Normally your character eventually ends up in a story, and that story helps to create the background and feel for your character. To help with reviewing and to get a better Idea of where your character comes from, it doesn’t hurt to let us know about the story they’re coming from/going to.

When a new thread is created please use the following tags that correspond to your work. Multiple tags may be used, but go easy on them.

[HOR] – For Horror, is your character a crazed murderer? A survivor?

[COM] – For Comedy, but of every joke?

[SCI] – For Science fiction, let us know your time traveller!

[ROM] - Romance, is he a total Romeo, or maybe a teasing school boy?

[VIO] – Violence, maybe a soldier, a criminal, or even a victim?

[FAN] - Mystical and magical, Wizards abound and courageous adventurers for all!

[MST] – Good for suspense and holding tension, is he a ‘Mr. Plum?’ The creepy old man at the abandoned theme park?

More can be added, if you don’t see a tag you feel you need then give me a PM and I’ll add it to the list