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Name: Markuz Jayden Rowwe
Nickname(s): MJ, MR, Mar, Mark, or Jay.
Reason for Nickname: Different parts of his full name.
Birth date: 2150/5/17 May 17th, 2150
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Bloodtype: AB-
Bloodline: Comes from a LONG line of werewolf hybrids. Only the male in his family became a werewolf, it also only went to every other generation.
Race: Mexican/American/German
Orientation/Sexual Preference: Bi
=Physical Appearance=
How old they appear: 25
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color/Length/Style: (See pic)
Weight/Height: 130 lbs/ 6’ 6”
Body build: Athletic
Skin tone: Dark
Piercings: 2 hoops in eyebrow; 4 in left ear- 3 are hoops and 1 is a stud that is connected to the lip ring with a chain.
Predominant feature: Bright blonde hair
Favorite Color: Black and blue
Least favorite: Yellow-Green
Favorite Music: Rock, Heavy Metal, and Underground
Least Favorite: Country
Favorite Clothing: Jeans and leather
Least Favorite: Shorts
Habits: Smoking; drinking every now and then; and cursing.
Drinks (Alcohol): Yes, but only Jack Daniels
Greatest Strength: Knowing many fighting styles
Greatest Weakness: Miheal
Soft Spot: Miheal’s khaki colored eyes
Soft spot obvious: Very.
Biggest Vulnerability: Right side of his ribcage. It never healed properly.
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A
Type of childhood: Very rough. Dad was a very bad alcoholic (that’s where he gets his drinking from). His father would beat him when he would come home. The beatings would last for about an hour to two hours with his mother never stepping in to stop it. When he got to the age of 15 he had been arrested about 10 times and his parents, mainly his mother, didn’t want to deal with him anymore. In the end he was kicked out onto the streets of Chicago in the dead of winter.
Committed any crimes: 15+ (most of them are repeats)
Education: Elementary and little of High School
Mother/Father/Guardians: Mother and Father think Markuz is dead, while he wishes they were.
Siblings: None
Friends: Angeline- Sister type relationship; Kyle- Brother type relationship
Wife/Husband/Lover: Miheal- Lover/Soul mate
Optimist or Pessimist: Both
Introvert or Extrovert: Both
Extremely skilled at: Fighting
Extremely Unskilled at: Conveying feelings toward people
Character Flaws: Can’t speak ‘proper’ English
Mannerisms: Speaking in ‘slang’ terms
Fetishes: Leather
What do people like most about him: He is very protecting
What do they dislike about him the most: Zones out easily
What do they do too much of: Smoking
Anything Else: Nope