Okay, this is actually the prologue to Missing Me, Missing You, my novel for NaNoWriMo. No it's not going into the word count, so it's not cheating. The goal is to write 50,000 words. I have never planned out a novel before, EVER. Yeah I know, but there was no point before, I like getting to know my characters before writing the story (So almost every character I have written about has a backstory, I'm tired just thinking about it =_=). Plus I always write really intensely complicated stories that are meant to be short but end up being really long. It was agonizing writing out my outline (which is STILL in the works), though I'm 80% sure I have enough to write 50,000 words.
In any case the story is set on the continent of Famiriar (say that really fast a lot and it sounds familiar- I know, bad pun couldn't resist... >w<). Famiriar is made up of the three countries Andiria, Horroco, and Waynor. The two main characters are Analia and Failir. I still have some kinks to work out since, well that's not important, onto the Prologue that has mistakes I'm ignoring for the moment or I'll want to fix them... er resist... I present to you "Missing Me, Missing You"
Now I'm off to write something for Holloween to get my mind off of this for a while...


Thunder crashed, the small cave shook, rocks falling down from above. An elf girl winced, hugging her knees tightly to herself. She hated storms, another flash was followed by a rumble, then a sharp crackling sound as another tree fell. She wondered where her brother Fanriar was, along with Yen, hopefully they were safe from the clashing gail outside.

Her small form cowered with fear, her green eyes flitting around in the dark cave, feeling as if something were watching her, laughing at her fear. Waiting until she was caught unaware to snatch her up into the darkness. Storms were rare, and violent storms like this were few and far between if they even came at all. This seemed to be the worst of them.

She shivered, the wind howled, blowing inside of the cave. She dared to look outside and gasped. The sky was black, even though a few hours past it was bright with sunlight. Trees crashed down one after another, like dominos while fire caught and spread. The wind dashed across the fallen trees. She could see far away, the few magic users keeping the storm from doing too much damage. Another flash caused her to fall back away from the entrance, she rolled and smacked hard into the rock wall and knew no more.

Elsewhere, a figure stood a fair distance from the wood. His blue eyes watched as it burned, his face impassive. He did not take pleasure in what was happening, nor did he actually have a true hand in it. His eyes were strange, not that of an elves’ or a humans, but that of a dragon. They burned with the fire of a dragon, but had the color of a regular human, such was the current appearance of all dragons now.

Another flash brought down a tree not far from where he stood, but he did not flinch. He, unlike the elves, knew the true cause of the storm. His father. He watched as his father orchestrated the storm like a master conductor. He cued in the thunder, then brought in the rolling earthquake after without missing a beat. The rain setting the grim tempo.

Thunder again crashed and rumbled, the wind howled, roaring in anger, as if it knew the goal of the evil deed being done. Water drenched everything and yet still fire burned. Yet the Life Tree still stood, yes, it was impervious to the magic that overtook the forest and stood looming over it, as if watching in calm silence. Knowing all that was being done but still waiting for its time to come.
Shaking, terrible shaking. Then yelling.


The elf opened her eyes and saw Yen, her friend, his brown eyes dark in the light of the cave, “Yen, what’s going on?” She asked, her voice shaking. Her head thrummed with pain. She reached to the back of her head, it felt sticky and warm. Blood.

Yen shook his head, “There is no time, we have to get out of here,” Yen pulled her towards the outside of the cave, where the storm still raged.

She followed, knowing her friend knew what he was doing. The rain pelted her and stuck her clothes uncomfortably to her skin, immediately soaking her from head to toe. She felt sick, something about the rain made her feel unwell.

Her eyes wandered of their own volition to the Life Tree for comfort. For a moment she thought she saw a dim light and it beckoned to her.

It is time, come… Analia.

Then she felt extremely tired and fell to the ground with a wet thump. And so it began…