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[PRP] - Egads! ( Cada/Krinn )[complete]

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Kuuro Kitten

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 5:11 pm
Moving. It was a hard thing to do but finally the young Pestilence Dust had gotten all his things transferred to he, Krinn and Sables new home. His bed had come quickly along with the rest of his boxes and other assortment of items. Setting them up was the fun part! The attic was ideal for the young dust who wasn't very comfortable being in the regular part of the house for long periods at a time. He didn't mind spending time with his housemates, laughing, and joking around with them while they played silly bored games and such. Often they'd just go out on the town to look around the local district, still unable to believe they had talked their guardians into letting them live on their own. It was a big stepping stone.

Now standing idle in his attic room, he looked around with his usual trademark smile. The room was... colorful, rather, child like as was usual for the young teen. He hadn't completely grown up; at least not yet. Still as innocent and youthful as the day he had come to being, Cadaver liked to keep true to himself. He never did understand why humans worried about what others thought of themselves. It was quite strange really... if they didn't follow the norm they were outcasts and shunned by those that they had often called friends. A sudden thump in Cada's chest made him grab at his chest... something he was feeling more and more daily. When a topic got a little too touchy for him he could feel himself grow nervous, excited... no scared. Was that what it meant to be human? Follow the norm or be an outcast?

Sighing he peeled out of his usual sweater with hood, letting it flop to the floor along with his pants. Only a tee shirt remained on his body and some boxer shorts before he grabbed a towel laying on his bed and Mr. Happy sitting on his windowsill. Peeking out from his door he didn't hear anything inparticular, perhaps the others had gone out for a while or were locked in their own rooms still decorating. He smiled glad for the distraction as he hurried down the steps and toward the bathroom. Thankfully their were two so the boys agreed to share their bathroom and let Sable have her own. Slipping into the room he set his towel on the sink along with Mr. Happy and grabbed a basket of other toiletries. Looking himself in the mirror a slow long sigh escaped his lips before he went about his usual routine.

Peeling the bandage away from his cheek he closed his eyes grimacing at the image he knew would be there. It never seemed to stop making him sick, but when he opened his eyes a very good portion of his jaw could be seen from the other side, teeth, muscle and all. A gaping hole was what greeted the Pestilence Dust when he removed the dressing and tossed the bandages in the trash mindful to wrap it up nicely so he wouldn't be rude to Krinn. Next was the wrapping around his neck, thankfully it wasn't as bad as his face, though he still didn't like the idea of having a neck that looked like someone had tried to slit his throat. It didn't bleed and it didn't puss over thankfully but the skin was crusted and looked about to rot right off... if he were of the mind he could easily reach his wind pipe but he wasn't that adverse in medical practice to go around poking at himself.

Once all the dressings were gone he began peeling his boxer shorts and tee shirt off to reveal a naked body covered with scars and strange discolorations. As if his skin were inflicted by every sickness known to the human race, though he couldn't see the urethral beauty that he held, a preservation to his body that was thankfully blessed by Aveah.

Running the shower water was his first option of the night. A good cleaning was what he needed. Something his papa had pounded into his head from day one and from that point on Cada couldn't go a day without washing at least two or three times a day with the idea he might start stinking up the place or parts of his body would start making people sick. Whatever the reason he just didn't feel functional without a shower to make him feel new again.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 6:13 pm
A soft sigh, a gentle shift.

Krinn rolled over, tangled in blankets. His head felt like it always did after sleep. Like his skull was three sizes too small and pressure was building everywhere. Grunting, the teenager screwed his eyes shut, the room alive with light only because of the soft fire of a trapped flame. The comfort of warmth against the unnatural chill of his body made his skin feel like it was dancing with sparks. It took him a moment to remember where he was. Opening his eyes, Krinn pushed himself up. The bed he'd gotten from Lan when he'd moved out was only a few inches off the floor, almost like a futon. His room had been well decorated over the time since they'd first moved in. First moved in... Krinn sighed, brushing back his stormy hair over his bare shoulder. He was only dressed in plaid pajama bottoms, one size two large. They dwarfed his feet, but they were too comfortable to resist. The storm dust tilted his head up and yawned.

Stretching his arms above his head, Krinn stood, stumbling out of bed. His room was pretty simple - unlike Cada's colorful one. Books from before were strewn all over the ground, making Krinn trip and fumble as he navigated his way out of the mess. Opening the door to his room, Krinn inhaled, brushing through his hair, trying to untangle knots from the nap he'd taken. Even though he called it a nap, it had turned into something of a bad sleeping schedule. Frowning as he pulled a portion of his hair over his shoulder, Krinn ran his fingers through it. Where had he left the hairband he'd used to tie it back? Puffing out his bottom lip at the thought of losing it, Krinn teetered down the hallway in thought.

Yawning openly, Krinn opened one of his eyes as he remembered a brief moment in which he'd actually had his hairband. Feeling a bit stupid, Krinn turned on his heel and began to pad for the bathroom he and Cada shared. He also felt a bit silly for having only one hair tie around. He should have kept more, with the amount of hair he had - and the lack of good memory. Carefully, Krinn sank past Sable's room, not wanting to be too loud incase their third roommate was still asleep. Dropping his eyes to the floor as he neared the bathroom, Krinn knocked once before jostling the handle open, not really thinking much of just getting his tie.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt.... I think I left my tie in he - "
Krinn, who'd been looking over the bathroom for a sign of the his precious hair tie. He hadn't thought that interrupting would be bad thing - they'd both done it on more then one occasion. But when he tilted his head up, he was taken aback by the sight of Cada naked. Okay, perhaps more so then naked was the state his body was in. Feeling like someone had sucker punched him, Krinn didn't even notice the glistening accessory he'd been looking for in the first place was sitting innocently on the tile of the bathroom sink. After the wave of shock passed him, Krinn stumbled forward a step, obviously taken off guard.

He said, almost as if he wasn't sure the words were coming out of his mouth just yet. "Holyshit." He said at light speed - which was pretty shocking, since Krinn had never really taken a liking to swearing. The door swung shut behind him, since Krinn had been holding it open with his foot. Concern washed over him like wildfire, and Krinn felt his gut twist uncertainly. Was Cada suffering? This was horrible. "Your skin... are you alright? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have intruded but..." He didn't really know where his words were going. "U-uhm, that looks really painful... Are you okay? Whats happening...?" Great, Krinn. Way to sound stupid. The dust mentally hit his head against something hard. He really hoped Cada wouldn't hate him for this - but more so then that, he hoped Cada was alright.

All of it looked so painful... Krinn suddenly felt something in his gut twist. What was going on?

xx - SHARKattack

Kuuro Kitten

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 7:10 pm
Cadaver had scrambled for something anything to cover himself just as he heard the door handle rattle. He didn't have much time to shout out, to which he tried, "Wait!" but as soon as this spilled from his lips the door was opened and he was met with dual stormy eyes, that washed over his naked form. Not very insecure about his body if he were any other dust or human for that matter but his need to hide was more for the affliction of his skin... He scrambled on last time before tripping and stumbling back into the shower. Water drenched him from head to toe before he slid down the wall and curled in on himself. He didn't want anyone to see him... not like this or ever for that matter.

If they were tears no one would know since he was covered in water anyway but he didn't care at this point. The words leaving Krinn's mouth was enough to upset anyone. No they didn't hurt... it was just, he didn't want anyone to think he was sick or anything. He wasn't sick... after all he was pestilence. "Go away!" He muttered really wishing he didn't have to do this. It wasn't like him to be cruel to friends, or cruel in general. He liked being nice, helping, and just being himself but this was who he was. Covered from head to toe in crazy scars, and strange bruises and other afflictions he wasn't sure were contagious or not. So far no one had contracted anything outside of his papa coming down with that weird sickness a while back. Otherwise he would hide away far in the forest and never come out!

"Please Krinn... go away! It's nothing ... I promise. I'm fine.... just..." he choked on his words, water filling his mouth from the hole in his face. It was unbearable to be seen so exposed like this. Never mind being nude he just didn't know what to do anymore. Wearing sweaters and long pats kept him fairly secure about himself but when he was like this, he couldn't hide who he was. He wondered? Did anyone really know exactly who he was? "Did you wonder why I wore those bandages?" He questioned to no one or perhaps to Krinn it didn't matter. He just reached up to turn the water off, and moved from the shower not feeling much like cleaning. It wouldn't wash away the pain of being exposed like this, it wouldn't make his scars and skin ailments go away, he couldn't regain his face back and his neck wouldn't stop looking like an old horror movie...

Nothing would "fix" him.

He gave an uninterested "Hah" as he reached for a towel and covering himself as best he could. "I'm fine." He repeated more for himself, trying not to break down in front of the storm dust. "Really I'm fine. It's always been like this... well it was mild when I was little but it got worse when I grew. I have to shower daily almost two or three times a day to keep my skin from rotting off my bones." Tossing an extra towel over his head he hid his face with it much like he did with the hood of his sweater. "I mean bandages aren't really a fashion statement or anything... so I guess... did you wonder what I was hiding?" He looked at the mirror toward Krinn keeping his face from showing more than was necessary. There was little he could do about his neck aside from hiding in the shadows of the dim lighting.

Trying to lighten the mood he smiled but with a sudden movement the towel fell to his shoulders and the smile he normally shined on others that was so bright and caring just didn't have its worth with that hole, it was straight out of a horror movie. He saw this and quickly ducked his head, the smile faded fast and the tears formed without warning. "I'm fine." He repeated as a mantra by this time unable to look at Krinn or himself. How long was he planning to hide this from the world? "I'm the dust of pestilence, it was something I tried not to think about for a long time, Krinn.... but I can't hide anymore. This is who I am. Ugly." There. It was finally out, the dust with a vibrant personality was facing up to what he hated about himself. He would become an outcast now right? Didn't that happen to humans that were different, ugly, or didn't follow the norm? It couldn't be much different for dusts right? They all seemed bright and happy, made of elements and things of beauty, why would he be the one made of something that causes suffering, anguish or could even kill?

What a joke!
PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 7:52 pm
Krinn had stared in shock through the entirety of the scene, wanting to reach forward when Cada fell backwards into the shower. His legs hadn't budged though, which made Krinn internally scold himself for. His voice didn't work either... He'd wanted to tell the other he wasn't going to go away. Cada wasn't just fine, this wasn't just... wasn't just nothing. Something painful twisted in his stomach. All this time, he'd known Cada. And he'd never even wondered what was under the bandages. He'd never even given a second though to the Pestilence Dust past what he knew. He never even bothered to try and do anything. Even though Cada probably wouldn't have even wanted him to. What kind of friend am I, He thought sadly, if I didn't even know about this.

"It is not nothing - "
Krinn forced out through gritted teeth, his bare arms suddenly feeling like ice was touching them and turning them numb. His toes felt like they were being prodded by needles, and his face flushed hot with color. The sensation of being shocked, concerned, mortified, and speechless was overwhelming. Stepping forward again, Krinn stopped like a scolded animal when Cada asked him about the bandages. "I..." Krinn choked, rubbing at his arm. "I didn't - I..." Words still didn't come to him. What could he say that wouldn't come out as a pathetic apology? He dropped his eyes to the ground, conflicting emotions spreading like wildfire.

What had he done?

He couldn't even say anything, or talk when the other began to ask him questions. Tell him about himself. The storm dust felt like shivers would break his back in half. He wanted to tell Cada something, anything, but it felt like his throat had constricted around itself. His heart beat painfully in his chest, igniting emotions like desperate, angry flames. When Cada smiled at him, Krinn almost hit his head against something hard. He was such an idiot! Looking desperate by the time Cada called himself ugly, Krinn felt a sudden hot new emotion bubble up in the pit of his stomach.


Twisting his look into a frown, Krinn stepped up to Cada, and without thinking, slapped him across the face to make him stop talking. Finally, words spilled from his mouth.
"Stop it!" He said, shaking Cada lightly, both hands on his shoulders. "What are you talking about?" He said, staring the other dust in the eyes. "What the hell do you think you're saying?" Bristling a bit, the storm dust felt his gut twist into angry knots. "Ugly? Cada, look at yourself!" Feeling his eyes well up, Krinn angrily, stared at the wall instead of Cada, trying not to glare holes into the other. "You aren't ugly, Cada - you're not... you're..." Biting his lip, Krinn let go of the other and stepped back. "I dont care about what you might look like - you're still my friend - you cheer everyone up when they're done - as far as I'm concerned - " The storm dust suddenly felt the angry streak dissolve into something strange and foreign. "As far as I'm concerned - you're one of my best friends, and you still look like you Cada. You're still you - and you're still really handsome." Krinn felt his face heat up. "Who cares if this is how your body is? You're still Cada, and thats all that matters."

"You're not fine..."
Krinn continued, looking at his friend in desperation. "You are not and you know it - " Cutting himself off, Krinn huffed at Cada. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to - I'm sorry." He repeated, even though he didn't specify what he was sorry about. Sorry about walking in the first place, or being a horrible friend - or both. Krinn took a step back and stumbled, because the emotions were overwhelming, and he wasn't so sure he wanted to leave Cada just yet. He wanted to do something... Just something to reassure his friend that he didn't think he was ugly. But he didn't know what. He didn't know.

xx - SHARKattack

Kuuro Kitten

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 8:37 pm
Cada was thankful for the slap. It snapped him out of that spiral he was headed into, an abyss of self loathing and self pity. Thankfully it was a slap across the part of his face that was still whole. He didn't understand why Krinn had suddenly done that but he blinked through tears to find anger in those dual colored eyes. Why was he angry? All of this didn't make sense to the young dust, he was too simple a person. It was played over and over in his mind from day one: As soon as someone found out who he was they'd turn their backs and flee. Running far away from his hideous form. He was prepared for it, even had a small bag ready just in case a heated altercation became of it. He could easily grab his bag and hide away deep into the forest. But something was wrong, Krinn was mad but for all the wrong reasons.. he was suppose to be scared, disgusted....

"I-I don't understand..." He suddenly blurted out. Blinking past the tears. Even though he was certain this was the last time he'd see Krinn or anyone else for a long time, everything was all wrong. Krinn looked hurt, upset and angry. Why? "I don't understand... Krinn?" He looked to the storm dust for confirmation some kind of understanding. Why? Why was he not running away or throwing things and demanding he leave the house?

Then the storm dust blurted out something that made Cada of all people blush. "H-handsome?" What? Wait wasn't he even looking at him? Then he peered at Krinn who also was blushing. And then the one thing he'd never expected... "B-b-best friend?" Cada teared up again but for a whole other reason then sadness. "I'm your best friend?" He asked again wanting to get confirmation for that too. At this point everything was off its mark. No hateful words, no spewed comments or tossed items... he could stay! He could stay and live with Krinn and Sable and talk and mingle with everyone and all his friends and those he would soon meet?

Despite the apologies, Cadaver had blocked all else out. Krinn had no reason to apologize so he hadn't asked about the bandages and wasn't really concerned one way or another about his appearance. He wasn't like those humans that placed a value on status and looks. Krinn was just Krinn and didn't think looks were a big concern; (except when you teased him about his hair) Cada smiled inwardly. Beside who went around asking people about bandages they saw someone wear almost everyday? At some point it would just seem like a natural thing... something Cada was used to at this point despite having to redress those wounds on a daily basis.

The pestilence dust reached for Mr. Happy on the sink and met Krinn with a face full of fur. Covering his face with the towel he giggled, a genuine Cada special. The giggle ranged into a laugh that fit the young dust as he jumped up to hug Krinn only to send them both to the floor as was usual when he did so. "You don't hate me? I don't have to leave or hide away?" He asked again the towel sliding just over his nose but the tears in his eyes were obvious of his nervousness and happiness... "Krinn?" He called the others name not sure how to handle the information. He was just a simple naive young boy, one who was learning about his friends on a daily basis. So far Krinn had proven his darkest fears to be nothing more than a major worry. He was so relieved that he hadn't noticed how much he was crying and clinging to the other dust... "Don't apologize for anything Krinn... Never apologizes okay!"
PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:18 am
Watching the other blurt out his confusion, Krinn colored even more and rubbed madly at his cheeks. He also didn't understand Cada's feelings. He didn't understand why Cada thought what he did. Appearances were appearances, but they weren't everything. No, they were nothing compared to everything else. Throwing another desperate look at Cada, Krinn tried not to have his feelings jump out of his heart. He was finally coming down from his angered high, and the emotional wave that knocked into him almost sucked his breath away. He'd been loud too... Crossing his fingers, Krinn hoped they hadn't woken Sable, even though his attention was focused on the pestilence dust at this point. He couldn't make head nor tails of Cada's emotions. He didn't know why Cada thought that Krinn would have hated him because of his looks. Krinn could never hate him for something as shallow as that.

Blushing when the other told him he didn't understand, Krinn opened his mouth and closed it. Repeating the motion, he covered his mouth in embarrassment. He'd blurted things out without even thinking. Now what was he supposed to do? He couldn't explain it - it was just how it was. Huffing at the comment about best friends, Krinn smiled at Cada sheepishly.
"Y-yeah, you are... Thats why I could never hate you, Cada." His heart pounded with a sentimental feeling at the words. Best friend. It sounded so cheesy, but to Krinn, it was probably the same thing as the truth. Wrapping his arms around himself, Krinn shuffled his feet, still increasingly mortified by his own outburst.

Yelping when he was met with a face full of fur, Krinn blinked at the welcome surprise. His lips quirked up into a smile and he felt his gut explode into butterflies when he was knocked to the floor in a hug. He was forgiven! Cada didn't hate him for what he'd done. A feeling of relief swept over him quickly enough, making the storm dust smile up at Cada.
"Why would you ever think you had to leave or run away? Cada, I'd drag you back here kicking and screaming if I had to." Smiling at the other, Krinn leaned up, brushing away the tears. "C'mon, stop crying... Trust me, I'm not letting you go anywhere because of something stupid like this." Sighing, Krinn reached up and pulled Cada into a bear hug, grinning a bit. "Never forget that you're my friend, alright? Nothing'll ever change that." Letting go of Cada, he sat up, smiling into the others face.

He felt as though a weight had been lifted from his chest. A big heavy thing that had been angrily prowling his body up until the moment Cada had hugged him.
"I'll stop apologizing." He said in return to Cada, propping himself up to smile at the other. His messy hair fell over his shoulders in waves. "As long as you promise me never to think like that again." Raising his pinky finger, Krinn looked over at the dust, smiling. "We're sticking together for as long as you let us. Dont forget that."

xx - SHARKattack

Kuuro Kitten

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 10:12 am
Cada couldn't believe it! He'd been so worried about what anyone would think that he hadn't taken into account how Krinn might have felt. It seemed he was upset that Cada was so eager to just run away at the drop of a dime. Still smiling he sat up, crossing his legs together and wrapping the towel over his head while hugging Mr. Happy tightly. His best friend up until now was an inanimate object but now... as his glowing eyes washed over Krinn, tears spilling down the pestilence dust's cheeks. He could tell he had a new best friend one he could talk to and laugh with, someone who he could confide in and wouldn't have to worry about being rejected.

He'd been so worried of the rejection that Cada had been holding his breath almost the whole time. Finally he let it out with a soft hiccup. Everything was so different, so so different. With a final squeeze to his stuff toy he jumped to his feet helping Krinn to his. Looking toward the shower he didn't feel much like one now and decided to wait til morning to finish what he started. Tonight he had gone through a roller coaster of confusing emotions.

Reaching for his basket of toiletries he pulled out his usual dressing, wrapping the cloth around his neck and securing it at the end. The trademark patch was next held together with some special tape. Even though his skin looked quite strange he didn't seem too embarrassed about it. Now that Krinn had accepted him there was nothing to be embarrassed about and so he stood staring in the mirror before turning glowing eyes on his friend.... no ... best friend. He smiled!

"I guess I should tell you... when I was little I just had a lot of cuts and bruises. They weren't really that bad but my skin has always had this strange appearance." He chuckled thinking back to the day he got his name. "I suppose I'm named for it. When one of papa's friends came over I was playing dead. She thought papa brought me home from the morgue and scolded him about experimenting on cadavers... that's how I got my name." Well it was more like he demanded the name but it worked fine for him. He liked the strangeness of it and since it provided a cute nickname it worked out just fine.

"You gotta be careful though Krinn. There are times I tend to shed so to speak... and when I do it gets in the air and starts making people sick. Humans suffer more I think but no telling how badly it will effect you. I'll do my best to keep it under control. Papa made some medicine for me to help too." Which he couldn't bring himself to confess that even that wasn't working so well anymore. Somehow he didn't think it was an affliction but just a very important part of who he was. Hopefully he could learn to control these things and keep people from getting sick if at all. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt someone for being careless and misinformed about himself... thankfully he'd been reading a lot of his papa's notes and books; even brought some along to keep up with the strange condition of his skin. It seemed to change almost every day.

Stretching the dust smiled and looked to his friend then began to whine. "I'm hungry!" Well that was that, no point arguing it was late night but maybe Krinn would make some tasty snack before they returned to bed.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 10:24 pm
Krinn dropped his gaze with a full blown smile. His earlier worries washed away into nothing - his breathing calming to a soft exhale. The thought of Cada running away right after them moving in together - it had scared him a lot. But now he could relax. No one was going anywhere. They were still there, and still together. Sitting up as well, Krinn pulled his legs underneath him and smiled at Cada, before realizing he was still bare chested and turned cherry red. He'd gone through his whole emotional upset, and he hadn't even realized he'd been half naked through the entire ordeal! Crossing both his hands over his chest, Krinn suddenly looked down, stormy locks surrounding his face. He was faced with Mr. Happy, and couldn't help but feel a bit of relief. Cada would never change, and thats what made the storm dust happy. They'd been growing up together - they were able to say "we were kids together" now, and Cada was still with both Sable and him.

Letting Cada help him to his feet, Krinn swayed a bit before regaining balance. A glitter to his left made him turn his head.
"There it is." He mumbled, snatching at the hairband he'd left in the bathroom. A small trinket - a raincloud and a star - was attached to the dark blue band. Tilting his head to examine the Pestilence dust, Krinn couldn't help but laugh at how dramatic they seemed to have been. Feeling a bit silly, the dust shuffled his feet, thinking about this new turn of events. Cada and him were friends - best friends. Something warm hummed in his gut. Friends.

Nodding along with what Cada explained, Krinn leaned against the wall, tying his hair back as the other mentioned his naming.
"Thats a funny way to be named." He said in a joking manner, brushing a hand through the stormy locks as his dual colored eyes sparkled with amusement. "I love your name though, so I'm glad you got it." Krinn tilted his head to the side, nodding along with the small warning. "Mm." He hummed, thinking about this for a moment. "Alright, I'll watch out... Though that doesn't let you get away with not hugging me, 'kay?" Krinn said, the last part a joke. Turning, he brushed a hand through his bangs, feeling his bare ears.

When Cada began to whine, Krinn jumped like an animal shocked out of its revery - or a cat having its tail stepped on. Turning back to him with a bit of a playful frown, and a stuck out bottom lip, Krinn scoffed a bit before smiling.
"At this hour? You never change." He said laughing, and looping arms with Cada to pull him down to the kitchen. "At least we still have a full kitchen from shopping... I hope no one ate the ice cream already." He mumbled in contemplation, his taste buds tingling at the idea of the smooth, icy dessert. A late night snack before bed wouldn't be that bad, right? Especially with Cada. Krinn smiled to himself. His friend never failed to make a boring situation suddenly interesting.

xx - SHARKattack

Kuuro Kitten

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:00 pm
Cada flinched at the mention of ice cream, he had saw some earlier in the day and pigged out on it; not giving much consideration to his housemates. Perhaps he needed a lesson in manners and courtesy to others but ...well... he was Cadaver. You just don't leave ice cream unattended when there was someone with a sweet tooth hanging around. Smiling sheepishly, he scratched the back of his head whistling to himself. "Um.. well you see..." He began then giggled poking Krinn on the nose with a single digit. "I sorta ate it all." And before the storm dust could say anything, Cada had stolen a kiss and ran upstairs to his room locking the door for safety.

Ah well maybe they could get some snacks later when Krinn and Sable could forgive his sweet tooth. Yeah ... that sounded like a great plan. The teen dust giggled all the way to his bed, gathering under the covers and snuggling his beloved Mr. Happy. "Good night Krinn..." He whispered into the pillow before falling fast asleep.

[ end ]

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