You can tickle me pink, orange, red, or blue, but not grey

This is your Weather with Br1ttana.

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Flooding in Tennessee is destroying the homes of average families and celebrities alike.
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Earthquake Facts
There are over a million quakes annually, including those too small to be felt. The following table shows the average frequency of different magnitudes.
User Image
From Earthquakes and the Urban Environment, Vol. 1, G. Lennis Berlin, 1980
Most major Earthquakes are not felt, because the energy is absorbed by desert areas. So far this year the most devastating earthquakes have occurred in the countries Chile, China, and Haiti. Chile’s earthquake, at 8.8 magnitude, literally shook the earth off its axis by 3 inches. This proceeded to cause the earth to turn faster, thus making the day 1.26 microseconds shorter.

Hurricane/Tsunami Facts
How often Hurricanes and Tsunamis happen yearly varies. The average for the Atlantic basin is 6 and the most recorded was 15, in 2005. Occasionally, there are years where no hurricanes form, the most recent being 1993.

Hurricane Watcher
Earthquake Watcher
Tornado Watcher
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This has been your weather with Br1ttana.

Because grey will not do.