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Total Votes : 9


Lonely Member

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:56 am
Okay, still setting up and always will be as I will be updating this thread regularly.

Open for:
  • Thread RP - Just toss a soq at me
  • Aim Plotting/RP - My SN is ThaminofXira, feel free to IM me with any Ideas you have - Please note, I transfer all RP's to guild logs.
  • PM Plotting - For those that dont have AIM
  • Guild RP - I have problems setting them up ^^;
  • Breeding offers - For those of my Soq that are open for breedings

I love Drama. Drama, heartache, mistrust, grudges - It makes the world go around. If you have a plot you think someone here might fit into just post! I can fit drama into almost any plot I've made. If you're looking for the happy ending at the end of a storybook, it isnt here, because there is never an end XD

Current RP's:
**Will be Posted Soon**
PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:30 am
Table of Contents!!!!

Page 1

Post 1 - Intro
Post 2 - TOC
Post 3 - Breeding Status at a glance
Post 4 - Ryker
Post 5 - Fonn Ardea
Post 6 - Figment
Post 7 - Layren
Post 8 - Rhinelander
Post 9 - Richmon
Post 10 - Zul'brin
Post 11 - Fruzan Duff
Post 12 - Leeroy Jenkins
Post 13 - Reserved
Post 14 - Reserved
Post 15 - Reserved

Page 2


Lonely Member


Lonely Member

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:40 am
Breeding List

Please keep in mind that if you request a breeding this is the list of breedings that I have lined up and for what Slots I will be entering them for as far as edits go.

Unedited Pairs / Lightly edited pairs
Obsidian X Xixan

Heavily edited pairs
Kenet & Salexus (sp?)
SmallPox X Tinkerbell

Mini Only
Obsidian X Xixan

CC only Pairs
Linn & Zuzu
Aderes & Sirius Black
Fonn & Cal

Agreed Pairs, but Permission is not posted yet
Zul'Brin X Enzo
Richmon X Akahi
SmallPox X Amakehs Olomamusikte
Harlequin X Danuwa

Single Soquili

Leeroy - 2 breedings left - Open
Ryker - 3 breedings left - RP/Plot only
Aditi - 3 breedings left - RP and Plot only
Dusk - 3 breedings left/ 1 Avalable - Open
Gaven - 1 breedings left - OOC Only
Akira - 3 breedings left - RP only
Xixan- 2 breedings left - Open
Rhinelander - 3 breedings left - RP Only
SmallPox- 3 breedings left/ 1 Avalable - Open
Figment - 3 breedings left - RP/Plot Only
Lil'Stitch - 3 breedings left - RP/Plot Only
Layren - 3 breedings left - RP/Plot Only
Aderes - 2 breedings left/ 1 Avalable - Plot Only

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:47 am
Under Construction!!
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Name: Ryker
Breed: Gen 4 (Half Flutter)
Obtained: Breeding Raffle
Parents: Azzan & Ravah
Siblings: Vitiana
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
RP Color: Orange
Personality: Ryker, like his grandmother after her cursing, is extremely vindictive. He likes taking revenge, but as not much pisses him off he rarely has to do so. He was sly, vain, but was quite playful in doing so. He was morbid, taking great pleasure in toying with the minds of others, and taking even more pleasure in mutilating the still living bodies of his victims. He was very rarely serious on any topic - though when it came to his mother he was quite serious. No other compared to her in his mind.

But now, he is unstable, cold, self pitying, gruff and anti-social.
History: Ryker grew up in an odd family. His mother was the master of their family, all others were under her. His father played the part of the loyal, unquestioning servent, and does still to this day. His sister however she may have tried never quite was as loyal and Ryker dug into this with all he had. He relished the thought that their mother favored him more than his sister, and just to prove it and instill it into the mind of his sister he did everything in his power to make his mother proud; to remain her favorite child. He hunted meals for her, groomed her, flattered her.

As he grew though he became more adventurous and left on his own to figure out the world. This is where he me his grandmother. While skinning his living prey one dark evening he was attacked by a black coyote. The fight did not last long, Ryker did not take too many injuries, but it had been a test Ryker had passed. Aderes revealed herself to him and told him of his family line. She told him of the world and the foolish beliefs of each race. She told him of her own beliefs. He agreed with them. Many moons passed before the black coyote returned, this time in the company of a mutant by the name of SmallPox, Ryker's apparent cousin and the only other member of the family Aderes had found and had deemed worthy of living. She paired the two up, charging them with the duty of learning each others ways and mastering them to become stronger and truer killers. The black coyote named Aderes vanished after that night.

Ryker will become bored with attempting to out do Pox - he finds no need to as he is, in his mind, far superior to the socially challenged mutant. In his boredom he will search far and wide for a victim, one that he finds to be, in a way, worth killing and letting live through his dismemberment. He searches, finding the ditsy, the overbearing, the cruel, and those that see the world through rose colored glasses - none suit his fancy. One night though he comes across a mare named Adaya in the mountains. A hollow mare who believes the world is a dark and horrible place, and life is little more than pain. Oh yes, pain - this mare would know the true meaning of pain, and ryker would have his ironic entertainment. Ryker surprises the mare, ripping and twisting her leg out from under her, breaking it, before ramming her. Unfortunately she stumbles and falls (as planned) and hits her head on a buried rock in the snow, knocking her unconscious. Ryker grumbles and pouts for a moment before a snort lets him know there is another near by - a helboar by the name of kenet. Ryker's spirits are lifted and he fights the boar, coming close (or he thinks) to beating him, before having his belly ripped open by the boars tusks. Ryker retreats to guarantee he will live, though he could have killed the boar if he took the risk of death, but he didn't know Pox had seen the whole ordeal from the skys. Pox sees rykers retreat as weakness and reports to their grandmother, who also finds rykers retreat to be a failure. She no longer views him as worth keeping alive and hunts him down - she questions him then shreds him, leaving him to die. Ryker looks back on what he's done in his last moments then blacks out. He awakened by a burning sensation. A mutant alicorn stands above him, healing his wounds. Not being pure he cant fully heal Ryker, but enough to keep him alive. He questions ryker, delving into his soul, challenging his beliefs. He leaves Ryker soon afterwords.

Plot 1: Beauty and the Beast - Left alone, severely hurt, and all his beliefs and deeds laid out before him he begins to question, his very existence and purpose. He has secluded himself, the once vain and beautiful soquili now scarred and mutilated preferring the company of silence and to wallow in his own self pity. Think of the Beast from Beauty and the Beast, only without any hope that things in his life will ever change.

I'd like for someone to find Ryker - someone pure of heart that will help him heal, very similar to Bell's roll in Beauty and the Beast. Ryker will be cynical, but unlike before he will actually, eventually, begin to listen. I'd like for this someone to show him the joys of life, the little things that can bring happiness as I like to call them. Or, alternately, these could be something that the two discover together if they both have never experienced them; I'm open for anything really. Keep in mind that pure of heart does not mean perfectly good in every way, no one is without flaws after all. Just means no one that intentionally would harm or hurt another maliciously just for the sake of doing so or for their own self gain - basically, no one that will drive him back to the path from which he has come. They could have been evil in the past, but they can not be when meeting him.

Please note, this seems like a simple enough plot - it is not. It will take time and many RP's for Ryker to heal both mentally and physically. He will be an entirely different soquili once this is done. This will be a fairly long plot. Through his encounters with the mare he will have to learn many things, which leaves this open to Many plot opportunities. Now what I have below, the virtues and ideals, are what I would like him to learn. As for the encounter possibilities for each item, they can change and be discussed to fit any situation that is needed for both the mare's own personal development and Rykers.

Ryker will need to learn:
Acceptance - To consider circumstances, especially those that can not be changed, as satisfactory.
Compassion - Sympathetic awareness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it.
Discretion - Being discrete in ones speech, keeping secrets.
Empathy - Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives.
Forbearance - Restraint under provocation; patience.
Forgiveness - To cease to feel angry or bitter towards a person or about an offense.
Gratitude - Thankfulness.
Hopefulness - The general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled.
Honesty - Truthful; sincere; not lieing or cheating.
Humor - The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, ect.
Moderation - The avoidance of extremes in one’s actions or opinions.
Modesty - Freedom from vanity or conceit. Not inclined to boast.
Self Sacrifice - giving up of one's own benefit for the good of others.

Breeding Status: [ Open ]


Lonely Member


Lonely Member

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:01 am
Under Construction!!
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Name: Fonn Ardea
Breed: Mutant Regular (1/2 Wind)
Obtained: Co-Own
Parents: Danuwa X Dinilawi
Siblings: ???
Offspring: N/A
Mate: Cal
RP Color: Olive
Personality: Light and bubbly, she's almost always happy. She's forgetful, to the extent of every time she sits down she is poked by her own ice tail. She can also be calm, questioning, and remember everything. The type to answer questions with questions and to stare off into space thinking. She has two personalities.
History: Fonn is the daughter of Danuwa and Dinilawi. She was cared for as a basket by her father, her mother not really in the picture. She had a happy childhood, but as she got older she began to wander farther and farther from her home and her father. She began to forget him and her home, and now she can not remember either at all.
Plot 1: Fonn will soon run across her father and future (unknown to her, danuwa, and Harlequin at the moment) Step-mother. It will be a reunion to remember. Not too long afterward she will want to know more of her mother, and will set off on a grand adventure to try and find her. Fonn has already set out on her journey to find her mother and needs to run into many soquili in her journey. I dont really want enemies for her, she couldn’t hold a grudge against someone anyway, but I dont mind her meeting soquili of the meaner types as long as they mean no physical harm. I'd like her to meet at least one of all the races (except Skinwalker, I have that covered) in her journey.

Races Needed for encounters: ((Bolded types are still needed))
Normal- Quin
Wind- Danuwa
Flutter -
Angini- Maion
Skinwalker- Aderes
Mutant- Cal

Breeding Status: [ Lifemated ]
PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:07 am
Under Construction!!
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Name: Figment
Breed: Uni Cereni
Obtained: '10 Christmas CYO Event - Thank you so much Leez0rs!!!!
Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
RP Color: Gray
Personality: Figment has an odd personality - she is quiet and very realistic. She does not believe in what she can not see. She takes pride in that she does not exists to others. She plays fate in her little world of snow and storms, deciding to help or hinder those that get lost in the world of ice and snow. She'll reveal herself only to catch another's attention and peak their curiosity before disappearing in her surroundings.
History: Figment grew up in her mountain home with her mother and father, both white in color themselves, adorned with pale blue jewelry to distinguish them from the snow and ice surrounding them. Her father a unicorn, her mother a cerini, they had a joyous love of life, and took it upon themselves to protect the travelers that dared to travel through the storms. Figment had never been allowed to go on these trips to aid travelers, but she would hear the stories from her parents. One day though, her mother did not return from the storm with her father - she was never told the story of this. She only knew her father did not go out in the storms afterward. Figment grew into a lovely young adult and began to explore the world of white that surrounded her home with her father, who had grown quite old and frail since her mother's disappearance. She was shown all the trails and passes. One night though screams echoed through the mountain of which she and her father lived. Her father would not leave their cave to enter the storm. Figment could not bare the sound of screams and pleaded with her father to help the travelers. He would not, so figment left to aid them. She found them easily enough and led them to safety, but upon returning home she got lost and had to seek refuge under an ice overhanging. Dawn came and the storm passed. Figment made her way home to find her father's form outside their cave. He had worried about her when she had not returned and had gone out to search for her. Unable to find her he had returned home believing that he had lost his daughter too to the storms icy grasp. It was too much for his frail form and broken heart to bare, returning to an empty home, and had frozen in the cold before reaching the cavern. Figment mourned for many months. She could not shake her love of life, but her fathers death brought out a vindictive and cynical side to the joyful mare that surfaces in bursts. While she leaves every storm to aid travelers, she sometimes leads them to their doom rather than their salvation.
Plot 1: But a Figment of ones imagination - I'd like for figment to help, or hinder, several soquili in their travels through the mountains. Her roll and part will be small, the RP very short, but it could add a bit of spice to any adventure, and hopefully leave the soquili believing Figment is just that, a figment of their imagination to explain their luck, destiny, or fate.

Plot 2: Anything! Feel free to make suggestions!

Breeding Status: [ Open ]



Lonely Member


Lonely Member

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:09 am

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Name: Layren
Breed: Nixi
Obtained: Breed Intro event
Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
RP Color: Brown
Personality: Layren hasnt been 100% fleshed out. So far she is very quiet and accepting.
History: Will be fleshed out when Layren has had more interaction.
Plot 1: I'm open to anything; just post and we can discuss matters further.

Open for Ideas on any and all Plots!

Breeding Status: [ Open]
PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:19 am

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Name: Rhinelander
Breed: Gen 2 (Regular)
Obtained: Breeding
Parents: Cyrille & Duncan
Siblings: Harlequin, Shoshan Blythe, Silas, Azamaria, Amadour Drury
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
RP Color: Brown
Personality: Rhinelander is mischievous and playful, always up for playing tricks, joking, adventuring, exploring, or just romping around. Lately though he's been a tad bit broody - everyone he knows is settling down, he doesnt have anyone to adventure with any more.
History: ...
Plot 1: I'm open to anything; just post and we can discuss matters further.

Open for Ideas on any and all Plots!

Breeding Status: [ Open]


Lonely Member


Lonely Member

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:22 am
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Name: Richmon
Breed: Mutant Alicorn
Obtained: Haloween '08
Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Offspring: Zul'Brin, Enali Ver Rash
Mate: Akahi
RP Color: Dark Red
Personality: Richmon once was severely judgmental, and he lacked any emotion. He pointed out others faults, their wrongs. He seemed rude at times, uninterested buy most things, and was very blunt and honest. He didnt know the meaning of fun, nor the meaning of love; he was standoffish and kept mostly to himself. Trust was and is an issue for him. After being in the soquili lands as a mortal though for three years he is finally starting to learn that those alive are much different than the dead. While he still believes it is his job to make others ready for heaven; though now he attempts to at least question and talk things through before 'cleansing'. He has come to know the emotions of sadness, worry, fear, and anger well and has recently experienced the joys of love, but he has much yet to learn. He is almost as a child would be in his eagerness to learn of others and to understand them for who they are, yet still the wise adviser and judger attempting to guide lost souls onto a path that will lead them through the pearly gates.
History:Richmon, the Guardian of purgatory. It was his job to look on others, to judge and cleanse all that came to purgatory. At first sight one can see the blood of those that have payed for their sins on him, it mars his white coat and his ebony cape. Swirls of smoke from the purifying flames of purgatory forever stain his limbs. Tears of blood flow from his glowing yellow eyes. And keys, the keys that granted eternal happiness or eternal damnation, the keys that allowed one into heaven or banished one to hell, still hang from his neck. In reality, they serve a different purpose, though Richmon has yet to figure out what.

Only the pure could pass from his domain, only those that had been 'cleansed' as payment for their sins. His downfall from this most noble position is not known, nor is known what events came to pass, but it did not end well for Richmon. He was cast out of his realm, out of Purgatory, to live the life of a mortal in the soquili lands; a leg wing ripped from him as a sign of his banishment. Or this is what he believes. Trust is not a thing that will come easy for any soquili that crosses paths with Richmon. He, though confused, accepted his fate. Leaving ones profession behind is another story. He still believed his job was to cleanse others for their sins so that they may enter heaven. He has been known to torture 'innocents' to purify them so that they may enter heaven. His intentions are good - purely to make sure everyone goes to the green pastures when they pass on - however, his methods are... well... he is covered in blood after all. "Without shedding of blood there's no remission of sin."

For the past two years Richmon has wandered the lands of the soquili, from the very peaks of the mountains to the golden sandy beaches. He has met few, but those he has met have taught him that is no longer possible to judge those of this world instantly. It is tougher to judge when the one he's judging is still living than when they have passed on and their lives are his to scrutinize. He has come to be very questioning, delving into the souls and minds of those he meets without thought or knowledge of personal boundaries or secrets. He retains his brutally honest and blunt demeanor though - a characteristic that may never leave him. He has developed a relationship with the one named Akahi, and has learned many things from her. Also, while delving into the soul of a young stallion named Ryker, whom he saved from death by only seconds, he learned that to merely exist is not living, but interacting and impacting the lives of others is living. Richmon decided that for once, being mortal, it was time for him to live.

Plot 1: Start From Scratch - Richmon doesnt know the meaning of playing or having fun, and who better for him to learn from than the masters themselves; Foals. I'd like for Richmon to run into a foal that has slipped away from it's parents or was left alone while their parents went out gathering food ect; and wants Richmon to Play with it to pass the time. I think it'll be good for the stallion to learn from someone so young.

Plot 2: Suggest one! Richmon's up for all sorts of interactions!!

Breeding Status: [ Closed ]
PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:28 am

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Name: Zul'brin
Breed: 2nd Gen (Mutant Kalona X Mutant Alicorn)
Obtained: Breeding
Parents: Eviotil ver Spitfire & Richmon
Siblings: Enali ver Rash
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
RP Color: Purple
Personality: Brin isnt the typical Kalona. Her mutant genetics basically allowed her to be whatever she wanted to be. She is kind and gentle. She does eat meat, but only fish and only when she believes it wont disturb others - I guess one could say she is self conscious and doesn't want to impose on others. Lastly, she is protective of those she cares for. When someone she cares for or deems a friend is threatened she is vile and vicious, violent and volatile.
History: Brin is part of the result from an OOC breeding. It is unknown how she became lost, but one way or another her basket ended up in the forest alone. It was in that forest that Aislinn came accross it. Linn searched for a parent, but after some time, and running accross her mate, the search seemed hopeless. From the scent of death and blood lingering on the foals wicker casings Linn and Zuzu assumed it's parents were killed and took in the basket as if it was their own child. They cared for the basket, never letting it out of their sight. To say that Linn was not surprised when the filly emerged would be a lie; she was shocked and somewhat frightened. But the filly, having never known or been around anything 'Evil', cam out of it's basket with a quite innocent demeanor. She was given the name Zul'brin, a troll name from her adoptive father who was himself a troll.
Plot 1: ??? - Suggest something? ^^;

Plot 2: Brin poses an extreme threat to those around her and to herself. She has a tendency to fling her tail about uncontrolled, a dangerous thing to do considering it has many sharp blades at the end of it. She has already managed to accidentally cut herself several times; but what if it were to happen again, or worse, what if it were to happen to someone else? I'd like for someone to teach her about the healing property of plants. She does not visit two leggers and may not be able to visit a uni if she is badly injured. I'd like for her to be able to mend, or at least start mending, any wounds she may receive from herself or others despite the fact that she has no powers to do so.

Plot 3: Brin, due to her kalona blood, is built to fight. She has many tools to use; her teeth, her tail blades, her horns, but she doesnt know how to use them properly. She has her sparing partner, Enzo, and because of this she knows how to use these items for both defense and offense, but she doesnt know how to use them tactically or profescionally. I'd like to find her a teacher that will teach her how to fight, using these tools not only as an offense but as a defense as well.

Plot 4: While she doesnt know how to fight professionally she is fully capable of taking on understudies or students and teaching them how to use their own offensive and defensive abilities to their advantage.

Breeding Status: [ Closed ]


Lonely Member


Lonely Member

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:29 am
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Name: Fruzan Duff
Breed: Gen 2 (Half Kalona)
Obtained: Breeding Raffle
Parents: Lyou & Gaven
Siblings: ???
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
RP Color: Black
Personality: Personality isnt 100% Set yet. So far she is extremely timid when meeting new soquili, She's self conscious and fearful of making the wrong impression or messing up. She's beginning to open up, proving to be an independent and self reliant young lady.
History: As a basket Duff was always alone She was often unoticed by others, so when she approched them her basket was often kicked, stepped on, beat about - all unintentually by the larger soquili that did not realize she was underhoof. This caused her to be terrified by the larger beings outside her basket. One day a mare which Duff does not know protected and warmed Duff's basket, making her feel comfortable and safe for once. When the mare left Duff stayed in a nearby bush to wait for the mare to return. Her basket popped and she continued to stay, living in the bush as she waited. She met several foals, all of which she later found out to be brothers, and a larger stallion named Blake, who watched out for her and gave her advice when she needed it. She stayed living all alone untill her bush, which she had made her home, was destroyed. The stallion Blake offered her his cave to live in if she wanted to, refusing to let a foal be homeless, which she accepted with the intentions of finding a place of her own. She was still dead set on waiting and trying to find the one that warmed her basket and waiting for her return. In time though she grew to enjoy the company and the fact that she had a steady place to live. Blake had never once claimed to be her guardian or father despite him seeing her as a daughter, never tried to force any rules on her, or tried to force her to listen to him. Duff looked up to the stallion though with awe and respect, and one day they came upon the conversation of Duff's living arrangements. Blake implied that Duff never had to leave if she didnt want to, and Duff just to be sure asked if she could stay with Blake. The answer was of course yes, with the only stipulation being that she didnt go wandering of at night since there are usually fairly unsavory characters running about at night that may try to harm her. From that moment on Duff was filled with a sense of freedom and joy, no longer bound by the worries and fears of being alone and taking care of one's self. She was finally able to be a foal.

Plot 1: Friends - Duff is very accepting, and would like to meet and be friends with may. Feel free to offer.

Plot 2: Enemies - Duff is half Kalona, which causes much unrest and mixed feelings among some soquili. I'd like for Duff to find and make enemies, whether they be pure blood Kalona's showing their hatred for the way she acts, or non-Kalona soquili showing their hatred for the kalona blood she does posses.

Plot 3: Adventure Gone Wrong - Duff, having been on her own for so long, isnt use to watching eyes of adults and doesnt realize the dangers of Adventuring on her own. I'd like her to convince a friend, or a friend to convince her, to go on an adventure that ends in Duff needing to be rescued by her friend. ((This is a developmental plot to teach the life lesson of "Look before you Leap"))

Plot 4: A Leopard Can't Change His Spots - Duff knows that some soquili dont mind that she is part Kalona, but she also knows that some do. She somewhat wishes she didnt have her spaded tail or ram horns just so she didnt have to deal with others fearing her or hating her. I'd like for her to come accross two foals, one that is being picked on or abused by the other, and to step in to try and defend the one that is being picked on. What happens between the bully and Duff can be discussed, but whatever happens I want Duff to emerge from this encounter valuing her looks and accepting that they can be a great asset in confrontations, that they arent all that bad.

Plot 5: The Leaf Monster is REAL!!! - One day while playing in a pile of leaves Duff attempted to scare Blake. He feigned surprise and exclaimed that she was the 'Leaf Monster'. After a playful roll in the leaves Duff asked Blake about the Leaf monster, what it looked like, how to defeat it, ect. Although it was just made up and Duff didnt really believe him there is still that skepticism that the monster might be real. I'd like for Duff to meet a soquili that she could mistaken as the leaf monster. Their meeting may be a little tense at first, The soquili thinking she's a kalona out to kill it and fighting back, her thinking the leaf monster is real and trying to eat the leaves that make up the leaf monster - But once they realize that neither means no harm and it was all a misunderstanding I think they could grow to be good friends.

------- Sub Plot: If the two do indeed become friends, I think it would be hilarious if Duff and her new friend were to try pull a prank on Blake and try to, on purpose, scare him as the 'leaf monster'

Breeding Status: [ Closed]
PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:33 am

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Name: Leeroy Jenkins
Breed: LETSDOTHIS!! (Cosplay)
Obtained: '10 WoW event
Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
RP Color: Orange
Personality: Leeroy is.... Well, He's him. He's laid back once he gets to know someone, but untill he does he's highly paranoid that someone will steal his chicken. Other than that he's impulsive and random.
History: Not long ago he was fighting a helboar by the name of Kenet on the edge of the dark portal. Kenet fell in and without thinking Leeroy jumped in after him. Leeroy woke up near a nice hot spring. He hasnt left the area since.
Plot 1: I'm open to anything; just post and we can discuss matters further.

Open for Ideas on any and all Plots!

Breeding Status: [ Open]


Lonely Member


Lonely Member

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:41 am
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Name: Aditi
Breed: Cerynei
Obtained: Belated Birthday Raffle
Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
RP Color: Blue
Personality: Aditi is bright and curious, though due to a bump on the head she thinks that she really is a deer and acts as such. Due to this she is also cautious and fearful of anything startling or that she views as a predator.
History: Aditi woak up, as an adult, not knowing or remembering anything from her past. Being like a deer in appearance, and a deer being one of the first creatures she saw after waking up, she came to believe that she actually was a deer. Being skittish she has yet to meet many soquili, and though she realizes that they are like her in a way she has no clue what they are really.

Plot 1: General interaction? She needs to develop some more.

Plot 2: Suggest one! She has a lot of potential for personal development.

Breeding Status: [ open ]
PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:47 am


Lonely Member


Lonely Member

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:50 am
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