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Anxious Prophet

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:50 am
Trying this with just the Soq I'm currently searching for. xD

Which means they'll probably rotate as I need to find new things for them.

Please post here! You can PM me if you want, too, especially if you posted here and haven't gotten a response in a few days. I might forget to check it from time to time... but please don't post/PM simultaneously! Only if it takes a few days, or you'd rather discuss a plot privately. =)

I am strictly No RP unless we are already involved in a heavily RPed couple or I initiate the RP. My life is far too busy for me to keep up with RP with all of my Soq.  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 12:00 pm
User Image Name: Azazel
Parents: Gada & Dresden
Siblings: Elsa
Mate: Vena
Children: N/A
Other Family: Alti, grandmother.
Temper: Stubborn
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.

Likes: Owning things, having control, bossing others around, swimming, being the center of attention. Flying, anywhere and everywhere.
Dislikes: Being powerless, being small, being told no (like, really, really dislikes it, even more than children normally do; hello, horrible temper tantrum), snow, thunder storms.

Personality: Azazel is troubled and a little bit unpredictable. He's still young, so the direction his life takes is very dependent on how his parents nurture him; if they continue to look at him worriedly and make him hyper-aware of his different features, they will become even more important to him than they already are. He has a short temper, partially due to the fact that he is still a child and doesn't understand how to manage the more potent emotions that he deals with on a daily basis. Being as young as he is, it hasn't occurred to him to doubt that his parents are his parents, but as he gets older, if the notion that he belongs and was meant to be a part of his family isn't reinforced, he will become suspicious and see himself as an interloper, a cancer to the family, slowly eroding it.

He is unsure, but not shy or soft-spoken; when he doesn't know what to do or say he either seethes, stubbornly saying nothing at all for days, or explodes with temper where he stands, digging gouges into the earth with his hooves and snapping his wickedly sharp teeth at no one in particular. He has never been violent toward his parents, knowing at the core of himself that doing so would be wrong even if nothing feels quite right about his life, but sometimes he imagines he sees fear in their faces as well as the concern, the puzzlement at his features. And this bothers him. He is not afraid of his parents; his parents shouldn't be afraid of him, should they?

His place in the world is a precarious one, but he is a steadfast, determined individual. Given the right environment, he could flourish as a positive influence, very protective and possessive of what he considers his -- his parents, right now, and the little basket that he sees as his sibling, even if he resents it. A lot of how his personality will eventually develop depends on his parents; will he lean toward the "good" side of things, controlling his temper and using his energy to protect, albeit grumpily, those he holds dear? Or will he come to consider himself an outcast, slipping away from those who raised him, striking out on his own to find others "like him" and fall into their way of life?

As with any child, there are parts of his personality that are inborn -- his mulish attitude, his determination, his short temper and his desire to guard that which he considers his -- but as he grows, these traits will be exaggerated for better or worse depending on how life treats him. After all, he is still young. Anything is possible.

-- GROWN! --

Azazel is much more confident in himself. While backdating RP with the parents is entirely possible, given the RP we've done and what I've discussed with others over PM, I have a fairly good idea of how his childhood went. He's grown into his hooves and his big attitude, now very capable of backing up his mouth with the strength apparent in his frame. He is uncompromising and stubborn in his opinions, but he won't often venture them unless asked.

He is not the most respectful beast in the world, though he won't actively insult others unless he feels they deserve it; he is largely antisocial and finds that other individuals, often mares, approach him and try to engage him in conversation. He is brusque, they scold him for his manners, and he basically tells them to get lost if they don't like it -- and he sees nothing wrong with that. He'll be polite if he's the one to approach you, but if you come to him? It's 50/50 depending on his mood and how you approach.

He is proud and unafraid to pit his strength against others, though he doesn't go looking for needless fights. He takes insults to heart, though they make him angry rather than sad or wounded, and he doesn't tolerate disrespect. Period.

He is possessive, controlling, and easily annoyed, but far from an empty-headed brute. You just have to be able to roll with the punches, and he might be able to respect you, grudgingly. Everyone has to prove their worth, though, whether that's intellectual strength, physical strength, or some other parameter that even he hasn't decided on until he witnesses it.

History: There has been no specific event so far that has influenced Azazel's life, but rather an overwhelming, eternally present feeling of wrongness. Though his parents won't come out and say that anything his wrong with him, they way they look at him makes him feel awkward and unhappy, and stirs a temper that he doesn't have the life experiences or resources to control. He doesn't lash out at his parents, because they are obviously his parents and he doesn't want to displease them, but he wonders why they look at him with reservation in their faces. He also resents the basket, apparently-stillborn, because his parents hold hope for it, seemingly more hope than they do for him; they're traveling to see the Angeni to have the basket blessed, after all, not to fix whatever is wrong with him -- or so he thinks.

And surely there must be something wrong, because he doesn't look like either of his parents and they don't look at him like they do each other -- and you can bet he's noticed. He doesn't have any other example to set them to, but his family... just feels strange.


Breeding 1: Vena (Dihydrogen)
Breeding 2: Vena (Dihydrogen)
Breeding 3: Vena (Dihydrogen)

Things I'd like to see: Interactions with Kalona. He hasn't had very good ones so far, considering he thinks he's ten feet tall and bulletproof, but he hasn't quite realized that different racial traits actually mean something. He just thinks they look kind of like him... and no one's bothered to tell him any different.

Interactions with other races! Right now, like I said, he doesn't realize that racial traits mean something. He thinks they're just different features, like how some people have bigger noses than others. When he learns that abilities and powers come with them, he's going to want to know what kind of hidden potential he has.

Grudging friendships/alliances? I'd like to see him get a beloved rival, whether it's a male or female -- someone he brawls with on sight, but greatly respects and will have conversations with, as well. Someone who challenges him, who understands when enough is enough; someone who won't be trying to kill him, but will constantly be getting stronger by putting themselves against him.

Things I wouldn't like to see: Complete and utter shifting to one side -- I'd like him to be confused and influenced by all the people in his life, so he's a bit conflicted and unsure exactly where he stands. So he won't be wholly good or wholly bad, ever, but especially not when he's young -- he's just going to be a mixed-up kid getting a lot of signals and trying his best to please his parents while still acting in the way that feels most natural to him.

Death or disfigurement -- I know that when he goes lipping off to Kalona they're probably going to smack him around a little, and that's fine, but no broken bones unless I authorize it. |B And definitely no death. I'm not against him getting his a** handed to him riiiiiight before he grows, but I don't want him to be scarred for life or nearly killed as a child.

Any ideas?: Throw 'em at me!


Anxious Prophet


Anxious Prophet

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 12:18 pm
User ImageName: Celandine
Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Mate: None
Children: None
Temper: Sprightly
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.

Likes: Foals, sweet smells, sunlight, bubbly personalities.
Dislikes: Being lost, being taken care of to the point that she's smothered, being assumed incapable because she's blind.

Personality: There is a lot more to Celandine than meets the eye. She is a kind, generous person who likes to have fun and look on the bright side of things if she can, and has little patience for situations that are dark and dreary. She firmly believes that there is always a way to accomplish a goal if you put your heart into it, and while there is some token of naivete to this way of thinking, she backs it up with conviction and perseverance that tend to prove her right. She refuses to let bad things get to her, and rises above any sort of disappointment or tough luck that comes her way. The one thing Celandine will never allow herself to do is become jaded, no matter what happens.

She is a mature person but knows how to be immature and enjoy life as it comes. Living is a precious thing and no large amount of time should be spent worrying over things you can't change; if it's that bad, find a way to fix it, or deal with the fact that it won't change. Either way, she firmly believes in finding your own happiness regardless of what others dictate it should be and doing the best you can with what you have.

Celandine is a loyal and warm person to her friends, and will always be the first one on the scene to help someone that she loves. It's extremely hard to take her in, however, and if you try to take advantage of her kindness or generosity, she won't look at you kindly. She is a very good judge of character, which comes with being the Angeni of acceptance; in order to accept someone you must of course know them, and know them well. This means knowing the good and the bad and looking at a person as a whole, not just the sum of their parts.

First and foremost, she is a protective mare, and if you hurt someone she loves, she'll find a way to get back at you, even if she can't do it herself. Many wouldn't assume that someone as cheerful and bright as Celandine could hold a grudge, but the truth is, she's as fallable and vulnerable as anyone, and she certainly can. It's difficult for her, because she is empathetic to an almost distressing degree, but in the end, a balance has to be struck, and she will firmly choose one side of any argument to stand on.

She likes to have fun and basically enjoy life, but she also likes to get things done. So, she'll play around and make her work fun, but she'll also take a stand and make things happen if it looks like everyone is just standing still.


Breeding 1: Viraj (Logue)
Breeding 2: Kureno (Kyaishi)
Breeding 3: Kureno (Kyaishi)

Things I'd like to see: Celandine is not actively looking for a mate. She descended to the Kawani lands not too long ago, and she's basically living as a nomad, trying to find people to help in any way she can. Personally, I'd like for her to have something aside from the storybook romance; not abusive, just a difficult relationship. Bonus points if he can bring out her temper, as she tries so very hard to keep it under control.

Sparks and fire are nice! She's a firecracker of a girl once you get her going, but she's also a very tender-hearted, devoted mare for the most part. Someone who could understand her need to travel (and possibly disappear for long periods at a time) or even travel with her would be ideal. He would also have to be open minded, as Celandine interacts with Soquili from all walks of life, though she does her best to avoid skinwalkers.

Celandine is very self-sufficient, so I'd like for her to meet someone who can teach her that she doesn't always have to stand on her own feet, and can accept help from others without betraying her duties/self. It'd be tough to do, both because the stallion would have to see that beyond her cheerful disposition is someone who buries her own concerns and worries deeply, as well as be able to make her admit that and accept his help. This could come about in any number of ways, though she's more likely to realize it through being provoked and, dare I say, taunted a bit.

She fell, and fell hard, for a stallion that she was trying to help, and they even became lifemates. However, he disappeared from her life and she hasn't been able to find him... Celandine loves him still, of course, but underneath her bright, happy exterior she is somewhat insecure and believes that Kureno changed his mind. He was always difficult to get close to and she felt that at any moment he might leave, and most of her believes he did just that. What she's looking for right now is simply a friend, though that person doesn't necessarily have to be friendly; she's not looking for romance and she'd be more likely to warm up to someone who just wants to be there for her as a friend as opposed to a gentleman who's looking for a girlfriend.

Edits and race don't matter (aside from skinwalker because, yeah) but I will be looking at colors for her. Honestly, my preference will go for personality > colors > edits, so even if your stallion doesn't mesh particularly well with her looks-wise, if the personality is a dead ringer, I'll still go for it. c:

Things I wouldn't like to see: Flings, death, dismemberment, abusive relationships... She'll try to help anyone who needs it, try to make them comfortable with who they are and accept who they are, but I don't want her to be munched in the process.

I'm also not looking for insta romance. =( Sorry, she's had her heart broken, not going down that road again so soon.

Any Ideas?: If she'll fit into YOUR plots somewhere, let me know! I'm basically looking for anything for her right now that isn't death or romance. =)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 12:24 pm
User Image Name: Gaspard
Parents: Auguste & ____
Siblings: Corine
Mate: Torrin
Children: Bernard & Rae
Temper: Stoic
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual; he's in love with another stallion, though, sorry folks. <3

Likes: Stargazing, swimming, warm weather, eating flowers.
Dislikes: Excessive cold, being smothered/taken care of excessively, brash mares, overbearing stallions.

Personality: Gaspard is a rather solitary Soquili. It isn't that he dislikes others, just that he has a difficult time relating to them. He was quiet and shy as a colt, and as he grew he didn't really grow out of that; he lacked in rowdy playmates and didn't make many friends growing up. Those he did come to care for he gave all of himself to, as is his habit, but they were few and far between.

Most see him as cold and boring, lacking in passion and excitment - and to the untrained eye, this is probably true. Gaspard rarely lets his guard down in front of others, and if he does, he's actually paying a very grand compliment, though few see it that way. He often feels awkward around mares save for his sister and is easily flustered by them, which tends to prompt him to retreat quickly and find other pursuits.

Despite how many may see him, the last thing Gaspard wants to do is make others feel uncomfortable, and he's found that his presence often does that - without much to contribute to a conversation, there are often long silences that produce fidgets and stray glances, and after enough of those, he's come to realize that it's probably him. He doesn't bore easily, but it seems that others do, and while he is comfortable in silence, he hasn't met many others who are. This has led to him being a little self-conscious overall, but he's typically more at ease around stallions than he is mares, just because they seem to need to talk less.

While he may be shy in social situations he is a very trustworthy, loyal stallion. There isn't a lot he wouldn't do for his sister or someone he really cares for, and that includes putting himself in harm's way. There's something to the saying about it always being the quiet ones, after all.


Breeding 1: Azn (Rita Zyon)
Breeding 2: Leilani (LydaLynn)
Breeding 3: Available

Things I would like to see: Surrogates! He needs to make some friend with ladies who don't mind that he is in a homosexual relationship and would be willing to carry children for him and his love.

Things I wouldn't like to see: Uh... death, dismemberment. Maiming. Breaking up with Torrin. =( Being stolen by a lady.

Any Ideas?: Offer up?


Anxious Prophet


Anxious Prophet

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 12:35 pm
User Image Name: Bernard
Parents: Gaspard & Azn
Siblings: Rae
Lovemates: Dahlia, Runa... + open for more
Children: None
Temper: Bright
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual. Bernard loves beauty, and he loves to love. He doesn't care if you're stallion, mare, full-sized, mini-sized, mer... there's something to love about everyone.

Likes: Beautiful things, being warm, snuggles.
Dislikes: Being cold, rude behavior, getting his hair messed up.

Personality: Bernard is a happy, pleasant sort of stallion to be around. He takes life as it comes and makes the best of it, which is in stark contrast to his quiet parents; no one really seem to know where his nature came from. He hasn't seen his sister in a long time but he's fairly certain he's not much like her, either, but that doesn't bother him. Bernard has always been very enthusiastic about making his own way.

He lives exactly how he lives and won't allow anyone else to attempt to control or change that; it's not that he thinks his lifestyle is better than anyone else's, just that it suits him and he isn't going to conform for anyone. He's stubborn and strong-willed in this respect, though you wouldn't think of it when you first spoke to him, because he seems like your average dippy-headed stallion that has no idea what's really going on. That's not true, but Bernard doesn't see the point in wasting his time convincing others that he is intelligent, steady-minded and perfectly capable -- if they can't see it for themselves, he'd just be wasting his time, in his opinion.

He doesn't believe in taking life seriously unless you absolutely have to, so he has a good time when he can and only knuckles down when it's necessary. He's a very loving, friendly stallion who looks out for his precious people, no matter how many of them that might be, and has a great capacity to love. Garnering good opinion is not all that important to him, and he'd rather surround himself with a small circle of friends who know him well than try to convince the world at large that he's a worthwhile man.

He's a big, silly, vain, egocentric, lovable fellow with a heart of gold and little patience for dreary, depressing creatures, in a nutshell.


Breeding 1: Available
Breeding 2: Available
Breeding 3: Available

Things I'd like to see: Well right now he's kind of idly looking for... lovers. Male or female, he doesn't care; he has a lot of love to give and doesn't discriminate. Bernard is a cheerful, laid-back sort of fellow. He loves, and loves often, and looks for the beauty and joy in life all around him. He's very accepting of others no matter what their walk of life or how they choose to present themselves, though he won't stand around and be insulted or abused -- he'll just flit off and find somewhere else to be. Life is very in-the-moment for him, and while he gives his heart freely he has yet to give it away entirely. He's not careless, just... free-spirited. Honest, too; he'll tell people up front they aren't his one and only, and if they aren't all right with that, he'll leave them be.

As for plots that don't involve romance, he needs friends and adventure buddies. Though with Bernard... he flirts with just about everything, harmlessly, unless they express interest back. Then it becomes less harmless and more sincerely oo la la~

His ultimate hope is to have a little circle of lovemates that know each other and respect each other and aren't jealous. They don't necessarily have to like each other, but that would make him happiest.

Things I wouldn't like to see: Lifemate, death, maiming, dismemberment, abusive relationships.

Any Ideas?:
PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 12:39 pm
User ImageName: Isriel
Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Mate: Iie Namae
Children: Syrea, Fleurite, Nidawi
Temper: Independent
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual.

Likes: Companionship, her own space, independent thinkers, the forest.
Dislikes: Being stereotyped, oppression in any form, being told what to do, being underestimated.

Personality & Background: Confident and secure in herself, Isriel has never been accused of being shy, and isn't likely to soon. She was raised by a single mare, her father having disappeared shortly after her birth, and was brought up to believe in her own strength and beauty rather than rely on others to affirm it for her. She was boisterous and friendly as a filly, often the first to take up a grand plot for fun or adventure, and just as often in trouble for being the ringleader of some mischievous plot.

Luckily for Isriel, whatever ill will her mother harbored toward her father she hid well, and Isriel was raised without a bitter notion of the stallion who'd sired her. She grew up strong and independent, enjoying the company of a wide range of Soquili and never allowing her spirit to be dampened by those who would do her wrong. She got into many scuffles as a filly, both because of her own headstrong, temperamental nature, and also because she was a champion for her friends, those she didn't know, and sometimes even her enemies - the one thing Isriel hates more than anything else, and has her whole life, is suffering a bully. Whether she had been on fighting terms with someone the day before or not, if she saw them getting bullied, she'd jump in to chase off the attacker, caring little if she got bumped and bruised in the process.

And often she did. Isriel lost about as many fights as she won, and though her mother wasn't exactly thrilled that her purebred unicorn daughter was out roughhousing, she couldn't fault the girl for standing up for what she believed in. However, her mother worried that she'd soon find herself in a situation that was over her head, and as she approached adulthood, she decided it would be best to give her the proper tools to defend herself if the need arose.

Under the tutelage of a family friend, Isriel learned both how to attack as well as defend, and from her mother, she was taught control of her innate healing abilities. While Isriel was never one to cause harm out of malice, she has on more than one occasion lifted a hoof against someone she found cruel or oppressive, and would not hesitate to do so again if the situation demanded it. Very little can deter her once she sets her mind to something, and though she never intends to be harsh or cruel, if she gets carried away with something, she's very likely to go a little overboard.

Isriel believes that everyone should be treated equally, and that means no one should be treated any better or worse than anyone else. Her mother clouted her good when she was a filly for putting on airs because she was a purebred unicorn, and ever since, she hasn't allowed anything like race or purity of blood to influence her opinions of another. More than that, as she grew and matured, she came to realize that she was attracted to others regardless of their gender, and it never occurred to her that such a thing was wrong. That was due to the unbiased and unprejudiced upbringing on her mother's behalf, but also due to Isriel's own thinking: her mother, while not bisexual herself, has never had a problem with her daughter's choices.

Strong-willed, stubborn, and kind, Isriel can be a force to be reckoned with if she chooses, but more often than not, she prefers to be friendly. Just don't try to tell her what to do, and don't needlessly heckle others, and chances are, you'll get along with her. Well, if you aren't immediately put-off by her presence - she's been told it's a strong one, and she's not ashamed in the least.


Breeding 1: Dayunsi (Amirynth)
Breeding 2: Available
Breeding 3: Available

Things I'd like to see: A donor for her last breedings.

Interaction with her kids and Iie's. <3

Things I wouldn't like to see: Death, maiming, blah blah blah. All that stuff. Also, I don't want her to get a boyfriend -- she's very happy with her lady.


Anxious Prophet


Anxious Prophet

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 12:45 pm
User Image Name: Craven
Parents: ??? x ???
Siblings: None in the Kawani lands atm.
Mate: None
Children: None
Other Family: Tybalt, his cousin; extended family, though they seem to be disappearing at an alarming rate...
Temper: Wicked
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.

Likes: Power, a pretty face, when things go according to his plan, Kalona.
Dislikes: Unicorns.

Personality: Craven is a wicked, twisted individual. He's an alicorn, but that doesn't stop his intense fascination for and hatred of unicorns, which is actually largely due to his heritage. He's charming and persuasive and very friendly, but mostly only to get what he wants -- he's a unicorn hunter, basically. He lures them into seclusion and, along with a partner, will beat and kill them, and harvest their horns.

He has a great deal of bitterness that he carries close to his heart, and he is a user and abuser. He has no respect for mares and sees them as little more than a means to an end; when he wants children, he will find what he considers a suitable mare and sire children, take them, and leave. He has little to no respect for anyone but himself, and is a man driven by his obsession and his need to destroy all pure unicorns.

No one would look at him and think that he was anything but charming and friendly unless he wanted them to... he's very good at his act and is only really interested in unicorns. So unless there's something he can get from someone, or they're a unicorn and he wants to kill them, his interactions with others tend to be very fleeting. He doesn't make lasting bonds, unless someone manages to escape from him or has the misfortune to be related to him and carrying unicorn blood.


Breeding 1: N/A
Breeding 2: N/A
Breeding 3: N/A

What I'd like to see: Unicorns! For him to terrorize! ICly he actually does lure them away and kill them, but he obviously won't be doing that with anyone's Soquili. Still, he's very sweet and persuasive, and anyone who wants their unicorn to have their world turned a bit upside down and escape with some bumps/bruises/partially maimed, go right ahead and offer!

He could also stand to have a partner-in-crime, but no one who would qualify for the brains of the operation. Not completely inferior in intelligence, just someone who is perfectly happy doing his bidding and reaping the benefits of unicorns for snacks. He's a sexist pig, though, so it would probably have to be a dude.

A rival would be fine, especially if it was the person who gave him the scar that he hides under his cloak, but this would be a tricky situation because I have no plans for Craven to ever be redeemed/properly punished/taken down for his lifestyle. He can get beaten up, and certainly will when his targets fight back (unicorn horns aren't just for show, you know!) but he won't ever be good and he won't ever be truly defeated. Just because I want him to be a nice, lifelong antagonist for Tybalt and his family line.

What I wouldn't like to see: TRUE LOVE~ Craven's really, really not the type. He's sexist, controlling, manipulative, and just not cut out for it.

Any Ideas?: Want Craven to frighten your unicorn? Hurt them? Possibly nearly kill them? They're all possibilities! He tends to leave mixed blood unicorns alone for the most part, given he doesn't see them as nearly as much of an abomination as he does pureblood unicorns, but he'll charm his way into the good graces of a halfbreed to get close to a pure if he needs to.

He will be very, very pissy if a unicorn gets away from him, though, so it would lead to a pretty much life-long obsession with him... that would follow that unicorn through his or her bloodline. So if you want a creeper to stalk your bloodline and generally be an antagonist for your characters, he's a good candidate! ... if you're a unicorn!
PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 12:47 pm
User Image Name: Tybalt
Parents: ??? & ???
Siblings: None
Mate: None
Children: Laertes and iforgothisname
Other Family: None
Temper: Affable
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual. He doesn't advertise it openly, though; he's very friendly with both genders but doesn't tend to flirt with stallions despite being attracted to them. He's kind of in the closet, but not because he's ashamed, just because he doesn't feel his sexuality is something that needs to be broadcasted. If the right guy comes along he'll be all for it, but he's not going to openly state that he's homosexual, nor will he generally admit it unless you really want to know. When he turns down ladies, it's generally because he says he just wants to be friends.

Likes: Food. Seriously. Sugar, apples, carrots -- he doesn't care, if it's food, he likes it and wants it in his belly. He also really likes humans, as they tend to pet him and give him treats and generally snuggle him. He likes having his hair played with and brushed, and actually really doesn't mind being ridden around.
Dislikes: Tough love -- he likes snuggles, man, not being bitten or stomped on or yelled at. He's a generally friendly guy and tries to get along with others. If he can't, he'll politely excuse himself and leave. He also doesn't like having his mane pulled, and excessive heat makes him a lazy, sleepy pony.

Personality: Friendly and easygoing! Tybalt doesn't let himself get phased by much, mostly because... that takes a lot of energy. And he is kind of a lazy guy. He's also kind of a really big guy, especially for a unicorn -- the term "gentle giant" definitely applies here. He prefers to get along with others if he can, and is a sociable, affectionate sort. He won't invade your personal space without cause, but if you get friendly up in his business he'll probably get friendly up in yours in return, though it's generally entirely platonic. Tybalt rarely goes out of his way to try to flirt or woo someone, believing that romance, if it happens, should be spontaneous.

He's curious but oftentimes too polite to ask the questions that he'd really like answered, mostly because he's very private about most aspects of his own life and would skirt around similar questions if they were asked of him. He tries to get along with most but won't go out of his way to cheer someone up if they seem like they want to wallow; he'll just leave them in peace and find somewhere else to be.

It takes a lot to fluster him but not much to encourage him to mischief; he generally won't get into trouble on his own, but if he has a partner in crime there's no telling what he'll get up to. He won't step outside of his comfort zone into being cruel to others, but he will do things like help steal food from a human's teepee, or go skidding around in the mud or on the ice when such behavior isn't exactly seemly from someone his size and age.


Breeding 1: Gypsy Charm (Meepfur)
Breeding 2: Aria's Rhapsody
Breeding 3: Caelyndei

What I'd like to see: He's got a BFFL, Saffy, but he could always use more friends! Eventually even a male friend who worms his way into his heart, though whether Tybalt ends up crushing on a straight male or has his feelings returned isn't that much of a concern to me. He'd be slow to form any kind of attachment like that anyway, mostly because he assumes the world is straight until proven otherwise, so he tends to not bother.

Somewhere down the line having a life partner would be nice. He'd like a family, too, though the most ideal situation would be him and his life partner agreeing on a mare to carry their kids. He'd be kind of heartbroken if a lady ran off with some of his kids, though, so he'd want her to be the type who was okay with him being in a relationship with a dude, and also want her to stick around and be part of his life and the kids'. Just... not a romantic part!

He'd also willingly be a donor for a couple who couldn't have kids for any reason, be it usdia/regular, mer/regular, homosexual, etc etc. This could happen before or after he finds a life partner.

Uh... healing stuff! He's a full unicorn so he's at your disposal if you need him to heal your Soq. He could make some good friends this way.

What I wouldn't like to see: Death, dismemberment. B|a You know the drill by now. Girlfriends.

He won't be purposefully breaking any hearts, though I wouldn't be against him making friends with a lady who starts to fall for him. He'd have to explain to her that he couldn't be with her (and why!) but hopefully they would remain friends afterward.

Any Ideas?: Throw 'em at me!


Anxious Prophet


Anxious Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:23 pm
User Image Name: Sigurd
Parents: Einarr & Mixcatl (raised by Einarr and Viraj)
Siblings: None
Mate: None
Children: None
Other Family: Indah (grandmother); the baby will be raised to know nothing of its mother's side of the family, nor that it has a sibling at all.
Temper: Inscrutable
Sexual Orientation: ???

Likes: His family; he is very protective and fond of them, in all their branches, even if he doesn't agree with some of their choices. Flight, hunting; he finds thrill in both, though understands that neither should be taken to excess.
Dislikes: Judgments based on race, needless torment, unprovoked violence.

Personality: No one really ever knows exactly what Sigurd is thinking because he very rarely expresses his thoughts. He will much more often say what he thinks is appropriate to the situation, trying to force others to think outside of their preconceived notions. His own opinions are guarded and kept close to his heart, and he does his best not to judge others; a value that was ingrained into him from his childhood.



Breeding 1: Available
Breeding 2: Available
Breeding 3: Available

What I'd like to see:

What I wouldn't like to see:

Any Ideas?: Offer up!
PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:25 pm
User Image Name: Laertes
Parents: Tybalt & Gypsy Charm
Siblings: Gypsy Rogue
Mate: Jezabelle
Children: None
Other Family: Many on his mother's side; he doesn't interact with them, however.
Temper: Honorable
Sexual Orientation: ???

Likes: Quiet, one-on-one interaction, genteel ladies, honorable gentlemen.
Dislikes: Evil, cruelty, discrimination, large groups of Soquili, excessive physical affection before he gets to know someone.

Personality: Laertes is quiet and introspective. Most people mistake this for meaning he has nothing to say, but that is quite the opposite; he often has very decided opinions on any manner of subjects, but he doesn't voice them unless he feels that it would be useful to advance the conversation, or he has a chance to correct what he sees as a mistaken thought process.

He has a rigid set of morals that he holds himself to, and those who would become close to him are also expected to stand up to his view on the world. He believes that you ought to respect all creatures until they give you a reason not to, that you should do no harm unless it is in defense, and that once you take a stand, you need to uphold it. He is close to very few because of this, because it can be difficult to live up to his standards, and also because he is quietly but openly disapproving when you don't.

He has a good heart, however, and a protective nature. He forgives easier than he would like to admit, and has a soft spot for family... the closer you get to him, the more he is willing to look past what he would consider to be ethical "slip-ups" as long as it seems that you are making an effort to reform.


Breeding 1: Jezabelle
Breeding 2: Jezabelle
Breeding 3: Jezabelle

What I'd like to see: I've been thinking on it, and I'm leaning toward more of a dark knight type of romance for him. So, for Laertes, this is going to be complicated, because he won't easily fall for someone who has a darker personality, given his own code of ethics and morals.

I really like the idea of him trying to reconcile his own personal ethics with a darker, not wholly evil, but just darker creature, and end up letting his own morals slip a bit and having some self-deprecation going on while he becomes someone he's not exactly proud of in the name of love. He will, of course, constantly be trying to turn his love toward the light, but as time goes on he will realize that morality is much more gray than he would like to acknowledge, and that in order to keep the one that he loves, he has to be the one to bend.

Chances are, for this, it will be a Kalona and/or a darker minded creature. I don't like to restrict on race, so if you have another breed that tends toward the twisted, feel free to offer up! But Laertes is really particular.. if it was a compulsion toward evil due to race rather than a conscious decision, he would more easily be able to accept that and slowly change, himself.

Note that he will never be evil. He is a good person with strong morals, but as he tries to make his love a better person, he will gradually learn that he can't wholly change them, and he wouldn't love them as much if he did change them. He won't be a particularly happy individual a lot of the time. Laertes will be guilty, unhappy, disillusioned with himself, and just generally.. a melancholy character. But he will genuinely love the person he is with, and that is what will make it so difficult for him.

So, if you're up to the plot, let me know! * u*

What I wouldn't like to see: Fairytale romance! I was originally considering that for him, but the more I thought about his character and the more it cemented in my head, it just didn't seem to fit.
Any Ideas?: Feel free to offer up ideas!


Anxious Prophet


Anxious Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:25 pm
PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:26 pm


Anxious Prophet


Anxious Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:27 pm
PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:28 pm


Anxious Prophet


Anxious Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:30 pm
Nakanadi/Mihai LL counter:


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