Picture and a Song

Separated by invisible walls,
held together by their silent love.
He hid behind a picture.
She hid behind a song.

He wore a mask of darkness and hate,
she wore one of false love and happiness.
They sat together as friends eternal.
They sat together, afraid to bring that to an end.

Every move she made or word she said,
was more wonderful than any picture or song he made.
He could not find the words.
He could not risk taking down the wall.

Every time he glanced her way,
she smiled and wished it was his hands she held.
She could not find the words.
She could not risk taking down the wall.

They could always see through the other's mask,
but could never see that which they hid behind.
Then she saw his picture.
Then he heard her song.

And the wall came tumbling down.


The grand master of destruction.
The king of death.
The lord of torment.
The angel of the end.

The silent one of healing.
The servent of life.
The commoner of salvation.
The demon of the beginning.

Not every angel is angelic.
Not every demon is demonic.
Not all angels are here to save the world.
Not all demons are here to destroy it.

Appearances cannot be trusted.
The evil take the most innocent of forms.
The good take the darkest of forms.
Your eyes are not the judge.

Your heart is.
Your mind is.
Your Soul is.

The Shadow Came

The shadow came to her
to take her far away.
It was larger than any man,
and its long wings did sway.

The shadow came to her
when she was just a girl.
With promises of flying her away,
and love and seeing the world.

The shadow came to her
and took her to the sky.
It brought her higher than most could dream,
and she felt no fear, no urge to cry.

The Shadow came to her
because it saw her tears.
It saw her in the darkness,
so it picked her up to wash away her fears.

The Shadow came to her
and she smiled and ran to it quickly.
She hugged the shadow tight,
and he smiled and returned it, happily.