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Wealthy Lover

PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 3:11 am
Welcome to my part of the Soquili plot zone! If you're reading this, it probably means that you are either...
a) Interested in my plots or...
b) Interested in a friendly or not-so-friendly RP!

However, before that, I would like to spread a friendly message to all you roleplayers out there:

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(c) Mindsend

Feel free to spread the love, if you will. xD I don't mind it if you ask me for mating/breeding plots since I'm a sucker for romance anyway, but RPing/plotting purely for the sake of baskets is a no-no (for me at least)!

Now onto my ramblings:
1. No, I do not need a PM/IM 'tag post' from you unless you want to give me one, and just because I did not reply to your tag post doesn't mean I don't know. I check my RPs at least once a week, sometimes even everyday if I'm really hyped up about our RP, so there is no way I'll miss a tag if there is one. If you're reviving a dead RP, go ahead and PM me about it; I won't check RPs I've given up on.
2. I have school. School likes to suck my free time. This means that I have limited time to tag my RPs, so please be patient. However, if I leave you in limbo for a month, feel free to give me a hard poke or two!
3. Yes, I do like AIM RPs. However, this is only if you don't mind meet-and-greets and shorter RPs! I like finishing AIM RPs on the day it started, after all... I prefer to do plot-related RPs in the guild because I tend to put more thought into the posts.
4. Oh yes, I am a Soquili regular but due to my timezone, I'm only seen in certain parts of the day... I live in Singapore and the timezone is GMT+8. xD
5. Do not apply for RP if you can't show a bit of dedication - when someone makes a bad impression by abandoning an RP, its likely that I'll remember it forever... You can say that abandoned RPs are my pet peeves.

PM/IM me instead of posting here if you want an RP or wish to discuss plots! I'm less likely to miss it that way.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 4:01 am
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Name: Brioso
IC Age: Young mare (Open for foal RP as well!)
Currently: Training in Islagiatt under Ambroise (in the mountains)
Status: Single and not looking! Sorry, boys! xD

Co-owning: NA
Post color: Dark blue

Thoughtful, kind and amiable, it is quite easy to get along with Brioso and difficult to get on her bad side... In fact, it takes skill to be disliked by her. However, she tends to be rather impatient when it comes to everyday things, preferring to do things fast. During training, on the other hand, she calms down (or at least tries to) and exercises self-control to the best of her ability, knowing that her weakness lies in her impulsiveness.

Although she isn't pushy, she is stubborn, persistent and determined. Once she sets her eyes on a goal (i.e. becoming a heroine) she will go all out for it, even if it puts her in difficult or even dangerous situations. If there was one thing that would get you on her bad side instantly, it would be insulting the goal(s) she had been working her butt off towards. She has pride in her work!

She doesn't like to judge others based on how they look, but does so sub-consciously anyway. However, this biasness is only limited to the breed of the Soquili. When it comes to how pretty or handsome one is, she sees everyone as equals; stallions normally exalted as being handsome would not catch her eye any more than that other guy. In fact, she had never met a stallion that could make her swoon! Having said that, she had never experienced love or a crush. She might be a girl, but she would probably give you more confused looks than advice/suggestions regarding affairs of the heart!

What started out as a game soon became her lifelong dream; Brioso was only a young filly when she decided that she would dedicate her life to helping others... A heroine. Despite her noble sounding dream, her view of a heroine was pretty shallow. She focused on the recognition being a heroine of the people would bring her, the glory and adventures. In fact, she spent most of her foalhood looking for trouble, feeling disappointed and upset when everything was calm and well. Of course, despite her shallow views, her ideals were righteous. She does want to help those in need of her assistance, and the chance to follow her dreams came in the form of a winged stallion named Grencia.

He was her 'wake up call' in the sense that it caused the filly to think deeper about her dream of being a heroine. She soon realized, with help from Grencia, that being a heroine is not about the glory or recognition... It is about a personal sense of duty, the desire to lend a helping hand and to make the territories safer for future generations. This was a major turning point in her life; it was when she stopped thinking like a child who was acting like the hero and slowly matured into an adult.

After getting her parents' and siblings' constant, Brioso followed Grencia to the Islagiatt territories. Her first few weeks away from home was terrible; she often felt homesick. What kept her going was her dream, her desire to one day help keep her homeland safe... And the secret wish - that reward at the end of the road.

After finally reaching the Islagiatt Herd, Brioso was introduced to the young at heart Yei, Alpha of the herd and soon after, Ambroise her mentor. As time went by, she matured in both body and thinking; although a part of her still longs for the glory of being a heroine, Brioso now focuses more on the idea of helping others - no strings attached.

It would only be the first step to a long journey...

Brioso's plot is more or less set in stone up to a point (where Kiyoshi mauls her) but the events after that, I might need help with. If you had RPed with Brioso before, I would like for them to meet again after the mauling! For now, I'm just looking for general RP for her - she's not my top 'meet & greet' priority!

My family ~ Although its been a year, Brioso still find herself missing her family occasionally. If anyone drops by the mountain, I'm sure she'll like a surprise visit!


Wealthy Lover


Wealthy Lover

PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 7:47 am
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Name: Grace
IC Age: Adult mare (Early 20's in human years)
Currently: Wandering about the forest feeling quite confused about her pregnancy.
Status: Happily lifemated to Deusdedit!

Co-owning: Co-own agreement
Post color: #D70040

Kind, gentle and caring, Grace is almost always seen with a smile. Her bright personality and optimistic nature only has one rather obvious and visible flaw - she is much too trusting of others. Being gullible and naive at times, she can be easily manipulated to "help" others; in fact, she probably wouldn't realize if she had done something "bad" for someone else until much later unless it is really obvious - for example, she would never hurt anyone for whatever reason.

She believes in "giving" rather than "receiving", and will not complain or whine if her good intentions are not returned. Grace just wants to put a smile on someone else's face, and prove to them that a little kindness can go a long way. If the other does reciprocate her kindness, it'll delight the tiny female and help further convince her that a little kindness can go a long way.

As a basket, she was abandoned just as winter was starting. From the first moment she stepped out of her basket, she was all alone, left in a cave that soon became her permanent home to this day. She never knew who her parents were or why they abandoned her, but she had never allowed it to get her down. Instead, she decided that her being alive must be some sort of blessing in itself and strove to live life to the fullest and with a smile.

She grew up without much friends because of the sub-conscious fear of being abandoned. Instead, she often wandered about the forest that she had became familiar with. Despite her traveling, however, Grace would never fail to return home after each trip. In fact, after one terribly hot summer, she decided never to venture too far from home, only occasionally visiting the beach or the mountain for a change of surroundings.

Her simple life changed with the arrival of one Usdia stallion - Deusdedit. They soon grew close as they only had each other to depend on, one never having any permanent friend while the other was a stranger to the Kawani lands. They soon grew so close that Grace found herself pregnant with the foals of her new friend. Although delighted at the prospect of having her own family, she is also confused and scared because she never had a mother and did not know what a mother's role is. Therefore, Grace is not confident that she could adapt to her new role as a mother and a mate.

However, over time, as her children both grew up and "left the nest" to seek their own futures, Grace found herself missing the experience of looking after foals and wants more children - something she had yet to bring up with Deus.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 10:59 am
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Name: Deusdedit (Deus for short)
IC Age: Adult stallion (Late 20's in human years)
Currently: Exploring the forest feeling stressed about his role as a soon-to-be father.
Status: Happily lifemated to Grace!

Co-owning: NA
Post color: Indigo

Although he might not look like it, Deusdedit is a highly spiritual religious male. Although his life does not revolve only around his religion, he does live by its morals and ideals as closely as possible. He is a honest, hard-working male who believes in kindness and unconditional love as that is the kind of God he serves. However, he can also be rather rigid in his thinking and will not tolerate people who disrespects his beliefs... Simply because he'll never do that to someone else's beliefs.

He is also gentle and caring, mirroring his mate's personality. However, unlike her, he is not naive and is able to see through most lies. He is also bold in the face of danger, believing that he is protected by God. Despite that, if he feels that he is incapable of dealing with a situation by himself, he will not face it head on. In that sense, he is capable of logical thinking rather than being blinded by his faith.

Although he remembered a family when he was a young foal, most of his foalhood was spent with other Usdias in a rather cramp stable. Due to the horrible living conditions, he faced death more than once. Luckily, he was soon rescued by the kind pastor of a church in the city and moved there when he was still young and impressionable. He was named 'Deusdedit'; it meant 'God has given' and he was named as such because the pastor believed that 'God has given' Deus to the church.

Although it took him some time to get used to the company of the people attending church, he soon grew comfortable and often sat in during the Sunday services. It soon became common for him to be seen inside the hall every Sunday morning. However, unbeknown to the people, the young Usdia understood every service and grew to love the God they worshiped. As he grew into a stallion, he began to long for the day where God would reveal His plan for his life.

The day finally came when he heard of people talking about a 'New World'. With good intentions, the stallion stowed away on a ship and arrived at the 'New World'. However, as he did not understand the local language nor know his way around, the male decided that God had asked him to wait and he did. Grace found him a few days later and took him in.

You can say that the rest is just history!


Wealthy Lover


Wealthy Lover

PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 9:41 pm
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Name: Cabriole Amachi (Cabriole for short)
IC Age: Young colt
Currently: Happy to have his mum back!
Status: Don't be a *****. D<

Co-owning: Co-own agreement
Post color: None yet; Black

Although both his parents are musically inclined, Cabriole is... Not as talented in that area. Not only is he tone-deaf and have four left feet, he also doesn't possess the best singing voice ever. However, he is blissfully unaware of this fact because his father just doesn't have the heart to tell him. Instead, Cabriole happily spends his time doing what he loves to do - singing, dancing and performing for others.

He is also confident in his 'musical talent', although he is not conceited. Few, if any, can shake his confidence. Thankfully, he also believes in practicing and since his father had encouraged his passion for music, Cabriole has no intention of ever stopping.

Although he emerged from his basket without a mother (she had ran away due to stress after having the foals), he had never really allowed that fact to hinder his love for music. Together with his siblings, Cabriole had followed their single father (Mecho) on a journey to look for Cuauhcoatl, an old friend of his father's. However, when one of his sisters went off to look for their mother (Melody), Mecho took off after her.

To his surprise, his father came back not only with his sister, but with his mother as well. After the incident, Mecho and Melody were finally lifemated and Cabriole found himself with a complete family for the first time. As he was only a foal, he adapted quickly to the change and is glad that he is part of a complete family now.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:10 am
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Name: Zuriel
IC Age: Young colt
Currently: Happy~
Status: Don't be a *****. D<

Co-owning: NA
Post color: #9966CC

Zuriel, like his father, is a firm believer in only one almighty God. Despite his strong beliefs however, the male will never force his ideals onto someone else. Zuriel firmly believes that you cannot force people to go into a relationship with God. However, he does believe that everyone is made by God and that He has a plan for them even if they don't believe it... Of course, people might always divulge from the path, but he likes to think that the punishment that will come after death is enough for the choices they had made in life.

He is also always cheerful and seen with a smile on his lips. The world might be crashing around him, but he would still be standing tall and strong. Imagine being surrounded by quicksand - Zuriel will be the person to keep walking because he is always standing on solid ground. He is cool-headed and rarely doubtful, even in the face of danger... He will give his 100% towards everything because he believes that everything is in God's hands and that everything will turn out fine. It is also the reason for his joy and optimism. He has complete faith in God.

This faithfulness extends outside his beliefs as well; he finds it easy to make friends, and he will be loyal to them. He does not gossip, and he will defend his friends if anyone dares to speak ill of them. He also likes to pray for the safety of others if they allow him to. Being fluent in both English and Kawani, the male also likes to teach others English if they are willing to learn.

The younger of two brothers born to a Kawani-speaking mare and an English-speaking stallion, he picked up both languages surprisingly quickly. Although his older brother slowly rejected the idea of there being a God, he sucked up everything his father said like a sponge... But unlike a sponge, he did not squeeze all that knowledge out. As he grew, he started to have dreams - visions sent from above.

Although disappointed at the fact that his brother did not hold the same views as him, Zuriel does not blame him nor hate him... Although they might not be as close as they were when they were younger.


Wealthy Lover


Wealthy Lover

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:16 am
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Name: Fleurite (Fleur for short)
IC Age: Filly // Maybe young mare
Currently: Curious about the world!
Status: Don't be a *****. D<

Co-owning: NA
Post color: #786850

Fleurite is the ultimate 'girl next door'; gentle, kind and sweet to everyone she meets, never failing to provide a smile whenever someone is in need of one. She is also somewhat shy, blushing easily and stuttering when first talking to a stranger. However, she gets over it pretty quickly, her inquisitive nature helping her to overcome her shyness.

She is also extremely fond of foals, and although she would love to have her own one day, is happy caring for the offspring of others for now. There is nothing Fleurite likes to do more than tell the foals stories to help pass the time, or even go for a walk through the forest to learn more about its flora and fauna. Although she is shy in front of other adults, she is bold, confident and unafraid to make a fool of herself in front of the young ones, aware that it is beneficial to be a suitable role model. She just wants the best for every foal she had been trusted with and wish for every foal to grow up strong. After all, her favorite quote is "The children of today are the future of tomorrow!"

Born out of a fling which ended up with both of her parents splitting on relatively good terms, Fleurite chose to go with her mother to her herd because she felt indebted to her for carrying her around in her womb for some time. Although without a father, Fleurite had also felt blessed to have a loving mother and two siblings. The herd is a small, close-knitted one and she had long since regarded all its members as part of one big family.

As she grew, she discovered that she has a love for story-telling and foals. Soon, she realized that she wanted to help nurture foals, very much like a nanny or even a teacher. However, to do so, she must first learn more about the world she lives in...

Research 101 ~ As she grows in body, she grows more curious about the different breeds of Soquili as well. She would eventually like to meet the different breeds of Soquili, and get to know more about them - both stereotypes and non-stereotypes are encouraged to apply! <3 If the Soquili is an unfriendly/violent one, I welcome threats/attacks as long as she's not severely injured. It'll warn her about how dangerous some Soquili can be.

It'll not only help her to understand the different breeds, but to understand herself too since she's of mixed heritage (fluttercorn). To a lesser extend, it would also help her to understand differences between nature and nurture.

Baby-sitter for hire! ~ Be it an arranged or accidental incident, she'll find herself with a foal. As its parents are nowhere to be seen, she'll stay with the foal to look after it... And eventually grow to enjoy its company and a slight fascination for foals - their innocence and imagination amazes her. All foals can apply - she'll take the sweet ones, feisty ones, naughty ones and even quiet ones!

Gather 'round! ~ Other than Etoile, she had never got the chance to display her storytelling skills. She would like to meet other storytellers to exchange pointers.
Also, she would love to tell a story to a foal. This can tie in with the 'Baby-sitter for hire!' plot if you wish!
PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:10 am
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Name: Aviania
IC Age: Old mare xD
Currently: On guard!
Status: Not consciously seeking...

Co-owning: NA
Post color: #9966CC

Aviania is strict - however, rather than being strict with others, this mare is extremely strict with how she conducts herself. She is the current Queen of the The Flock and is quite an old mare IC age-wise, being an Elder as well. Despite her age though, Aviania is still extremely strong and agile, having been raised a warrior. She tries to follow Flock traditions and practices to a 'T', and only compromises them when she has to. Even then, she'll place rigid rules so as to stop her sisters from abusing the system. As such, she is naturally cold towards males as she refuses to allow herself to be anything but the "ideal Harpy", although she can be benevolent if they submit to her quietly. Secretly though, she doesn't mind a feisty male to tame~ However, catch her with one of her Flock's females, and you'll see a totally different side to her - concerned, caring and motherly.

The Flock is everything to her, and she places the lives of her sisters high above her own... Think of her as a sometimes overprotective parent - everything she does is with the Flock's interests in mind, even if they might not always agree with her methods. Of course, threaten to hurt her sisters and you'll soon have a sharp talon at your throat, male or female, young or old.

Born to a mother who was a proud Guard and a father who... Well, didn't matter to her, Aviania wasn't born a very important filly in the Flock. However, as she possesses both the outward appearance and inner spirit of a true Harpy, the older Harpies had always thought well of her. Training both under the nannies as well as her mother, she grew to become out of the best warriors to "graduate" from foalhood. Immediately, she was recruited into Guards like her mother was and was quickly identified as a talent. When one of the Commanders died, a proud, young and foolish Aviania decided to take on the existing Commander... And failed miserably. The rank was then taken up the then Head Guard; having been injured, Aviania missed the chance to compete for the seat.

She was sent to the Temple of the Great Mother to be treated, and the elderly Oracle there prophesied great things in her future. Those words started a fire in her soul, and after making a full recovery, she trained harder and harder with her mother. On the day her mother died, Aviania promised to make something big of her life. She never stopped striving to be better, waiting for an opportunity to prove herself... It finally came when the older Commander died. By that time, Aviania was well into her adulthood and was a seasoned warrior. Fighting the previous Head Guard, her ex-superior, Aviania exhausted everything she knew to claim the destiny the Oracle had prophesied for her.

She succeeded.

It was a few more years before the Queen retired, and Aviania found herself trusted by the majority of the Flock with the highest honor a Harpy could ever achieve. Defeating her rival in both a spar and a vote, she rose to become the new Queen. After the old Oracle died, having lived long enough to see her visions come true, Aviania begun to forge a new, deep friendship with the new Oracle, Aylin.


Wealthy Lover


Wealthy Lover

PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 11:06 am
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Name: Nastiras
IC Age: Adult mare (Early 20's in human years)
Currently: Seeking her younger sister and getting worried
Status: Single and not looking!

Co-owning: NA
Post color: Red

Strong-willed, smart and honorable, Nastiras is proud of both her heritage and herd. Despite being an adventure seeker, her early childhood days of training to become a lady had influenced her and while she can be deadly and a great healer in battle, she manages to remain feminine and graceful too. Despite being described as quite the heart-breaker back in her days as a guild leader, she can be pretty oblivious to a stallion's affections - partially why she had only been in one (failed) relationship to date.

As a healer, she is sensitive not only to physical wounds, but mental ones too; soft-hearted, she will not hesitate to help others through their mental wounds. One of her favorite phrases is "I can heal you so that not even one scar remain on your pretty face, but only you can heal the wounds on your heart."

However, she can be pretty sarcastic and harsh, especially with those she deem as being "foolish" or "stupid". She also dislike liars and being lied to; doing so will cause her to "disown" you as a friend. A firm believer of chastity and purity, she especially detests individuals who share their body with several partners, thinking of them as being ill-bred or not knowing the meaning of self worth. To those who had lost their purity unwittingly or forcibly, she is sympathetic but otherwise act normally towards, acknowledging the fact that they had been through enough possible suffering in their lives.

Born into an influential family of unicorns in her herd, Nastiras was destined to be a lady - her parents did not want their little girl to follow in the hoofsteps of their ancestors, who were all proud healers and warriors. However, as a foal, she lost her way one day and joined the more "common folk" foals in their play time - she quickly fell in love with the thrill of the adventures they went on, finding it fun and exciting... Much more exciting than her lessons on how to conduct herself as a lady. Although it took a long time for her parents to accept her new outlook on life, they eventually did soon after her younger sister - Saritsan - was born, thinking that perhaps she could be made a lady. However, Nastiras managed to influence her sister more than her parents could, and they could only watch as their two girls went on to become everything they tried to stop them from becoming.

However, their paths diverged as they reached adulthood. While Nastiras learnt how to heal others with her horn and with herbs found in the nearby forest, Saritsan trained to become a knight, her horn becoming her spear.

After graduation, they parted ways; Nastiras set up her own guild with some close childhood friends and became its leader while Saritsan left with some other knights to travel the globe. As its leader, she would often organize raids to kill or capture potential threats to the herd, working as the group's healer. However, at the peak of her guild's popularity and power, she received grim news - Saritsan's whole party had vanished with the exception of two injured knights who spoke of encountering unspeakable terrors.

Leaving the guild leadership with a close friend, she left her herd for where her sister was last seen - a place called Kawani - in an attempt to locate her missing sister... Or at least find a corpse.
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