostly words between them. Sure Ashton’s friend Heather hugged him whenever she saw him, but he still wasn’t very used to such contact. But still his nerves always went on edge when eh came in too much of contact with someone, afraid that the electrical current his body seemed to posses could hurt someone again if he wasn’t careful.

Giving Krinn a sheepish look, he laughed a little and started to walk along side of his friend. He couldn’t help but think that the others skin was nice a cool against his. It seemed to react with the electric quality of his skin, making his arm tingle a little pleasantly every time they brushed together. The jumbled feelings in his gut were confusing him, but he brushed it all aside as he willed the returning color in his cheeks to leave.

”I got that impression of him when I met him… it’s a cool guy” Ziya grinned then blinked about Sable. “Really? Maybe it was just me..” he murmured a little to himself. His eyes however lit up when the other invited him to come by the house, finding that exciting. To be able to see so many dusts at once would be exciting, the most he’d ever been in contact with at once was the harpy twins. It had been a little overwhelming but interesting to say the least.

“Of course I’d want too! That sounds awesome Krinn! Really!” Ziya beamed as they drew closer to the café. “Perhaps we could all hang out, the four of us? I dunno… a sleep over if that doesn’t seem too childish…’ he laughed and rubbed a hand through his hair awkwardly at his silly suggestion. The lightening dust had never had a sleep over before so he had kinda wanted to know what one was like.  
PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 3:59 am
"Haha, it seems like a pain." Lan agreed, leaning back in his chair, watching the other as he spoke. "I think I'd feel the same if I lost the ability to do something I loved. Like cooking," The young adult grinned and laughed. "I think I'd go into withdrawal." Nodding along with what the other had to say, Lan flexed an effortless smile. That would be nice - hearing Ashtons music again. He was an addict to the melodies that different instruments could produce. Ever since his childhood, when he'd listen to the old fortune teller play her harp he'd never found anything more soothing - save for cooking at least.

Listening when the other told him what had happened, Lan tried to hide his look of slight shock, but nodded along with the others words and sent him a smile back, rocking their hands back and forth a bit in comfort.
"Sounds like it was pretty painful." Lan tilted his head to the side, eyes flashing a bit. "In more ways than one. Hopefully it all heals soon, your wounds..." He trailed off, glancing over as the two finally appeared. "I've had a few arguments with Krinn before. But his abilities are passive - it just.... well, he's made from the storm, so its not surprising that the weather tends to side with his emotional spectrum." Laughing a bit, Lan lowered his eyes, thoughtfully silent for a moment.

"I remember how it used to be as a child when you hurt someone else."
Lan tilted his head up, grinning reassuringly at Ashton. He honestly cared about the other, and that meant trying not to be a tease twenty four seven. "It takes time to forgive yourself since you aren't really used to it. After you grow up, you know how to take it, right?" Lan poked Ashton lightly in the head. "I'm sure he'll be fine, just be there for him, alright? Thats all you can do."

Sipping at the smoothie and savoring the taste, Lan continued to fall into silence. The idea of home and Krinn mixed with the bitter tang of emotions and memories from his past weren't very inviting. Looking up when Ashton unexpectedly asked a question, Lan stared for a moment. He shouldn't have been shocked by the question - it was rather simple. But it just... caught him off guard. And then laughing, Lan smiled at Ashton.
"Other then the waiters?" He said with a tease in his voice as a waitress bubbled past them, grinning to the two on her way to take other orders. "Kidding. They have a lot of things - pizza, seafood, burgers, pasta, cake, icecream, cake..." Lan felt a purr in the back of his throat at the idea of dessert. "It all depends on what you like. All of their food is really good." He winked at Ashton. "And thats a lot, coming from me. I'm very competitive, you know."

Used to contact, Krinn wasn't so awkward with it. However, the thought of brushing with Ziya sent tingles up his spine. The feel of static made him giddy, because it was a foreign feel that made him want to laugh and keep his arm there all day long. However, Krinn would never admit that out loud. Contact was embarrassing enough on its own. He had enough experience with hot blushes and awkward conversations, and didn't want to mess up his relations with Ziya over something like that.

Returning the sheepish look with a smile, Krinn padded up the short stairs to the patio, giving a wave to one of the waiters who looked the two over before throwing his thumb in the direction of where Lan and Ashton were placed. As his body returned from its sky rocketing heat, Krinn glanced a look out of the corner of his eye at Ziya. He wondered if he was also feeling a confusing swell of emotions in his gut, or if it was just Krinn. The dust forced himself to ignore the thoughts.

"Yeah... I met him when I was a kid. His guardian and Lan seem to get along alright too."
Krinn smiled over at Ziya. "I like living with them." At the mention of it maybe just being him, Krinn laughed, forgetting his strange emotions for a moment. "Maybe you two just need a little more time?" He suggested with a smile over at Ziya.

Laughing at the others reaction, the rain cloud smiled from ear to ear as they drew close to Lan and Ashtons table.
"I'm glad it sounds like fun to you - I'd really want to show you the house. And I'm sure it'd be cool with the others too." Grinning at the other, Krinn let a bit of his childish aspects show through. "I think that would be great. A sleep over sounds like fun - I've only done that sort of thing once before though." Coloring a bit, Krinn settled into a seat next to Lan, and glanced up at Ziya. "We should set it up soon, I can talk to the others when I get back." He smiled before tilting his head at Lan and Ashton.

So what had they missed? Krinn spotted the two hands first, and instantly kicked Lans shin under the table. The look he sent him clearly stated that flirting was entirely prohibited. Lan just sent him a sort of pained look of 'I wasn't doing anything.'

The two of them never changed.

xx - SHARKattack



PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:44 pm
Ashton couldn’t help but bite his lower lip a little at the look he got from Lan when he explained what had happened to his arm. Pin pricks of pain prickled up his arm as he remembered the night of the incident. It was difficult to explain how he felt about the injury, it hurt like hell yes, as it was constantly throbbing, but he felt it was his fault it happened in the first place. “It was a fight that could have easily been avoided if I just opened up more to Ziya…” He murmured softly then sighed a little. Relaxing a little as Lan rocked their hands gently; he listened to what he said about what powers Krinn possessed. “Ziya’s are usually passive as well, like the lights flickering when he gets upset, but nothing quite like that... it could have been because he was maturing faster then I knew” Ashton sighed a little then ran his free hand through his dark hair. Stormy blue hues were soft as he nodded to what the other said and knew all too well what it could feel like. He hadn’t wanted Ziya to have to feel like that but sometimes that was just part of growing up.

Cracking a smile when he was poked, he blinked then colored before laughing a little at what he said about the waiters. “Well then… maybe I’ll have to try your food sometime…. To see really who is the best?” He grinned a little and sipped his drink after. “Usually when I go out to eat… I eat something I can’t make at home… which is almost anything” he smiled then looked over to see the two boys approaching.

This small amount of contact between then stirred some uncertain feelings in his gut that he wasn’t quite sure of. But it wasn’t a bad feeling, he liked the coolness of the others skin against his warmer. It felt fresh like the grass when after it had rained; nice, cool and comforting. However there was no way he could talk to Krinn about it, the other would think he was strange or something like that. The rain cloud dust he considered the closest friend he had and he’d be devastated if he ruined it some how. Looking at the other for a split second, he turned a little pink then looked ahead on where they were heading.

Nodding to what he said about Cada, wishing he knew half as many dusts as Krinn did. “Maybe…” Ziya smiled and laughed a little, “Or maybe I’m just terrible with girls?” he grinned playfully. He flushed as the other laughed at how excited he got over seeing where Krinn lived, he brushed some of his own hair back and smiled brightly.

Sitting down, he folded his arms on the table and looked over at Ashton and Lan for a moment. “Sure, it’ll be fun to hang out with you and the others again, like a party of sorts right?” he grinned at him, happy that the other liked the idea. It would be a great way to get to know all the others and Krinn even more, and who knows maybe he’d sort out this odd feeling in his gut.

He too spotted their hands joined and wondered what that was all about. Blinking softly, he grinned playfully when he noticed the slight interaction between Lan and Krinn.

Some things never changed.  

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