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{This is what Esmeralda has to say.}

I was wandering around the public library on Saturday morning, and the paranormal section caught my eye. Then, Psychic Development For Beginners by William W. Hewitt caught my attention.
It's really good (I wish I had my own copy; I have to return this in a couple weeks!). I learned a lot about brain waves and their connection to psychic power, about visualization, and I'm even wading my way through divination now. It's very straightforward (no confusing jargon), and it's not boring, either. It also walks you through excersizes that develop your abilities gradually, not trying to make you do something drastic (talking to a spirit guide) when you're still unsure about visualization.
I really like it. Here's the info:
ISBN for a hardcover: 978-1-56718-360-3
ISBN for a paperback: 1-56718-360-3
Published by Llewellyn Worldwide copyright 1996. Latest printing date was 2009.

((unfortunately, the author passed away a few years ago. Rest in peace, Mr. Hewitt...))

Art thanks to Sioga and her shop.