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[Public] For The Honor of Greyskull - She-Ra Meta Plots Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:53 pm
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Welcome to She-Ra's plot thread. Here you will find an extensive breakdown of the plots in which I wish She-Ra to be involved in. These plots are broken down into chapters to best reflect her transition from one who is controlled by evil to the righteous defenders of others. Feel free to browse through the plots, though only those of the current chapter will be open for RP as I wish to keep the time line straight on this.  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:56 pm
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Due to the nature of these plots, She-Ra’s personality will change at different times. In the beginning she will have a more evil-minded personality to fit into her situation then. As the plots progress and she is turned to the side of good her personality will shift to accommodate this change within her life. If you have any questions about her personality during a certain stage of her plots don’t hesitate to ask.

Personality for Chapter 1
Misguided from the beginning She-Ra’s views of the world are not what they should be. She believes that those around her and what they do is right – even though they have evil intentions. Years of training have blinded her to what is the truth. Bad is looked upon as normal and those who are good and righteous are considered criminals and wrongdoers. Loyal to a select few She-Ra does not question the orders given to her by her superiors. In effect she is a slave to her master, so wholly devoted to his evil vision.

Personality for Chapter 2
At first everything is as it has been. Her loyalty and devotion to her Master, and her mentor as well, remain solid and She-Ra does their bidding without question. The only thing that could make her better at this point is if some of her Masters other minions were put under her control, to relieve her Master of their burden or to get rid of them completely. But as time goes by, and certain encounters occur, She-Ra's view of things begin to change. Evil is not looking as good as it used to be and there are some questions that now need to be answered. Though her Master tries to prevent her change of face, She-Ra eventually sees the reality of the situation for what it truly is and turns her back on her past life and her Master as well. This will be a difficult time for She-Ra as everything is changing, whether for the better or not is yet to be revealed, and taking on a new path is not as easy as it seems.

Personality for Chapter 3 & 4
Having now completed her transition from evil to good, She-Ra is always on the look out to help those in need or to befriend those she meets. Having gained a wealth of knowledge over the years, in a variety of subjects, She-Ra is looking to pass this on to others who may benefit from such information and is also on the lookout for wise Soquili to teach her things that she may not already know. Whether you are in trouble, wish to chat or looking for a new friend She-Ra can help almost anyone out.


She-Ra of Etheria

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:05 pm
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A brief history:

The herd was at peace and life was looking up for everyone. But all was not meant to be, as their rivals came to invade once more disturbing the peace and wishing to crush them once and for all. However the herd was well prepared for such an assault and they were able to hold off the attackers. Seeing that the plan was not going as he had foreseen the leader of those attackers snuck into the depths of the herds territory and stole a basket that belonged to the herd leaders. They tried desperately to stop him from getting away but he managed to slip through their grasp and the basket with him.

The basket was given to a mare to raise and mold into the perfect soldier for the cause. This mare, while a mother in a sense, acted more as a mentor to the young foal. She was quick to teach her the ways of evil, telling the filly that this was the way things were to be and those who opposed them were wrong. Not knowing any better the filly grew up with a twisted view of the world. Eventually she was reunited with the stallion who had stole her as a basket. He became her new master and mentor and She-Ra quickly became his favorite pupil, never questioning his command and showing complete loyalty to him and his cause.

More to come shortly.
PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:17 pm
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Having been molded from the moment she broke free of her basket to become the perfect soldier, disciplined, loyal and strong She-Ra is the epitome of her master's cause. Those around the herd who were not part of it were deemed criminals and often rounded up to become slaves of her master.

Oh Mother of Mine – This is for the mother figure in her life, the mare who raised her and helped set her on the course of evil. She will be a key player in keeping She-Ra on the side of evil and convincing her that all those do-gooders are actually the bad guys. This mother figure will also act as a second mentor to her. A lot of this will have background plotting involved.

My Master, My Mentor – She-Ra needs a master, outside of her mother figure, who control her. She will never question any of his orders and look up to him as her one true master. He will also play a major part in keeping her brainwashed into thinking that this way of life is right and those who are good are actually the bad ones. He will have been the stallion that stole her away from her birth herd as a basket. RP that also involves the mother figure will be highly encouraged but not mandatory.

Using Your Hooves - She-Ra's Master expects her to be both mentally and physically prepared for the events to come. In order to achieve this she needs someone who can teach her proper fighting technique's. This is open to Kalona, Skinwalkers, any other evil breeds/Soq that can teach her to fight for her Master's cause.

Come My Minions – She-Ra’s master has put a lot of time and effort into creating this perfect soldier for his cause and as such has promoted her to a high level, the bonus from that being that she is given a few lackeys to control. With these lackeys she would rain terror upon those who live around the area, and possibly take in some slaves as a gift to her master.

Bringing In The Bad Guys – She-Ra’s knowledge of what is good and what is bad has been warped by both her mentor and her mother. As such, those who want to live simple peaceful lives are looked upon as criminals and wrongdoers. To please her master, and to rid the lands of these pathetic creatures, she will round up a couple of these “bad guys” and bring them to her master so they can be punished.

Treading on Dangerous Grounds – On one of her routine patrols She-Ra comes across a mare who clearly needs to be brought in and turned into a slave. She will not let the mare escape her no matter what.

A Gift For My Mother – She-Ra leads the potential slave to her ‘mother’ and presents her as a gift. What happens to the slave after that is none of She-Ra’s business, but surely her mother will enjoy her new slave.

Fight for Supremacy – One of her master’s other underling has his/her eye on the top rank. She-Ra will not let this happen without a fight, so she challenges the other to a duel and to the winner go the spoils. While it would be preferable that She-Ra win (a somewhat scripted fight that guarantees her the victor), it could also be a random chance fight (dice roll to see who wins).

More plots to be added soon.

She-Ra of Etheria

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:19 pm
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Things have been going well for She-Ra and her Master's plan is beginning to unfold. However the arrival of a new 'hero' in the lands has prompted her Master to demand his capture as this stallion may prove to be a bump in his plans. She-Ra is sent out to capture this stallion, but when she does she begins to learn things that had been kept secret from her and through this starts to unravel not only her Master's plans but his hold upon her as well. However he is not willing to let her slip away and will do what he must to keep her as his loyal minion, using her mentor to further strengthen She-Ra's loyalty to them. But that will only work for so long before the truth frees her.

The Ultimate Prize – She-Ra manages to capture a Soquili that her master has deemed the worst of all. However things are not as they seem. This prized slave had come to the lands looking for She-Ra and knows some things about her that even she does not.

Conversing With The Enemy - After he is captured he starts to talk to her about how wrong her way of life has been, that she is in fact one of the bad guys and all those criminals that she has been locking away and putting to slavery are actually peaceful soquili that just want to live their lives. It takes much convincing but he finally talks her into going out beyond the borders of her masters land and see for herself. This experience opens up her eyes when she seems some of her masters minions razing a helpless herd.

Questioning Authority – Perhaps this was all wrong, everything that her master had been telling her was a lie. For the first time every She-Ra questions her masters decision, going against his orders and does not kill the prized prisoner.

Last Attempt At Control – Seeing that she is slipping away from their control her master (and perhaps her mother figure as well) attempt to corral her back to their side, doing everything in their power to show her that this is the right way and that those they capture are criminals and in need of punishment.

Caught In A Dream – This is a solo RP, where she has a nightmare about all that she has done in her life. When she wakes She-Ra sets about helping as many slaves and prisoners escape her master, most importantly the prize slave before making her own escape.

Freedom Part 1 – This is the initial part of her escape, with the help of the prize slave which she has now freed, they must first make it out of her masters herd alive. Her mentor as well as several of his minions who were once under her control when she had been her masters favored pursue them.

Freedom Part 2 – Having reached the border of her masters lands, She-Ra is led to safety by the prized slave to a peaceful group of Soquili who have set up a sort of rebellion against her old master.
PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:21 pm
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Everything in her life has changed now. No longer under her Master's control She-Ra must now find a new place in the world - and that place is on the side of good. Freeing the slaves from her Master's territory was only the beginning steps for her, however proving to others who had known her from before may prove to be difficult. Her determination will be key to proving that she is a changed Soquili and to prevent herself from falling under the spell of evil again. With a new path set before her She-Ra is now becoming a protector of those who were previously and currently being harassed by her Master and any other evil being out there. She will be seeking knowledge from those around her to help further her way down the path of good but also so that she may pass on such knowledge to others.

During this time she will have several run ins with those from her past, both those she served and those she preyed upon. New alliances will be forged, old and new enemies will need to be dealt with. A variety of situations shall await her and many will be watching her to ensure that the right decisions are made.

Gaining Their Trust – When the group finds out that She-Ra was once one of the evil dudes favored they are leery of letting her join, how can they trust her when before she would capture them and bring them to her master? She must prove that she is no longer affiliated with her master and only wishes to gain acceptance and start down the path of righteousness.

Seeking Wisdom – Now set on the path of good She-Ra seeks to gain knowledge of what is the truth. She will seek out as many Soquili as possible, taking in any wisdom they have to offer, something she will later pass on to others including the new group she lives with.

Old Faces, New Situation – This is where she runs into Soquili from her past, be it a slaves she captured or one of her former commands. Should it be a slave then she would need to explain that she is on the right path now and that she does not mean them any harm, as well as apologize for past actions. If it is an old comrade then she will likely be in for a fight depending on how things work out, perhaps they wish to drag her back to her former master.

A New Friend In Danger – This is where She-Ra gains her familiar. Loo-Kee a young playful bear is minding his own business in the forest when a Kalona or Skinwalker comes in for the kill. His only escape seems to be to climb a tree, but the attacker persists in trying, either flying up after him or attempting to knock the tree down. She-Ra will come across the scene and come to the bears rescue, she will fight the would-be attacker and in the end manage to save Loo-Kee, though she wouldn’t completely escape injury and neither should the attacker.

These Wounds Need Healing – After saving Loo-Kee from an attack She-Ra will need to be healed. For this I will need a unicorn, or half unicorn, who is skilled in healing to mend the wounds that the fight inflicted.

Joining Forces – She-Ra is looking to recruit Soquili to join the group and battle against the forces of evil. They will need fighters, planners, healers and anyone else that wishes to contribute.


She-Ra of Etheria

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:23 pm
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While evil never rests, neither do those who fight it. She-Ra has worked hard to keep the evil at bay, protecting those who are her friends and companions. This is a duty that will likely never end, however she does begin to think about other things in life - one such thing being starting a family of her own. However, she knows that foals will need protecting, much like everyone else and so she will look for a herd to settle into that can provide the safety that her family will need but also allow her to continue her fight against her old Master and others. Should she not find a suitable herd then one will be created and those she is currently grouped with shall become the first members.

Never Ending Fight - The battle of good vs. evil will never end, not until there is no one left to fight on either side. This will involve more run ins and fights between her and her old Master as well as new enemies.

Time To Settle Down – It has been a long journey so far, and while she knows there will always be more to do and more evil to fight, she decides that the time has come to settle down and start a family. But not just any stallion will do, he will need to prove himself to her, win her trust and her love before a family can be made.

Together We Are Strong – This will possibly happen when she is pregnant with her first set of foals, or right before, but She-Ra will want them to live in a safe and secure setting. And what’s safer than a herd? So she decides to look for a herd or perhaps start up a herd, inviting all those whom she is close with to join so they can continue on with their work and benefit for each others presence and help.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:25 pm
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Chapter 1
Lessons In Uselessness
First Catch of The Day
This Is How It Happened
Fight or Fight!

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

She-Ra of Etheria

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:27 pm
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Master - Barracus (played by Faithofthefallen)
Mother Figure - Pirata (played by JetAlmeara)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:29 pm
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She-Ra of Etheria

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:33 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:36 pm
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She-Ra of Etheria

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:37 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:39 pm
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She-Ra of Etheria

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:41 pm
This is Open, though still under construction so check back often while I update some things.
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