Writing involves many different areas, and to make sure people know what area your writing walls into we have decided to start a tagging system. This ensures that your work finds the right sort of attention from the right reviewers.

When a new thread is created please use the following tags that correspond to your work. More than one tag can be used, but try not to go overboard.

[NOVEL] – For long pieces that take over 50k words. Or a story that you plan to constantly update as time goes on until it reaches novel length. If you plan to update as the novel progresses then please date when your last update was in another tag E.G. [29/09/10]

[SHORT] – For a piece under 50k.

[SONG] – For song lyrics.

[POEM] – For poems, haiku and rhymes.

[FANFIC] – For a story based on an existing world/universe or characters that are not your own creation.

More can be added, if you don’t see a tag you feel you need then give me a PM and I’ll add it to the list