Okaaay ^___^

This is weird, because I'm not used to begging and stuff ^___^
All I want is a little bit of help trying to achieve my goal of getting a million gold for my Zero Hair. Donations will be loved and the ppl who donate will be loved even more, but all I'm asking for is a bit of help to learn how to make my own money.

Because giving someone a cow is better than giving someone a bucket of milk ^____^

Soo, how does one (read: a newbie) make alot of money fast? I tried jigsaws, but they're sooo slow. I tried zOMG, which is fun, but soooo time-consuming. I'm not smart/rich enough to spot the market-place for everything, and I hate waiting for my money. Instant cash is what I'm after. I tried booty-grab too, but as I'm on a laptop, its quite hard to avoid the red bubbles .

I'm happy with everything, even if you're here just to say 'Hi Cuppy I love you ^___^'. (omg that would make me super happy xD)

ANYWAAAY... Any tip or hint will result in me loving you for ever and if you have a doable wishlist, I might reward you ^___^

Love you guys!
Cuppy xxx