It was that time of year where giving was at its highest. Faust had commissioned an item of jewellery for his mother; a simple gold necklace with a cat charm on the end. His mother had always loved cats and she owned quite a few, she had paintings of cats on her china, her pillows had images of kittens in the centre. He was sure when his father passed she was going to become one of those crazy cat women; whatever made her happy. It had been a while since he had been home to visit and that he was sorry for, he was just so busy with the business he rarely found time for social events.

He had planned to meet the artist in the park; she worked on commissions and today was their first meeting, after he ordered the piece a few weeks ago via letter. He had brought the money with him and found himself wondering what the artist was going to be like. His brown hair fell over one of his ghostly blue eyes, many would count Faust as a handsome man, even though he was going on thirty he had kept his teenage looks not that it really mattered to him. He had not been on a date in years; he was just of those men who found little interest in companionship. Did that make him odd?

He finally sat down on the park bench, wrapped up in his scarf and coat, the winter months had brought a chill to the air and his breathe was immortalised with smoke coming out of his mouth. He put his hands on his knees and waited patiently. His mind could not help but drift back to his customer the other day. He said his bottle would one day be a child... he was confused. He still did not know if he should take the man’s claims seriously.

All he did know was that strange thing were happening.