Well im on my summer vacation and well I live in Puerto RIco but i go to FLorida, USA to see my dad over the summer (parents are divorced) and well it is hard for me at times because im away from home and ihave no one to take me to church :/ for me prayer IS a powerful thing but Church is also important to renew ourselfs :3 but well i have no one to take me to church so all i can do is pray :3 pray that i dont fall......and also ask for forgiveness if i have sinned......please i ask for a prayer smile and i will pray for you as well smile it is so hard for me D: i use to be lost and there was no one who could drag me to church but now i found Jesus and accepted him into my heart and theres no one who can take away my right to go to church lol and well it is hard waaaah i miss going to church ALOT! D: