My fanfiction is called Joukai-chan, and it is a light romance story, with plenty of fighting. The main pairing is Naruto and Sakura, with Naruto being more mature than he is in the manga, just slightly.

Rating: M

For gore, romance, and adult themes

The sound of metal hitting metal tore through the forest, scaring off wild animals and travelers. The blonde shinobi slid backward on the water. His cerulean eyes met his master’s onyx ones. He gritted his teeth and threw another kunai. “Take this, Ero Sennin!” Jiraiya responded with gusto. “Ninpou: Needle Jizou!” His wild silver hair became a shell of needles, blocking Naruto’s kunai. This was what Naruto wanted, because it blocked Jiraiya’s line of sight for a quick second. “Fuuton: Reppushou! Wind Release: Gale Wind Palm!” He shoved his hand towards Jiraiya’s position and a huge burst of wind shot towards the Toad Sage. Jiraiya’s eyes were wide as he remembered a former student of his performing that exact technique.

Jiraiya wasn’t prepared for what happened next.

A giant wave was pushed up against him, blocking his view. He heard the familiar sound of spiraling chakra and smirked. “Nice try, Naruto!” He performed the Rasengan, smashing it through the wave and blocking Naruto’s Rasengan, only to meet a puf of smoke. Kagebunshin?! “Leaf Village Secret Finger Technique!” His eyes widened as he tried to spin around. Too little too late. “A THOUSAND YEARS OF DEATH!” He poked the Tiger handseal into Jiraiya’s behind, causing the perverted ninja to go flying towards the shore, his rear end smoking. Naruto roared with laughter, which died as the Jiraiya on the shore turned into a puff of smoke. Two hands reached up from the water and pulled him under, before a barrage of fists met Naruto’s chest and stomach, before he was yanked out of the water upside down, hanging from Jiraiya’s grip by his ankle. He smirked at Jiraiya, who smirked back.

“Reppushou and the Thousand Years of Death? Were you reading my jutsu scrolls again, Naruto?” The blond shinobi grinned as he nodded. “Reppushou was easy, ever since youtold me my element, sensei.” His eyes flashed. “Fuuton: Reppushou!” He blazed through the seals with the efficiency Jiraiya had only seen in Jounin. A huge burst of wind blasted Jiraiya backward, where he was caught by a Naruto clone. “Na!” The clone kicked him into the air. Another clone was leaping toward him, and kicked him in the stomach back down to the water. “Ru!” A third clone grabbed his ankle and swung him, throwing him back into the air. “To!” Five clones leaped up to him, performing a flip and then drop kick on his hea,d sending him plummeting into the water. “Dai Uzumaki Rendan! Great Spiraling Barrage!” Jiraiya bounced off the water, running towards the forest. Naruto smirked. And followed, performing a jutsu he had been working on for a while, trying to gain the speed he would need to fulfill his promise. He performed the shunshin, the body flicker technique, disappearing in a quick burst.

He reappeared next to Jiraiya, hopping up and kicking the ninja in the face as he was caught off guard. Jiraiya turned into a puff of smoke and Naruto landed in something soft and gross. He looked down. “s**t!” He was caught in the Dark Swamp technique. Jiraiya landed next to him. “Oh ho, and you can use Shunshin. Impressive. Alright, you pass today’s exercise.” He performed a seal and the swamp was gone. Naruto grinned to Jiraiya. “So! When do we eat?” Jiraiya sweat dropped. “I guess training wiped you, huh? Alright, let’s go get some-“
“Ramen!” Jiraiya sighed. “Fine. Ramen.”

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