Next month, the fabulous November, is NaNoWriMo!

What is NaNoWriMo?
Invented by a group of friends, NaNoWriMo, (Otherwise known as National Novel Writing Month), is when people across the world write a novel in the month of November!

What is The Point of NaNoWriMo?
To challenge yourself, of course! You must write, starting on November 1st and ending on the 30th, a 175 page, 50,000 word novel! Winners get goodies and are put on that year's hall of fame! Losers try again next year!

Right.... So How do I Join and All That?
Simple, I suggest following the magical link:
And then you simply join! Tell everyone about yourself, choose your time zone, give info about your novel, chat, and get NaNo Buddies!

Anything Else?
Have fun, of course! Do what you want, and give it a try! It may be the best thing you've ever done!

Soooo..... is anyone else doing NaNoWriMo? I am so excited for it, got story planned out and everything biggrin