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Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:41 pm
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"Though the road wears at my hooves,
my heart grows heavy,
and I have much to learn.
The desitnation will be
worth the journey."


--->Fufilled Plots
--->Plots That Are Currently Needed
--->Breeds met/Wanting to meet
--->Future Plans
--->Current Events
PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:43 pm

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Name: Roman

Gender: Stallion

Age: Confused Adult

Breed: First Gen. Wind

Height: Compared to an average sized mare

Siblings: Cottus (Deceased)

Parents: Calixta (Deceased), Ardus (Deceased)

Adoptive Parents: Carolina, Háidēs

Mate: Single

Children: N/A

Rp color: Dodger Blue

*Though on his temper it says he is ardent that is not how he will be played as of this moment. It is my hope that in the future he will meet the love of his life who will once again restore his passion and protective nature.

Roman is rather world weary at this particular juncture. The loss of his younger brother still hangs heavily around his neck and there isn't a day gone by that he does not feel a sliver of guilt over it. His father dragged both of them all over the place in search of their mother's killer and he feels as though he has seen everything and all of the "wonders" this world posesses. He finds it hard to be excited or passionate over things. He is a very blunt stallion, not really caring much what others think when it is the truth facing them. This is not to say he is intentionally rude or hurtful, he just doesn't know when to keep things in his mind. Love to him is a nightmare, he loved his brother and he was taken from him cruelly. He often felt his brother was all he had for he harbored a hatred for his father and vowed never to forgive him for his wrong doings. He is willing to help others when they are in need, sometimes, but he is rather indifferent about their success or failures and pretty much acts as though he is reciting something already written down. He lives a nomadic lifestyle, not really settling down anywhere or calling someplace home. I guess you could even venture to say that he is a stallion who has wandered off of the path and cannot find his way.

One could search all corners of the world and never find a mare and stallion who loved one another the way Roman’s mother and father had. Ardus knew Calixta was the one for him when he first saw her preening her wings by a slow running river. He spent much time courting her and desperately attempting to sync his heart with hers. Eventually his time with her paid off and they became Lifemates, both more than happy to spend eternity together. Ardus was very pleased when he heard the news that he was to be a father, vowing to raise his sons to be brave and compassionate as he himself had been. Calixta vowed to make real stallions out of them, teaching them the ways in which a mare is to be treated and how to be all around good males. When she gave birth and two foals were put into wicker both of them were excited for the future and what wonders it would bring for them and their children.

Three days after baskets were presented to them by the Native American tribe they had seeked assistance from something dreadful happened. Calixta was taken in the dead of night by a shadowy creature known only as a Skinwalker. Ardus wasn’t aware of his mate’s disappearance until the early morning when he awoke to find she was no longer at his side. Panic overcame him as he chastised himself for not knowing of her absence until now. Suddenly he felt very torn, go after his mate and leave the baskets unattended? Or let Calixta possibly slip from his grasp forever? His heart broke as he decided he could not leave the baskets alone. Other than Calixta, Ardus hadn’t spent much time socializing with others so he had no one to turn to. With a heavy heart he bade his mate farewell but hoped she would return to him one day.

When Roman and his brother Cottus emerged from their baskets their father was genuinely happy but heartbroken to see how much they resembled their mother. He attempted to act lovingly towards them but often found a block of ice separating himself from his sons. Mostly he allowed them to roam the land together, only setting a few boundaries for them. Roman and Cottus became very close in the days that followed, experiencing life together for the first time and discovering the mysteries of the world around them. When they were able bodied enough to walk for long distances without having to stop their father told them they were leaving. The boys bid their home farewell, thoughts of new adventures and happiness dancing around in their little minds. Little did they know the sorrow that would paint their lives and cause them to become even more separated from the stallion they called father.

Cottus hadn’t been well since the day he emerged from his basket but it was never as bad as when they walked all day and barely rested at night. Whenever Roman would call out to his father to stop and wait for Cottus his father would keep walking, telling them to stay behind and that he would return for them later. Roman was briefly taught by his father how to defend a position and to keep out of the open. The responsibility and caring for Cottus fell completely on him. He was forced to grow up really quickly in order to keep his brother alive and soon he found he hated his father. This stallion that dragged them around for no reason and then just dropped them without another word became a figure of contempt for the young colt. Cottus attempted to remain loyal to his absent father and often told Roman to do the same. Though Roman loved his little brother very much he could not forgive such a terrible father of his neglect.

This treatment continued on until the boys had just entered the stage of being stallions. Cottus’ illness had only gotten worse and they were lucky if their glorious father even spoke to them. They should have left but with Cottus being as weak as he was it was better to travel in a group, if one would call it that. One evening as their father took off and left them Cottus had a particularly nasty fit. Roman watched over him as his brother collapsed in a clearing. Thinking Cottus would bounce back as usual Roman curled up beside him and fell asleep. When morning came Roman looked down at his brother, thinking he was fine, and went off to get his morning drink. When he returned he discovered his beloved brother had passed from this world. At this point Roman’s life shattered into a million pieces, the one of his family who truly cared about him had passed. His hatred for his father grew, for he hadn’t even come back to witness the final moments of his son. He had all but killed Cottus with how he behaved. Unable to even perform funeral rites Roman was forced to leave with no one by his side. He figured his father would find him soon, but he never saw him again. Unaware that he had been killed by the very Skinwalker who had killed his mother Roman walked on, always slightly curious but never outrightly so.

(To be continued...)

1. Open
2. Open
3. Open


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Name: Virgil

Gender: Male

Breed: Wolf

Siblings: Unknown

Parents: Unknown

Mate: None

Rp color: Goldenrod 1

Personality: Virgil is very philosophical and he enjoys telling stories of his homeland to any who will listen. Whenever someone is in need he will gladly share some of his wisdom with them and attempt to help them work out whatever plagues them. He is a kind soul, very understanding and not pressing. Though he does not push others to fix themselves he certainly points them in the correct direction. He is very dedicated to Roman and thinks of him somewhat as his son. He knows how much pain Roman has pent up and is doing everything he possibly can to allow him to work through it and live the life he has been given with a smile instead of a frown. He often times wanders and bumps into other soquili who may need someone to talk to or who need help with something. He will help those who are less than moral as well for he attempts to see the good within all.

--Coming soon--  

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:52 pm

*I have kind of an order I would like for these to go in. I made a post especially for dealing with what Roman needs at the moment. As more plots are fufilled I will post more. Until then some of these are not ready to be acted out yet.*

No Words: Roman is still in shock, horror and pain over the attack from Barracus. He is so tired of the world and all the bad hands he has been given that he has just shut down, the dream about his family alive and well didn't help any. He will not speak, eat or drink but his body forces him to live. Haides, the kind Angeni who took him in, has been attempting to feed him and get him to drink and speak but it isn't working. At this point Roman will meet his future familiar Virgil who will get him to speak again and rethink some of the concepts he has decided to live with.

The Biggest Step in The Journey is Letting Go: This plot is going to mean a lot for Roman and for me. Roman has met up with and been injured by the one who killed his parents. He is still resentful towards his father and holds the same opinion as when he was a foal about never forgiving Ardus. I think either an Elder or an Angeni would fit this plot well for Roman is going to forgive both his father and the murderer. It will not be easy and the Elder or Angeni will have to kind of pry it from him but in the end they will help him to clear his slate and be reborn.

Answers: I want Roman to meet up with a Seer or Oracle of sorts. He needs to know the whole truth of his past, why his father dragged them around and that he really did care but was lost after the death of his lifemate. This Soquili will give him whatever answers he requires so he has a better look at what his past was like.

You Must Take a Journey: I want Roman to be instructed to take a journey where he must stop and talk to every soquili he meets. Good or bad, of the sky or sea etc etc. This will be the beginning of the Enlightenment plot. He needs someone to send him though, telling him why he needs to go and what he needs to do. Basically he is going to learn what others have to say about the world and life. He is only allowed to ask questions, he cannot argue or interject his own opinions. It may help if the Soquili that sends him tells him that each day he must say at least one thing that is beautiful about the world and life.

Finding the Goddess:
Sun (Uelanuhi)
A goddess. When Sun's daughter was bitten by a snake and taken to the Ghost Country, Sun hid herself in grief. The world was ever dark, and Sun's tears became a flood. At last the Cherokee sent their young men and women to heal Sun's grief, which they did with singing and dancing.
-symbol: sun

It is my hope that someone enriched with the knowledge of the old ones will tell him the story of the Sun. In a way he lives as she does and if this Soquili were to tell him this story it would help to further heal him. He will then have found his Goddess and what he hopes to live by. (May combine with 'You Must Take a Journey' plot to get him started. He will find her along the way with everything he learns.)

Stop Following Me!!: Along his journey, when he is first starting out, I would like for Roman to run into a Soquili (Foal or adult) who find him very interesting and decides they want to go on the journey with him. Of course he will be adverse to the idea and try and rid himself of them but they will remain persistant, following along anyway. Eventually he will grow attached and learn to call them his familiy.

Looking in the Mirror: Roman is on the road to rebirth, learning more and more things from those he has met on the way. In this rp I would like for him to meet a foal whose father was less than loving. Basically a foal with relatively the same past that he had. He will be able to relate and hopefully give this foal the advice not to poison his life as Roman did little by little.

A Home Long Lost: In this plot Roman goes to his birthplace in an effort just to see where he comes from. He goes back to where his mother and father lived happily and where he and Cottus were still baskets under their mother's warm care. When he gets there everything is a little overwhelming but things get worse when members of the orignial herd show up and hassel him. Apparently Ardus' sons weren't the only ones he walked out on and certainly not the only ones to hold a grudge. (May lead to a formation of a herd.)

Love: Roman has traveled far and wide, collecting opinions and lessons from all he ran into. Never turning away good teaching even from those less than worthy in the sense of their deeds. Now he has returned to the Kawani lands, prepared to start a home and share what he has learned with those around him. This could be an entirely new mare he meets now or one he has met in the past but he will come to realize he has feelings and ask her to be his. (Will take more than one meeting)

The Past Bites Back: Roman has settled down with the love of his life and is helping those who have become lost like him. The only problem is that Barracus has still not gotten over the fact that Roman is the one who got away. He has been keeping an eye on the stallion, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. This may end up in the kindapping of his mate or their children depending on how this works out. Roman will have to rush in and play hero but can he win?

Penance: Though Roman may have moved on, with the return of Barracus he realizes that others he has come across may not have. He will seek out those he interacted with and was less than kind to so he may apologize and hopefully give back what he has taken from them. He wishes to make amends for being so cruel in the past.

Fatherhood: Roman's father was not the best but he did love his sons. Roman learned this in some way, in a previous plot. When his own children are on the way he is nervous, not knowing what a great father should do or be. Either he gets counciling from another father or his mate tells him she is sure he will be great and explain to him how her father acted. He just wants to be sure. Perhaps he will journey out for a short time to seek the answer.

A Mysterious Illness: Roman's brother Cottus died of a mysterious illness that neither he or his father knew anything about. All he knows is that it caused his brother great pain and made him cough and wheeze as well as grow very weak. Little did Roman know that this illness is also genetic and one of his sons/daughters has gotten it from him. After seeing Cottus die of it his heart is filled with dread and he strikes out in desperate search to find a cure before the foal's life is cut short.
PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:53 pm
--Fufilled Plots--

Meet and Greet: This is more benifical for me than for Roman, this allows me to come to grips with his character. I need soquili who are most likely to randomly start a conversation and who do not anger easily or decide to run off when faced with someone challenging. Roman will speak when spoken to but rarely does he ever start a conversation.

The world still holds wonders: Roman comes across a mare or stallion who sees life as a wondrous adventure full of magic. Because he believes he has seen it all he will not jump to the other's opinion and is more likely to argue about it than anything else. It is my hope that this soquili can get the gears turning in his head, perhaps even to remind him that the world still is beautiful no matter how much of it you have seen.

Coward: Through my rps I have figured out that Roman is the type to walk away when the going gets tough. (Barracus being the exception.) When he doesn't want to deal with something or he is reminded of his past he turns his back on it and walks away. I think it would be great if someone brought this to light for him. Even if it is in a mean way it may be good for them to show him that running away doesn't always help.

You?!: I would like for Roman to come face to face with the monster who murdered his mother, perhaps even his father? This creature will be vile and calculating, one who takes pride in the blood he has spilled in the past. Whether this will lead to a fight or not I am unsure, it can be discussed. This would cause him to become even more withdrawn and world weary.

Dream: While still in his world of silence I would like for Roman to dream of what life would be like had Barracus left his family alone. It will be his deepest and truest desire, this will be when his body is about to give out and he is ready to succumb to death. Haides will step in at the very end and snap him out of it.

Father: After his brush with the monster who killed his parents Roman is injured and in need of assistance. Though Roman is old enough to be on his own I would like him to find a father figure or mentor. He needs to be able to become attached to something again and perhaps find some relief for his weary feet by finding a home.


Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:55 pm

------------> Have to Reply
Lost and Found

------------> TAG
One Warm Day

-------------> Have to Reply
Once the Same, Always the Same.

*Bellethelia Nesrine-Roman
-----------> TAG
Don't Turn Away

------------> TAG
A Little Goes A Long Way

-----------> TAG
A Wing in Need of Care

<--- Completed or Unanswered --->

-------------> Unanswered
Worth of Wings

--------------> Unanswered
The Eye Of The Storm

-----------> Unanswered

*Roman's Past
---------------> Done
How Life Once Was...

*Roman's Past II
----------------> Done

-------------> Done
You Shaped My Life With Shadows

*Roman's Dream
Dream a Little Dream of Me...

PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:48 pm
--Plots That Are Currently Needed--

None until his plots with Virgil and Haides have been concluded but I am open for suggestions or even offers on possible future plots. Also, if you have any ideas for your Soquili that he may fit let me know. ^^

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:54 pm
--Breeds Roman has Interacted With--

^Usidia (Imp)


^Crossbreeds of various kinds
^Cernyei (SP)
PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:55 pm
-Future Plans-

*Get scars from Barracus:

-Scar and Custom Item shop-
Purchase Type
: Scars/Scars

Owner name: XBlind-DarknessX
Pet Name: Roman
Picture of Pet (Include uncerted image link as well):
Items/services needed: Scars
Description: Roman has clawmarks on both of his shoulders and on his side. He also has a long jagged scar from one claw running down his neck. The Skinwalker also bit into his wing and pulled feathers away so a scar resembling that on his wing would be awesome.
Total scars = 5
Was this gained in an RP?
You Shaped My Life With Shadows
Teepee: {X}
Total: ???

*Get some accesories on mai boy!

-Scar and Custom Item shop-
Purchase Type
: Accessories/accessories

Owner name: XBlind-DarknessX
Pet Name: Roman
Picture of Pet (Include uncerted image link as well):
Items/services needed: Medium Accesories
So, I got to thinking about mr. Roman here and had an idea, why not give him a Roman theme? After all he is to be adopted by the Greek/Roman god of the underworld and his name is Roman. I will provide a general idea of what I desire but I think the colorist could do a much better job actually coming up with the concept than I.

Firstly I would like for Roman to have some Roman jewelry on his 'wrists.' (Hehe, silly, horses don't have wrists!) Anyway, I have attached a picture below of what I would like. Having them on both front legs would be epic since they are a matching set. The gold coloring is fine with me too.

Secondly I would like Roman to have some sort of necklace which Haides provides for him in a later rp to kind of welcome him into the family. Necklace may be the wrong word actually, I was thinking about kind of a swathe of white fabric appearing like a toga going around his neck. Kind of think of the one shoulder idea like a toga has. It would be pinned up with the Narcissus flower and kind of swoop down and gather on his right shoulder. I will pay top price for both items so don't hold back because of that.

Lastly I would like to incorporate the coins used to pay the ferryman in his accessories somehow. Maybe on like twine hangning from the narcissus flower? I figure the god of the underworld would at least bestow upon his son two coins to pay the boatman. Like I said, just think Roman!
Obol for the Boatman
Narcissus flower
Neck Accesory (Like this but not as wide or big)
Cuffs on his legs
Was this gained in an RP? Not yet but it will be.
Teepee: {X}
Total: 40k

*Find him a mate/fling at some point further along in his story
*Squeeze him into a herd

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:56 pm
--Current Events--

--> Roman has met a passionate mare named Athela who has presented him with a completely different opinion on how one should view life. Taking the good with a smile and the bad with a grain of salt. Though right now this means nothing to him and he refuses to accept it, her words may have an impact on his future.

-->Roman has run into the beast who killed his mother and father and basically caused his entire life to fall to pieces before it even had a chance to really begin. A purewalker named Barracus is currently telling of how he dispatched Roman's beautiful mother and heroic father. Roman is sustaining wounds left and right but has no where to run. How will this end?

--> Roman narrowly escaped from the claws of the Skinwalker named Barracus. Taking to the air he has flown far enough away from the den of death but is too weak to continue on. In a semi crash landing he has touched down to earth but is now losing blood at an alarming rate. Slipping into a coma like state he has begun dreaming of what life would have been like had his mother never been killed, the lines between dream and reality are becoming blurred. Will he wake from his sweet dream? Does he even want to?
PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:58 pm

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:59 pm
heart OPEN! heart
PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:16 am
I would be happy to have a 'meet and greet' between Demon and Roman XD
User Image
(Can offer him as a foal too)

There are three different points that they could meet, and depending when you pick will depend what version of Demon you are likely to get XD

He is still fairly innocent here -it was before Lana'thel kidnapped him and help him captive by chains, and at this time he simply has the brainwashing of his mother (all Kalona's are the best and strongest) but no actual training to back up the boast.

Demon has met Rhea and begun his quest to discover how to use black magic. Black magic is an ability that only true kalonas can use.... he will eventually learn it but when he first starts out on the the quest he doesn't have any experiences to draw on and so isn't very good at it.... aka no effects shown XD

Demon is setting up his army to protect Cherish from being kidnapped. He has mastered black magic and enjoys a good fight... he will cheat, lie, bribe, manipulate... anything for information and to increase his forces. He will actually be blackmailing the Miakoda herd into helping him by claiming that he will slaughter a child he has kindapped from them if they don't XD. He is a little more reserved here... he has a goal and doesn't like being turned from it.

I could offer Demon's father Gishoni up for some RP.
User Image
He is far more laid back than his son, and won't attack simply for no reason. The fact that Roman has wings would make Gishoni believe he could one day produce a worthy child -Gishoni is a pig and believes that only mares with wings are worthy of being bred- and so would likely not harm him.

I can also offer Oberon......
User Image
Oberon is by nature vicious and out for blood. During many of his dark rages he has destroyed everything in his pack, one day his wrath fell upon a herd of mystic Angeni. Oberon slaughtered them all without a second thought but when he reached a little basket he hesitated. Around his neck appeared a glowing lantern and he found that with it on he could feel no malice or hatred thoughts towards the precious bundle. Ashamed of his actions he stole the little basket away to keep protected, and due to fear of others like him kept her locked away so that he was her only company.

He watched her grow and mature and slowly began to fall for her, but she was so innocent and vunderable that he dared not.... until he told her the truth of what he had done, she tried to escape him for her freedom and fell into the path of a SW who tried to kill her. Oberon saved her, but in respect of her wishes he turned to leave without another word, only to find her stopping him.

I also do AIM RP:


Enduring Werewolf

10,275 Points
  • Team Edward 100
  • Object of Affection 150
  • Team Jacob 100

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:26 pm
Ooo! Sya I will pick one and get back to you soon! I am going to be away for the weekend but I will pm you as soon as I get back and figure out which one would work the best! Thank you so much for helping! heart heart  
PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:58 pm
Ooo! Sya I will pick one and get back to you soon! I am going to be away for the weekend but I will pm you as soon as I get back and figure out which one would work the best! Thank you so much for helping! heart heart
You're welcome. =D I know that since you are trying for elderhood you need a variety of different meet and greets as it is all about how he reacts to them, what he learns from them and how he is changed. So I figured I would offer some bad/evil since good soquili are easy to come by XD

Take your time and PM me when you are ready.


Enduring Werewolf

10,275 Points
  • Team Edward 100
  • Object of Affection 150
  • Team Jacob 100

Lady in the Golden Wood

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:06 pm
May I offer Athela either for the 'meet and greet' or 'the world still holds wonders' plots? oAo I need to solidify her character myself so this would be a great opportunity to do so.

Athela can be, to be put in the simplest of terms, strange. She seems to be daydreaming most of the time and the most oddest things may perk her interest. She is easily distracted. Her imagination turns the world around her into magic and ideals. Her placid nature may be a bit difficult for Roman to argue with though, but it would be interesting. Hope you're interested.
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