#1. My friends parents were getting a divorce.
Her mother is a firm believer in God and her step dad was not, he was too proud to admit that there was a God.
Her mom filed for divorce and the day after her step dad went to her mom crying and asked if she could help him get saved. She showed him some verses and now he is going to church, no more fighting, and the family is doing very well. Their marrage was saved. =)

#2. My fiance's cousin was getting a divorce from his wife because she was cheating on him through the internet, she was pregnant with their kid and he was heartbroken. He couldn't stand to be with her, it made him so sad. Well out of the blue he went over to talk to he at her mom's house, they have decided to work it out. She hasn't moved back in yet but they are currently taking it slow and canceled the divorce.

#3. My parents have finally got all of the parts to fix my car, they even found a guy that will fix the car. =)