This topic is from my guild. :3

I am making this topic and praise report an announcement, because this past, couple of days, the rescue of 34 Miners in Chili, deep, in the depths of the earth, came out "miraculously alive" without much need of aftercare, other then sensitivity to sunlight. I must say right now that God has performed a miracle for them! They were down there for 69 days, with little food, and water and remained strong! Remember when Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights? I know Jesus was with them, to get through this tough time. Jesus gave them the strength and the faith to continue to stay strong. The depth of this underground mine is said to be approximately 'two' Empire State buildings. This praise report is to pray to continue to give them strength, and a quick recovery. I would also like those who pray, to pray for the families as well, and the children that were involved in the recovery and rescue of the men who have been without them for days. Praise God!