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Platform 9
Ma, Cel, Cel's Ma


                                                          Maura watched as her Mother crossed her arms over her chest "A'm guessing th' b*****d that left th' laddie wi' ye is th' identical b*****d wha left me wi' mah lassie? " Maura stared in shock at her mother. Sure there were some similarities between herself and Cel but there was no way that their father was the same....right? Of course it would make sense, especially since they both shared a distaste for their respective fathers. It wouldn't surprise her, most people held a distaste for her father after a while.

                                                          She glanced back towards Cel, copying her mother's stance with a frown on her face. "Whit does that maiter? thay aren't th' same. Mah da's name is Asher Eccleston. "
                                                          She had no reason to not say her father's name, after all it was impossible for them to be related. Or at least Maura hoped. Sure Cel wasn't horrible all the time, but she didn't think she could stand being his sister.



Cara MiaKitty