Astral Dynamics is a website by Robert Bruce dealing mostly with the subject of Astral Projection and energy work/stimulation of the chakras.

If you're mainly interested in Astral Projection, I highly suggest you take a look at the Treatise on Astral Projection.

Here you can read about the various dimensions, including the Astral Plane and 'above'. Robert also provides some written accounts of his experiences during his astral travels, as well as a run down of his recommended procedure(s) for having out of body experiences.

There's also some information about the Akashic Records and his experiences in visiting and using this place. This page is of particular interest for descriptions of the Akashic Records and the other planes/dimensions beyond the physical.


The Astral Pulse is a fairly large forum covering astral projection and a variety of other topics like meditation/trance states. Some of the posters here seem to be experienced projectors, and a lot of threads give techniques on projection and in depth information/discussions.